San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Me neither.


Might as well stop in and say hi since I broke my silence in another thread with some people being intentionally obtuse about the incubus.

I like the incubus, I think they look amazing.

I don’t like the ‘reforging the helm’ idea. Unsurprisingly nothing on San’layn or the undead, but that wasn’t necessarily expected after patch reveal anyhow.

This concerns me that they’ll be like ‘oh the helm is on someone now, wellp scourge is no longer a problem, woo! Not a plot thread we need to worry about!’



Sorry to hear that because that really sucks and as a Warlock only player I’m super excited for a new demon, regardless I’m still super happy to see you post so yay!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I wouldn’t want her in that position at all.
Maybe stick her back on the spike of saronite and leave her there.

Didn’t know about the datamining till now, having a look and I’m liking that there may be a cosmetic version of the mawsworn hammer, I’d been wanting that.


The way that Blizzard projected San’layn in Bfa was horribly confusing for everyone, and it didn’t make sense if you hadn’t played the Alliance side. If you’re Horde, you wouldn’t see nor be aware of any indication that the Horde’s notable NPCs were tolerably working with them.

As it is shown on the Alliance side while doing the quests, Sylvanas gives the blood prince a mission to accomplish. If successful, she would bring them into the Horde. Not only were they not successful thanks to the Alliance preventing such, but the prince also killed several Forsaken when the Alliance confronted him. Additionally, the group of San’layn that were with the Prince ended up being slaughtered with no one left alive.

The San’layn have been the type of characters seen as a “K.O.S” target if ever noticed in public. If you see one in the city of either the Alliance or Horde, no doubt the average soldier would raise their weapon to fight and fend or kill it off. The same thing for Man’ari.

As it stands for Shadowlands though, the only people that can even cross in and out are those tied to Ardenweald. It’s not possible for any other covenant to pass into Azeroth where no source of anima, their dependant life essence to exist, does not flow naturally. The only exception are the Valkyr that can cross between both realms.

Slyvannas probably told them to stall the alliance as long as possible. Whatever means necessary. Sacrificing 2 undead forsaken to get a buff is similar to stuff warlocks do to there demons. Heck summoning the doomlord can still kill someone. We are talking about blood magic here, so I am sure sucking the blood and life of your allies is a last ditch effort to stop your enemy. This is similar to what Illidan did to stop the burning Legion but on a much smaller scale. People still like Illidan even though he has done a bunch of bad things.


Ardenweald is the one without examples that can crossover unless you’re talking about the reborn wild gods.

In Bastion there’s even some npcs you can talk to that talk about how they want to wander the cosmos.


Looks like some other people were right in their predictions in part of what dominates Anduin. Looks like it plays into the raid fight with him.
Kinda disappointed that’s all it amounts to, wonder if they’ll do more with the character after it…I’d much rather see that character than Sylvanas.

I feel like that’s what they were aiming for with Sylvanas…doing the bad things for the massive greater good, but with her, it fell flat.

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Forgot the Dreadlords part, as well as Draka’s visit to a Legion-controlled world.

There are exceptions, but only some.

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Perhaps, but it doesn’t seem like there’s anything in place preventing denizens of the shadowlands from traveling to other planes.

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I don’t think it’s that no one can leave, but that the Jailer wanted it believed. Because we are blowing a hole right through that. And his prison is leaking like a siv.

It was probably moreso, psychological control.

I am also as Kyrian able to still send souls back to the land of the living or damn them to the Shadowlands.

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Yeah, if I ever return the the game (which is doubtful given the direction. But who knows). I’m not playing my characters as KOS anymore. They will openly be San’layn in the city because I simply do not care anymore. Nor should any other San’layn player.

We allied with a literal ‘soul vampire’ group in Shadowlands. If people are openly playing Venthyr characters? Then I’m playing my San’layn, and I will insta-ignore anyone that has a problem with it. Because I am absolutely tired of the double standards of the roleplay community.

Play a zombie? Perfect! Werewolf? Go for it champ! Demon hunter fused with thousands of demon souls? You got it! Knight of Death that NEEDS to torment (even if enemies) to not go crazy? Yeah let’s do it. Elf that infused themselves with the magic of the old gods/void lords and has a tendency to show that in combat (Entropic Embrace)? Oh yeah, no problem.

Vampire elves?! KILL ON SIGHT!

No. No more. It’s so stupid that we allied with a faction in Shadowlands that are called ‘vampires’, look like nosferatu, and people still would pull KOS card. I’m done with it and will not acknowledge it in game if I ever return.

Anyone that gives me a problem will go on insta-block in game. I’m so sick of bowing to these people who dictate the pointless rules. There honestly should be no more ‘KoS’ at this point at all.


Don’t really participate in the rp, just headcanon my character but wow people really do that?
On the bright side if we do get rid of the Jailer, maybe we can free Lana’thel’s soul from his domination. I wonder if he will come back alive. Would be nice to see a little questline where we free those souls. I am surprised we just took back Uther’s soul and not the other unfortunate victims : /.

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The Incubus model actually looks really neat. I’m happy for Warlocks, since I know that has been requested for a long time.

As for those souls in Torghast…I’d be surprised if they come up again at all. I’m not expecting them to pop up or get mentioned at all, and even then, I really don’t know the best way of handling Lana’thel if she were to get revived in the context of Shadowlands. Especially if they go with the “souls split in two” thing like with Uther. I do think she and the rest of the San’layn deserve better than to be complete monsters for people to slaughter, so I doubt whatever they would do with her in Shadowlands would be anything satisfying or fulfilling, unfortunately.

I do think regardless of what happens with the rest of Shadowlands, it’s going to be a bitter pill to swallow in several ways. I’m mostly just tempering expectations in hopes of weathering the storm until I see what comes afterwards. Still keeping hope for playable Horde San’layn in the future, of course. :wine_glass::bat:


SLs is being abandoned. This is equivalent to 8.3. Blizzard has gotten to the point of cutting and running, no doubt dropping much of their originally planned story. >.<

Bah. Frustrating.


I don’t think the realms will go entirely. As they have mentioned they will be able to connect more of the future story by the shadowlands (where travel is concerned). I think it would be nice to release those souls, or perhaps be relevant in rezzing Lana’thel back probably sort of like the four horseman quest but with san’layn.

Depending on what happens I do hope some of the characters sort of become recurring characters. Like Theotare, The Dredgers, The Gargoyles, the Owl people, Maldraxxi have nice personalities, The Tirnen are cool, and the loa. Excited to see how Vol’jin wakes up.

The story could be brought into future plots. Like Yrel and the lightforged are after WoD with the time skip.


I only like it because that means there will be a Lich King/Queen again and I’m rather attached to that character/entity.

It’s better than them just dropping dead or never being addressed at all as if they weren’t a real threat.


post 10000!

Playable San’layn would be cool Blizz! I understand vampirism is bad and scary but this is just a game and it might be fun!


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Wait I think Bagzak got post 10k o.o

Should edit it with something EPIC :stuck_out_tongue: Glad it’s a regular, I didn’t even think about that


Odd, it’s only showing 2934 forum posts unless you mean on the video.


Weird, I’m seeing as of right now 10,113 posts, and this would be 10,114, I think!