San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I can’t help but notice that now that 9.2 has been announced, the customization threads (the ones I haven’t purposefully hidden, anyway) have died down immensely. It’s almost like we as a community went “oh ok we’re done with that now”


9.2 I think basically confirmed a lot of players fears and just doesn’t have much to offer them.

And most of the customization threads are well… interested in customization and they’ve more or less said there wont be any again. So…

Discouraged. Disillusioned.


What exactly was said about there not being any more customization options? I can understand them wanting to finish up Shadowlands in 9.2 and focusing on that, but I don’t see why they would never do any more customization options ever again. Unless I’m misunderstanding, of course.

I do think 9.2 knocked the wind out of several people’s sails, which could be another reason a lot of threads are kinda coasting along at present. I don’t really expect a lot of activity unless the next expansion is something amazing with potential. Guess we’ll see what happens when it happens, I guess…



Sorry I spoke poorly. I meant that they’re doing again what they did before. They said not for the next patch and didn’t say exactly when we should expect them again.

They will likely do more at some point.

Yeah… pretty much this.


Like I said yesterday lots of people are feeling really discouraged right now and that’s really sad but it’s also really understandable. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

However and on the dual side of that what counts is that there are people like you, me, Bag, Fen, etc. that will post and add posts despite the discouragement because that will keep these threads alive and visible so that when the people that are feeling discouraged return or at least feel less discouraged the threads will still be alive and well. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I appreciate your support of my thread and desire to keep it alive. I’m just very disappointed with what we’re getting, how hostile the community has become, and all this mess with the touchy-feely woman hating higherups. It kills my desire to post on the forums and talk about the game.


I’ll always post my support of this thread, your Dark Ranger thread and most every Blood Elf/Nighborne thread so I’ll still be active to chat, post, etc. here and there until you are in the mood to post again, same with Fallynn. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


On a more positive note, with the year almost ending, I looked up some interesting vampire related days of the year and found the following:

International Bat Appreciation Day- April 17th

World Dracula Day- May 26th

National Vampire Awareness Day - October 30th

Bat Appreciation Month- All of October

Sounds like some dates to keep in mind to do some special posts or something! I’ll see if I can think of any ideas. :wine_glass::bat:


This is absolutely fabulous, as both something I didn’t know and something I absolutely love. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Need to remember to be vigilant for Vampires on Halloween next year. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I love bats… (Though I also have an irrational fear they’ll have rabies because I grew up in a state where that was an issue a few times.)

Support for San’layn!


I figure they’ll be more of a .5 patch type thing.

I do wonder if 9.2 will be the official end of the expansion, or just the Shadowlands, and maybe we’ll get a 9.3 more like BFA had that uses existing zones and such to add some additional content that ties into whatever the next expansion is. Perhaps returning to Azeroth if the Jailer achieves all or part of his goals? It’s really weird that nothing has been done with the Scourge or Icecrown if they scourge is running rampant.
Although with the expansion shaping up to be a bit more similar to WoD, it wouldn’t surprise me if 9.2 is the definite end. Just unsure if it’s been specifically stated anywhere.

There’s aspects of the expansion I’m disappointed with…such as having infinite afterlives, locations I expected additional portals to take us to them, yet we just get Korthia and it’s a small non-afterlife zone, that was pretty lack luster. Very little questlines or lore to it.

I guess we aren’t even gonna find out more about or deal with the devourers. A zone off in the in-between where we ended that threat would have been interesting.

I still think it’s a shame they have such a small team and can’t branch out more for the stories. Having multiple teams taking the story and stuff to do in multiple directions. Oh, I’ve finished up this aspect of the storyline…well there’s this whole branch over here I’ve not even taken part in…

It’s not vampire related, but Wolfenoot is coming up on the 23rd too! :stuck_out_tongue:


I hate so much that the Scourge are probably going to be forgotten or ruined more than they already are.


Yeah, this is still a huge worry of mine that the undead who will totally destroy and devour everything we know and love will either get forgotten or may just all drop down and stop moving once we deal with the Jailer. It seems like a pretty important event, which sadly barely gets mentioned at all.

It’s something I’ll keep an eye out for whenever 9.2 releases and we see, what I assume, to be the ending cinematic to the whole thing. Honestly? Not expecting much out of it, but at least we can move on from this expansion to something much more interesting afterwards.



Would make a pretty nice 9.3 event. Reused zones and some of the invasion stuff. Something to do till the next expansion.


Watching the datamining right now.


I wouldn’t expect Blizzard to do anything new for a bit yet.

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I don’t. I just like to see if there’s anything I care about being added in this patch.


My biggest rub is that Blizzard is still not choosing to change course even with the lawsuits hopefully showing them it is in their best interest to do so.

Blizzard will sink WoW because of confirmation bias and the inability on their part to see that they have such a sacred vision that they’d rather lose customers than admit the vision might be flawed.

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Apparently, we’re reforging them Helm of Domination like I predicted according to this datamine.


Well, I guess that will explain how we take care of the undead who will totally devastate and decimate the world (of Warcraft!). Granted, the question is who will wear the crown again.

If they go with Bolvar again, then they can still use the newer Death Knight starting zone for future playable races. All they really need to do is add some of the new playable races as NPC’s there and maybe edit the dialogue a bit. This seems like the better choice, in my opinion, although it is far from perfect.

A part of me is worried that they might make Sylvanas the new Lich Queen…which has a number of problems to go with that line of thinking. Not sure what else they would do with her otherwise, but I’m not really fond of the idea of her being Lich Queen. Besides, I’m sure the Death Knights would rather have Bolvar as their boss again.

Guess all we can do is wait for more datamining and for the patch to actually come out. At the very least, it should mean that future playable races would be able to have Death Knights as a class option, which would be a huge relief to see.
