San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

09/28/2018 01:24 PMPosted by Talendrion
09/28/2018 06:52 AMPosted by Nemestrïnus hope is that we get the option to choose Night Elf or Blood Elf as the base model (probably something along skin color or a new 'model choice' selection) similar to how pandarens have the ability to be red pandas with a tail or gray pandas without a tail, and hopefully the same as Kul Tiran humans having both the skinny and normal models as playable (giving skinny humans as a playable model would give us another way to have the forsaken model playable, which does seem to be the MO for most Allied Races, but they never did a female version for it, or at the very least haven't put it in game).

but unfortunately what's most likely going to happen will be that we get regular San'layn (not that it's a bad thing) and these new Night Elf Dark Rangers will be either killed off in the new Warfront, or we'll just never see them again for the most part.

Unlikely that we will see the skinny kt model playable, that level of variation within a race is not something I see blizz wanting to do. So if we do get some level of variation, I could see it happening like the Pandaren red panda tail.

So a base "elf" model is what we would get, and at best something like ear shape to dictate heritage. If the "elf" base looks unique/ different enough from either blood elf or nigth elf (maybe something close to a nightfallen) I think it could be doable.
I might be wrong, but I just don't see Horde getting a SECOND Night Elf race, even if they are undead.
And Alliance wouldnt get them either because the Horde would have to get a Gnome variant AR that means.

A Dark Ranger hero class doesnt seem likely either because it would be Elf only again, and Demon Hunters did that already.

Regardless, we are indeed steering closer to Undead, especially on Horde. Whereas Alliance are picking up a little bit of Gnome lore with Mekkatorque.
The predicted next ARs were undead/gnome. So we are on schedule.
The only question is what Undead do we get? We will have to wait and see. Hopefully Blizzcon reveals something.
09/29/2018 01:23 AMPosted by Padmaster
09/28/2018 01:24 PMPosted by Talendrion

Unlikely that we will see the skinny kt model playable, that level of variation within a race is not something I see blizz wanting to do. So if we do get some level of variation, I could see it happening like the Pandaren red panda tail.

So a base "elf" model is what we would get, and at best something like ear shape to dictate heritage. If the "elf" base looks unique/ different enough from either blood elf or nigth elf (maybe something close to a nightfallen) I think it could be doable.
I might be wrong, but I just don't see Horde getting a SECOND Night Elf race, even if they are undead.
And Alliance wouldnt get them either because the Horde would have to get a Gnome variant AR that means.

A Dark Ranger hero class doesnt seem likely either because it would be Elf only again, and Demon Hunters did that already.

Regardless, we are indeed steering closer to Undead, especially on Horde. Whereas Alliance are picking up a little bit of Gnome lore with Mekkatorque.
The predicted next ARs were undead/gnome. So we are on schedule.
The only question is what Undead do we get? We will have to wait and see. Hopefully Blizzcon reveals something.

Truthfully I am of the persuasion we should get all the elf races.

Tho I don't see the Dark Ranger being a elf only race; we could get regular forsaken too. TBH I don't see Dark Ranger as a class, maybe as a spec of a new class tho.
I personally love elves, however I understand that other races want to be developed first. Also, my speculation video is rendering now, will post it here soon folks. It has all of our speculation from our discord!
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Here's our speculation video guys! Hope you enjoy it!
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All of this teasing from Blizzard has me at the edge of my seat!
09/30/2018 08:42 AMPosted by Vaiheim
All of this teasing from Blizzard has me at the edge of my seat!

Right? I also laugh quite a bit at people claiming our community to be a joke and small. We've been here for how long now and continue growing in support. I sometimes wish people would put effort into actually looking into the work we've put into this stuff.

I like void elves I guess, but when people use them as an argument against San'layn, I just am baffled because the argument is so flat and pointless. The fact that we've had Blood Elves on Horde since BC just shows how invalid the argument even is.
Being able to customize bat style ear shapes for San'layn is the best idea since sliced bread. Also the more goth/punk hairstyles and the highlights are amazing. I think there's too many eye styles though.
09/30/2018 11:46 AMPosted by Fallynn
09/30/2018 08:42 AMPosted by Vaiheim
All of this teasing from Blizzard has me at the edge of my seat!

Right? I also laugh quite a bit at people claiming our community to be a joke and small. We've been here for how long now and continue growing in support. I sometimes wish people would put effort into actually looking into the work we've put into this stuff.

I like void elves I guess, but when people use them as an argument against San'layn, I just am baffled because the argument is so flat and pointless. The fact that we've had Blood Elves on Horde since BC just shows how invalid the argument even is.

All of this, what appears to be foreshadowing, can't mean nothing. Elves are being raised left and right in Darkshore. Undeath is a common and prevalent theme in BFA. And after suffering defeat/a major blow from the Alliance (losing half of the Zandalari fleet, the death of Rastakhan, and Tyrande's ascension) the Forsaken are dealt another blow with the loss of a val'kyr. They're going to get desperate and look for a way to achieve victory anyway they can. Maybe San'layn are behind the scenes raising elves too.

P.S: I have yet to see an original argument against San'layn yet.
If Horde gets an Allied Race which can be DKs, then Alliance needs one for balance; and that would require a lot of thinking to do.
09/30/2018 08:09 PMPosted by Bourbonboxer
If Horde gets an Allied Race which can be DKs, then Alliance needs one for balance; and that would require a lot of thinking to do.

Vrykul, or they could just unlock it for dark irons as well.
Please, please no. I was angry enough that they even showed up in this expansion despite being all but extinct and forgotten about like they should've been. How many elves do we need before you people are satisfied.
09/30/2018 08:12 PMPosted by Swiftraven
Vrykul, or they could just unlock it for dark irons as well.

DIs are the mirror for Mag'har. You would need a race to compliment the San'layn, and we would have to see how many Northrend vrykul still exist to be DKs that werent murdered.
09/28/2018 08:36 PMPosted by Arquimagoxex
this is probably the most big megathread about something i have ever seen... do blizzard notice or talk about it? naaaaaaah

Nah, the worgen/goblin update thread was way longer.

09/30/2018 08:15 PMPosted by Zharva
How many elves do we need before you people are satisfied.

As long as Blizzard keeps making new types of elves, we will keep wanting to play those types.
09/30/2018 08:21 PMPosted by Phlynch
09/28/2018 08:36 PMPosted by Arquimagoxex
this is probably the most big megathread about something i have ever seen... do blizzard notice or talk about it? naaaaaaah

Nah, the worgen/goblin update thread was way longer.

09/30/2018 08:15 PMPosted by Zharva
How many elves do we need before you people are satisfied.

As long as Blizzard keeps making new types of elves, we will keep wanting to play those types.

I wouldn't be too worried about the trolls. They're going to keep complaining, and we'll keep chilling here with our ideas. Besides, the whole 'they were extinct' thing is laughable. It had never been proven in the first place and people merely assumed such... while there were still TWO missing Blood Princes.

09/30/2018 08:16 PMPosted by Bourbonboxer
09/30/2018 08:12 PMPosted by Swiftraven
Vrykul, or they could just unlock it for dark irons as well.

DIs are the mirror for Mag'har. You would need a race to compliment the San'layn, and we would have to see how many Northrend vrykul still exist to be DKs that werent murdered.

People have proposed:
-Night Elven Worgen
-Junker Gnomes

And the like that have not been given a no for this particular expansion. As for DK, the thing is, they likely would not get to be Death Knights right off the bat (hah) if they're added anytime soon before the next expansion, because Blizzard did say no for DKs due to various reasons such as lore. It would be a shame not to be able to have a DK San'layn because it makes perfect sense to have one, but we might not get it until they add in DK for existing ARs all at once at some point. IF they ever do.
09/30/2018 08:02 PMPosted by Balesong
P.S: I have yet to see an original argument against San'layn yet.

I can try.

The San'layn narrative was exclusive to the Alliance player, as evidenced by the Horde player never being aware of San'layn at any point in their own story. If not for being able to read about the other faction outside the game, the Horde player wouldn't even know these quests happen.

From this, you can parse that the intent of the writer was to preempt the Horde player caring about San'layn. That story was for Alliance eyes only. What was the story about? It was about the Alliance player's victory in denying an ally to the Horde.

Therefore, revealing a San'layn allied race would :
a) come out of nowhere from the Horde player viewpoint,
b) undermine and and make null the Alliance player narrative which was precisely about denying the Horde that ally.

The second point being the most important, because good storytelling style guides tell you to avoid that: stealing the player's cake. I like this thread because it's cool, and I was really excited too back in beta when Dreven got datamined. But now that we can examine the actual narrative structure, these Alliance quests absolutely don't mean the Horde is getting San'layn. If anything, they mean the opposite.

Now, for a little bit of Occam's Razor, ask yourselves what is more likely. Blizzard writers laying the grounds for a future allied race in the opposite faction's quest lines? Or Blizzard writers wasting a great opportunity without even realizing?

All you need is one Vampire to make more Vampires.

As long as there is one left there can be hope.

(And an undocumented amount of undead elves.)
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Surely these are spam threads at this point!
09/30/2018 08:02 PMPosted by Balesong
P.S: I have yet to see an original argument against San'layn yet.

I can try.

The San'layn narrative was exclusive to Alliance players, as evidenced by Horde players never being aware of San'layn at any point in their story. If not for being able to read about the other faction outside the game, Horde players wouldn't even know these quests happened.

Revealing a San'layn allied race would :
a) come out of nowhere from a Horde player viewpoint of the story,
b) undermine and and make null the existing Alliance narrative which was precisely about denying the Horde that ally.

The second point being the most important, because good storytelling style guides tell you to avoid that. I like this thread because it's cool, but the way the story panned out, I really don't think we're getting San'layn anytime soon.

I don't expect it anytime soon but have hopes for the future at least. The thread is fun for speculation and ideas, I'm glad you like it here ^^ With no new models of course, I don't think they're planning on working on them anytime soon, or continuing that story, but I can say I do hope for it at least. I have a lot of hope that our adventures were not over by any means.
09/30/2018 09:01 PMPosted by Aellom
Surely these are spam threads at this point!

nah, because we keep to the mega threads. You're just a hater lol.

09/30/2018 08:15 PMPosted by Zharva
Please, please no. I was angry enough that they even showed up in this expansion despite being all but extinct and forgotten about like they should've been. How many elves do we need before you people are satisfied.

elves are popular, so no reason for blizzard to stop.
09/30/2018 09:00 PMPosted by Drede

All you need is one Vampire to make more Vampires.

As long as there is one left there can be hope.

(And an undocumented amount of undead elves.)

Actually we have no idea how Vampirismin works in Azeroth.

Blood Thane Lucard seemed to be able to spread it, but his minions also didn't seem to have their own volition. It may take more than just biting someone to make them a true vampire here.