San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It’d be so worth it! They’d look so amazing!


Ah, finally some news to talk about.


Luckily there’s still two missing blood princes, and we don’t even know where Dreven came from, so there’s tons of story potential there. Until they come out with ‘extinct’, I definitely would never assume it. Even with black dragons, everyone thought they were all gone (And I laughed at that notion because they legit never said they were extinct), and boom, back again in IEs.


You see, I had spoken a lot about wanting incubus the day before it was announced they came out, therefore I’m going to use some of my magic :smiley:


  1. A return to Northrend; the revamps will be beyond just the halls of reflection or whatever, but will cover the entirety of one or two zones. We will be getting a RAID in Utguarde Keep OR a revamp of ICC! Several Mawsworn have infiltrated the citadel. They have brought back several bosses and brought in some new ones! They’re already starting to take over Azeroth, and we must stop them. Reward at the end of this? Mawsworn wings mount!
  2. A reveal of wing mounts for each covenant! Bat wings for venthyr, feathered for kyrian, faerie for Night Fae, bone for Maldraxxes.
  3. A fully fleshed out questline which unlocks tons of customization on the way that allows for both Dark Ranger lore and San’layn lore! This is all unlockable for blood elves. The Alliance gets something too! No idea what though!
  4. Tons of new mounts relating to Northrend, some remodeled skeletal drakes, skeletal bats, maybe a mawsworn drake or maw drake or something neat like that. (not exclusive to the gladiator mount nonsense).
  5. A reveal of the incubus!
  6. Quite a few dailies and questlines, and a new rep, for Northrend stuff relating to the Ebon Blade and Argent Crusade
  7. More customization across the board!

I’d love a return to Northrend and for us to never have to be in the Maw ever again.


Why the Devs thought making us literally toil in WoW Hell would be fun content I will never know.


eeek :sparkling_heart:


Hehe I feel like wing mounts would make people go wild. I certainly would. I was hoping they’d toss them in someday.

It’s crazy because other games have done hell and made it so much fun. Blizz managed to make it a mixture of boring and frustrating at the same time.


As someone that has been spending a lot of time there lately on my newest alts to farm stygia for gear I support this highly because I hate The Maw now, before I just avoided it but now I have to go there and it sucks.


I spent a lot of time in it up until I think the second week of Korithia. It never got better so I just stopped. I haven’t upgraded my gear since. I’ll just wait for the next gear tier. Hopefully it’ll be fun content. Something in Northrend with Galakrond of all things would be so exciting and terrifying, lol.


I feel you, I stopped upgrading at 220 on this one and I have stuck with that on my alts because I don’t want to spend any more time in The Maw or Korthia than I have to, I imagine I’d be considered super casual now because I do the minimum then stop. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I gave up on alts completely. If they ever copied FFXIV and made it so we could have all classes and professions on one character, I’d just delete alts. Hell probably if they just made professions unlock on one character, I’d just play my main. Because classes are fun to try sometimes, but alts are a pain to maintain in this game.


why are all the customizations white leaning when race shouldn’t matter in a fantasy game? I’m not interested in another inconclusive set of customizations being added, I see no curls, afros, dreads, braids and this race is supposed to be magical somehow? They seem very bound to a human beauty standard instead of magical.

It’s a good suggestion. Do you have some picture examples of hair you’d like specifically?

These are customizations for a monster race. Fangs, Claws, red/amber/jet-black eyes/bat-like ears could apply to any race. We see them right now in elves, which have a variety in skin tones, and I always support more being added anyhow.

Gothic hairstyles were also recommended. If you have styles you’d like to share that are BIPOC and gothic/punkish, by all means, please do. This thread is open to all sorts of customization. Most of my characters are white given I am a white woman, so I didn’t have any specific examples myself from my own pool of commissioned art, as to avoid overstepping. I would love for people to share their own ideas here of characters and styles that would fit vampire elves for all races, if you would like to share them.

If people would like to share more hair styles for me to add to the main post, I will gladly do so.

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I just want to point out how much I still love the fruit bat eating fruit in the main post because it’s absolutely cute and makes me want to re-like the main post despite not being allowed to like it multiple times on the same character. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Here are some hairstyles along those lines requested for void elves earlier…


Those are really cute!


I guess it would just be nice for non-white hair customizations to exist in the original posting material itself regardless of the persons race, instead of always needing to be added later like its somehow genuinely possible to forget others exist, especially sense this is America where the game has to sell to a global audience living in the same country. Even FFXIV and Lost Ark a Japanese / Korean game has more diverse customizations and they don’t even have to care about representation

I agree!

Many void Elf fans want these styles, but I think everyone could do with these. Many hair types out there and we all deserve to see our visions come through.

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