San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It’s because they’re all San’layn (except for my Vulpera :stuck_out_tongue: ) and all back intricate backstories I use in roleplay. I used to multibox roleplay because my typing speed let me play 2 characters at once (and people THOUGHT I was 2 different people too!). It was one of my favorite things to do… and the character interactions I had between my own characters that fed into others joining the stories? Chef’s kiss.

But the patch didn’t bring anything even remotely interesting… maybe bring a few high elf players back, but a large majority? Not going to turn their heads at old rehashed content, old rehashed sets, and lackluster customization. It doesn’t even remotely compete with a new expansion release from another game.


It’s like what’s more popular, makes more money, etc. actually better way to put it is it’s beating the competition or at least trying to.

Blizzard still likes to pretend that WoW is still the best game out there despite it falling further and further down the rabbit hole.

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Yea I think expansion beats 9.1.5. But I wonder why they are trying to make players decide? What is the business strategy? The expansion doesn’t appeal to me because I stopped midway leveing and I would have to like powerlevel and rush to get that beginning of expansion feeling, although it does look like good stuff. The summoner stuff appeals to me.

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Those two will always compete, to be honest. It’s just how things go. If they had released something like customizable housing, that would actually compete to grab players who have left for FFXIV back, given a lot of the appeal there is customization. Same with if they added more customization in general.

But they will be talking about 9.2 soon, I don’t imagine we’d get it until next year. I suppose they’re going to rely on hype around that. If they really want members of people I interact with to come back (AKA the roleplay community), they will have to listen to us, not just PVE’ers. Of course, it’s slammed into us on the regular that ‘roleplayers are the minority and should not get anything, only PVErs should get stuff’, so… yeah. You can imagine it’s why I have a salty attitude.

I do have hope, though, and that’s why I’m still here. I truly hope they will listen to what we have to say, it’s why I’m still here on forums. I care a ton about the game, my stories, and the community I built with my guild, and helped build here.


I have heard some ideas of 9.2. I think I like the idea of reusing northrend for 9.2 would be nice. We were supposed to get a Galakrond sort of thing this expansion and it would be nice to revisit northrend with shadowlands forces. Stuff like meeting San’layn, tuskar and the Taunka. The reused assets might expedite the release. Something like the n’zoth zone invasions. I am curious if we will get a trailer soon? Or if that ptr thing will be more of a systems thing for now?


Ugh that would be AMAZING, I would love that. I would sample that a tad if they did that, yes. A galakrond sort of thing this expansion? How curious. All of that sounds tons of fun. Also… you’re right though, like we shared earlier in this thread and others (think Balesong shared the original tweet!) they’re ‘revamping’ uhhh somewhere in Northrend. So big hmm…

Well the thing is, they released a vendor build on PTR Recently? Meaning the true build might come out, along with maybe what they plan to do? I dunno! I do feel it’ll be soon that we know…but how soon? Hmm, big hmm… I know on the wowhead post they had said how far after vendor build the actual build hit.

I doubt they will be working on customization this patch, given 9.1.5, but you never know.

Edit: More undead themed mounts by the way? Yes please.


It’s just speculation though. Try not to get your hopes up! I know I am ready to be dissapointed for something that. Most bets are toward Zereth Mortis I think. A titan world or first one realm or something. Who knows? Maybe we’ll find out soon.


Oh I know, no worries! It would make sense to, but I doubt they’d do it. Hopefully, in the end, we find out soon, yep. It is tuesday, and last week was vendor build or something? I dunno!


It’s still funny to see Darin De Paul knowing he’s Reinhardt. He also did J. Jonah Jameson in the Sony Spider-man game. He also voiced N’zoth.
I could see him doing a dwarf or a vrykul. He voiced a character in the recent Doom games, and I wouldn’t have guessed that one was him either.

I wouldn’t have guessed that Theotar and Torbjorn were the same voice actor. Cool.

At least with Overwatch, there’s always next year or the archives event where everything is available and you can usually grab what you missed with coins if you don’t get it from a loot box.
I hate when it’s something that’s not available again at all. I don’t know if I’ll even bother with the mage tower for that reason. I’d have liked to have gotten some of the stuff as I didn’t do the mage tower back in legion.
In a game like this where you can miss out on something due to real life or people that hadn’t even played the game before, or took a break or something…I just think it’s a crappy setup.

I think I forgot to get the Draugr skin for Rein on Overwatch. Doh, I was gonna buy it with coins if I didn’t get it in a box, but I forgot what day it was ending. Guess I’ll have to get it later on…at least I can do so too!

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I missed out on one of the best genji skins sadly. And the Zarya skin was nice. Sadly could not play OW for a month. I don’t mind not getting the clown skin for Roadhog though… mage tower will be like twice a year unless blizz changes the schedule. And we will really be in a long content gap.

For overwatch I have missed some foma challenge mode skins and it feels bad if you aren’t able to play those days. If I had a max lvl toon in FF14 that may have been an appealing option. I have played many final fantasy games though in the past, I find it better to wait a bit to enjoy the story.

Personally it would be nice to have timewalking every week and just rotate the expansions. WoW has so many dungeons and we can only queue to the current expansion dungeons… thry aren’t even worth queing for with mythic plus. At least having them up all the time would give more endgame options.

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their stockholders exercise too much control over their purse strings. they want to make the same profits they always have at the expense of the game, resolving down to more and more microtransactions, downsizing and farming art to countries who’s populations might as well be called slave states.

taliesin thinks dark rangers will have some kind of exciting news. wonder what he means


Well, we have Sylvanas captured and held somewhere, and I assume the Dark Rangers want to write her a strongly worded letter. So we could see them telling her off, helping us fight the Jailer finally, and maybe being officially inducted into the Horde, possibly becoming playable in some form (a customization option for Blood Elves I’d guess) as a result.

…then again, I am worried about Sylvanas loyalists somehow freeing her and the shenanigans that would result from it. I especially don’t want Dark Rangers and San’layn involved and being on her side for any reason. I’d prefer them to be a part of the Horde and on that character creation screen, myself. < - <

Honestly, I don’t know what to expect. Much as I’d like to get potentially excited, I feel like keeping my expectations tempered will be better in the long run until I see what happens. The story’s direction could go into several different directions, many of which will take a wrong turn at Albuquerque and not be fulfilling.

Should I see any news, I’ll be sure to report it in the Dark Ranger megathread. I still keep hope for them and San’layn, of course, but I really don’t know what to expect at present.



I don’t watch those sort of videos so someone will have to find it in there. Streamers sometimes know what’s going on early I guess so maybe they know something, I dunno.

Yeah I don’t want to see them villain-batted at all myself. Makes sense to not get too excited and keep expectations low, I’m definitely doing so too. Red eyes for blood elves would be great too, I just hope they don’t stop there and call it a day. They would also need actual Dark Ranger lore itself which hopefully they will give.


I really just want my red eyes and my pink and burgundy hair colors so bring on the San’layn and the Dark Rangers because I want both. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


6:04 timestamp


He says it’s a wild card but I don’t think that prediction is entirely off base, given how things are going. Dark Rangers and undead in general should get something, for goodness sakes. We’re going to the realm of the dead and their own boss has gone entirely haywire. They’ve been neglected in the story for too long.

Then, with regard to San’layn, going to a literal zone centered around vampires with 0 sign or lore of San’layn. Mighty frustrating.


Maybe we will get lucky and get both San’layn and Dark Ranger customizations for Blood Elves or Dark Ranger customizations for Blood Elves and San’layn as a seperate Allied Race for the Horde, not sure what Alliance would get but I’m not that consumed with figuring it out since I care much more about what Blood Elves and Horde get. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


well i promised lannisterian i’d help campaign for dark rangers for horde blood elf customization, and so i am. and the way i see it, if they go with customizations for them, you’ll have the tools for san’layn also, minus the claws.


I mean, that’s fine for you? I don’t understand your point. You don’t have to be here in this thread. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not even close to enough. I’m confused as to why you’re saying that. No, it very much isn’t the tools for San’layn. This is the San’layn thread. Not a thread for dark rangers.

Red eyes for blood elves will 100% not get me to play the game, rofl.