San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Lol, skips should apply to all classes if you have done them all at least once previously at least that’s what patch notes say because I’m reading them now.

I just meant if I wanted to grind out every Armour class set I’d have to do it on 3 other classes a total of 11 more times, not including what I’m doing currently on Phae

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Oh yes, I understand now, my bad and yes I totally agree with you, that’s super unfriendly to alts.

My mistake.

No worries dear, they added some ease but they should unlock every armour set for every armour class once you get them on a toon. That way you could do it on one toon and unlock all the cosmetics.


Well, in the end, I’m glad we solved that mystery. It’s very alt-unfriendly but I’m glad I don’t need to get renown 80 on every single alt I would like to use the transmog on at least. That one just disappointed me so much. It’s annoying now, but as expected.

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I want the spelltome mount. Idk if I will be able to get it that week. As a collector the tier set transmog is what I want and the mount.

You still have to do the campaign like 16 times if you want all the transmog. Sadly.

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I’m a collector as well, but an extremely picky one. A single mount when the story is utter trash to me simply isn’t enough to ever make me come back >< Even San’layn wouldn’t be enough, they’d need to add neutral guild options and/or customizable player housing to get me to bat an eye.

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Yeah I figured that out after Phae explained it and I wasn’t confused anymore and I can honestly say I have never been so grateful that I’m Warlock obsessed as I am right now. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, I’m very obsessed with Death Knights so there’s that for me if they ever actually add anything of interest to get me to play again.


I have been focusing on collecitng transmogs this expansion. Doing the campaign 16 is hell. A torture if you think about it that way. I really wonder why they took out the campaign skips.

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You’ll get the hint eventually… you’ll see how many I have.

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Not all are quite max level yet, though. I didn’t play Shadowlands long…

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I kind of wonder myself because it was super last minute like right before patch went live after they said you could skip it by talking to an npc. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

But as you can see? There’s at least four.

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Hey hey! Don’t forget me! FIVE!


Yep, that’s all of them. I had to go through my list a couple times to see…

…wow. I’m obsessed.

You know?

If I ever come back?

I also think I need another Death Knight!

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I just used 400k gold to buy the new cat mount with token and I don’t feel bad about it at all


The cat is adorable. I never feel bad about store mounts (apparently I’m super evil, I know.) I have tons of gold to drop on them, anyhow, so it’s like…why bother? They can be bought with gold. So can tons of other mounts. There’s the 2 million spider, no one bats an eye. I can earn gold for THAT in the same way I did for any store mount.

I don’t really play anymore but got it with my gold for if I ever do come back.


As someone that supports people playing whatever they want even if it’s the same thing over and over, I support you fully. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Lol, I used gold to boost my Gnome Warlock last night since I have so much and nothing to use it on so good investment because that mount rocks. :blush: :blush: :blush:


I think they got scared of ff14 and rushed the patch. And using the FOMO tactics to somehow get people to play wow. For whatever reason since they always seem to tie releases with other game releases. I don’t understand the business sense in it though.