San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

That twitter video gives me first one vibes… looks like Zereth Mortis stuff which was hinted at the end of campaign… Hopefully at least the first ones lore would get explored… not like in Korthia where we didn’t even learn much in a place we constantly farm research in.

It’s kinda surprising how little undead races/groups have been involved with the expansion being centered around death.

I’m staying salty over no necromancers, San’layn, dark rangers…feel undead should have gotten some more customization options as well. Human/Kultiran hair and beards look cool on them. Why don’t they get these things when they’re just dead humans anyway?

Would have been a great time to add them in.
Been some cool examples of how they could be a playable class.

I feel like if they just added red eyes, then that wouldn’t even apply to my character…nor yours as we are death knights and the eye color would just be the usual wispy blue unless they added some new death knight eye colors. red and Green would make a lot of sense. Could even do a fiery one that’d look nice on Dark Iron and give a Bolvar vibe. With all the fiery themes in the Maw, I’m surprised this hasn’t already been done. They even added fiery questing swords.

Mine currently had red eyes due to his helm, I’d like to see that be something that becomes a default option.


One of my Dark Rangers want to burn her as she burned Teldrassil. It reminded her too much of when Arthas seized Quel’thalas killed her friends and family and then took her life.

I bleeping hope he’s right. I will be so happy, I’d probably die.

I’m sick to death of it myself. I see people trying to tell me Dark Rangers are no longer part of the Horde thus they’ll never happen. Obviously, they aren’t very informed.

That’s not as promising as it was made to sound.

This would be ideal, but I’m expecting to be disappointed.

Super yes.

Again I would die if this were to happen, but at least I’d be happy.

TBH, I’m pretty salty about all aspects of Shadowlands, but specifically the Lich King and Scourge lore, the neglect of undead, DKs and Dark Rangers and all of the untapped potential.


eek. no die. :scream:

Don’t worry I’d get better. I would literally become a revenant just to play Dark Rangers and San’layn.


Agreed with the sentiment and frustration of nothing for Azeroth undead lore in general. Well, here’s to hoping we get stuff tomorrow. I’ve seen some interesting speculation flying around. Apparently all of the ICC heroic dungeons are the ones that got the ‘revamp’ files which is mighty interesting, I would say.


Perhaps if thry do get revamped to modern day dungeons? Would be nice. Perhaps thry would revamp them to be doable as mythic plus content.

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I would hope for some lore relevance with the revamps, but it could be like what they did with MoP, the revamp for current times + lore relevance.

And of course, playable San’layn, that’ll be announced tomorrow. (I’m kidding. But it would be nice. :stuck_out_tongue: )


Sending good vibes for San’layn tomorrow.

PS: I’m pretty sure I know who mass flagged me now.


Ugh, they must not have played all the way through the campaign last expac.


Oh dear, sorry to hear people are still bothering you now :frowning: Well hopefully things will calm down and cool off and just… generally be better. I have so many on ignore now to try and avoid drama, and will often mute threads to not let my anger get the better of me now.


Apparently, I unintentionally perturbed someone by stating I supported high elf fans in the hair and skin colors, but didn’t support the more extreme things a small group asked for such as Silvermoon City. I think they mistook that as me calling them extremists which was not my intention at all. God, now I feel awful.


I wouldn’t feel awful. People exaggerate and take it to heart. It is a ‘more extreme thing’ and they need to stop asking for Silvermoon. The people who want that are on the extreme side and I’m okay with saying that. We all know not all high elf players want that, though. In reality, what they should do is actually build a proper void city on their floating rock. But you did nothing wrong for having your opinion and people need to lay off, honestly.

This is coming from someone who wants neutral options by the way. Or rather, neutral guilds. But they should not have any special section of Silvermoon even if we get that. It isn’t their city. They abandoned it.


Thanks. I try my best to not be mean or rude while disagreeing or stating my opinion. Sometimes people really confuse me.


I am always hoping for more customization! I just know it leads to disappointments so I am not expecting much. Such as not delivering the campaign skips… soulbinds were nice but some of korthia is locked behind doing campaign stuff which is annoying. We will see tomorrow; I will have low expectations.


I know it isn’t December yet, but I’m still hoping that Santa’Layn will leave us some vampires under our Horde Winter Veil trees this year.

I’ll likely be taking some more Winter Veil related screenshots for various race request megathreads in the near future. :wine_glass::bat:


Awww don’t feel awful, you are legit one of my absolute favorite people on the forums and I’m pretty stingy about liking people because most people suck, also hugs. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Thank you, you’re one of my favorites too. :hugs: :hugs:


This was adorable and I love this, hahaha! I ended up getting more time myself since I figure it’s good to have on my account if I want to try for the community thing. I guess that means I can take holiday screenshots too :slight_smile:

But yeah! Someday we’ll have a Winter Veil vampyr. I still have fun art of my OC I’ll share around those times :rofl:

Well, I’ll have some art to share in December anyhow, given it’s my ‘book birthday’ (a year since I self-published a vampire novel) and I treated myself to some OC art :slight_smile:


If anyone is curious, I took some Winter Veil screenshots last year using Glyph of Disguise and one of the Blood Princes. This was before I found some other San’layn mobs that were able to be pickpocketed.

You can see the screen shots here, though I don’t know why the images have shrunk in size:

As I said, I plan to take more for the different megathreads once Winter Veil starts in-game this year. Someday, I hope to have a merry Batmas in-game! :wine_glass::bat: