San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

So I just saw Blade for the first time and wow that was iconic, I loved it. I adore Terminator and that reminded me of a ‘vampire terminator’ of sorts. I can see why it has a cult following, and in my opinion is a major classic.


Yeah, Blade was pretty good. Especially in an era where comics movies weren’t so great.

I can’t wait to see what Mahershala Ali does with the role. And there are rumors that the MCU is bringing in him, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight and Werewolf by Night to form a Midnight Sons team.


Ah yeah, I heard of the reboot! I’m looking forward to it as well. I guess I can’t be too upset about superheroes if they’re monsters like Blade :stuck_out_tongue: I’m wondering how werewolves look in that universe.

We’ll see next year when Werewolf by Night is on Disney+ for next Halloween. Maybe before that for previews and promotions.

The Darkhold that was introduced in WandaVision came from the creator of werewolves, vampires and witches in the Marvel Universe. The elder god Chthon. I hope he ends up in this universe.

He has different forms he takes for different reasons. Sometimes just to intimidate.

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1 hour countdown to whatever it is they’re gonna reveal


Edit: It has come to my attention that this particular post is post #10,000. Thus I think it is appropriate to celebrate this with the sustenance that powers all vampires to their ultimate power level…

SARDINES! :fish:

We now take you back to the original post as follows:

9.2 video is now live. Will comment on it after I watch it and digest over it some:



…Yikes. Looks terrible. Hard pass to me. Another ‘alien land’. Gross. The more I watch, the more I absolutely hate it.

Edit: I’m sorry, but… I really dislike this patch premise entirely. I didn’t see even a singular thing that was interesting especially with the story and just… entire style. I don’t think there’s anything even remotely interesting for me, personally, until 10.0. Just… big pass. No.


well, now is the time to remind them to include content you want, like helfers did on the last customizations patch. mobilize san’layn and dark ranger fans and ask in the video’s thread and on twitter.


Honestly, they can look at this thread for feedback, I’m so tired.

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This. Its so disheartening to have no contact and no way to reach out and be heard.


Well that definitely went in a different direction than I expected, like completely.

Plus it looks kind of like they ripped off The Mandalorian, I want my Baby Yoda not a robot. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

deflating for sure.

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All in favor of using the Reality Reset Button ourselves?


r2d2 :smiley:

More like BB-8, like almost an exact copy, which is why I referenced Star Wars. Lol.

So they intentionally made the area look alien-like, which in of itself is an issue with the whole of Shadowlands. I’ve grumbled about it before, but doing more things in the afterlife really isn’t grabbing my attention at all, seeing as I hated being there in the first place.

I wasn’t expecting a whole lot out of this preview, so I can’t say I’m disappointed. More apathetic if anything, since nothing we really do here won’t matter in the future for the most part, given how secluded the afterlife of all things is and should be for that matter, and I doubt the storyline in Shadowlands will be satisfying in any form. Especially with whatever is done with Sylvanas, who could pull an Illidan at the end of Legion or something worse. I’m kinda dreading seeing what actually happens with her.

To be clear, I don’t like being so negative about the game in general. However, I have to be honest when I say when I don’t like something. It isn’t done out of malice, but moreso out of frustration, since I honestly can’t get attached to this expansion at all, much as I do try. I’m hoping the next expansion will be something that I’ll enjoy all the way through. If anything, I’m hoping the whole cosmic exploration is not part of the next expansion, and we’re back on Azeroth dealing with more familiar stuff…or at least grounded in the living world in some way.

Speaking of which, on a brighter note, the most exciting news is that this is the final act of Shadowlands, which should hopefully mean this is the last patch and that the next expansion will become the focus! I’m hoping for a bright rainbow at the end of the storm that is Shadowlands, but I’ll still try to temper expectations until I see what the next expansion is.

Anyway, I still march on in support of the races I want playable, as long and hard as that road can be to traverse.:wine_glass::bat:



I went and gave this post a like and then this one as well.



With luck after SLs we’ll see the improvements people actually want. (And hopefully more races added.)

Exactly what I was thinking…