San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I have had so many people say that they think the Warlock, Priest and Mage ones are cool looking but all I keep thinking is I have 6 sets that look like that already two from BC and four from Legion so I don’t need another one because I don’t use the other six. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Warlock was okay, but I HATE how you need the ugly helm for the wings, so it’s a pass for me. Priest… eh. Mage eh. I don’t play either .-. so double nope for me.

OH, and I learned from another thread (though take it with a grain of salt) that in order to use the transmogs if you unlock them with renown 80, you do NOT unlock it account wide. Nope. Apparently you need ALL ALTS YOU WANT TO USE THE TRANSMOG ON at that covenant renown 80.

That’s such a LOAD OF NONSENSE it’s unreal, if it’s true. I hope someone can 100% confirm it, but my heart sunk at it. Makes the entire thing? Pointless.

Why should I have to grind renown on EACH AN EVERY ALT I want to use the transmog on? If I already have on one character?! That’s how the rest of the game -bloody- works.

So bloody stupid.

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It’s true, I did the Night Fae campaign already on my Hunter and I didn’t have the options for the transmog when I changed. It used to be you would have the mog unlocked on all your toons even if they don’t share the amour type

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That makes the entire thing a joke then. I’m far less likely to return now. Just… no. Absolutely ridiculous.

I have to agree with the grinding of renown but you actually don’t have to, all of my non 60 alts use the outfit I use currently including my Gnome I just made yesterday can use it already and she’s a fresh boosted to 50 not even in Shadowlands content yet. Lol.

Not a fan of the FOMO stuff tbh. That sort of stuff makes me hate wow. They had it with the overwatch event skins too, some are locked by only a challenge you can only do within a week, not repeat challenges. It’s so annoying.

Wait what? So the mogs you unlocked at renown 80, you can use on all of your alts you haven’t unlocked it on?

Yeah sorry, I will disagree with you there personally, and am on opposite ends of the debate. Which is fine. I like FOMO for certain things, makes it actually worth putting the effort in for. Like the Elite mogs or whatever. But it’s okay to agree to disagree ^^

I can show you, one sec, lol.

See this character was literally just made last night but I have same exact outfit as my main.

I think once you hit 80 on that toon it unlocks it for all of your alts then. My Hunter isn’t that high up

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Oh yeah… I can see that… huh, then how… why… now I’m confused.

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I thought it was just 80 on the character in the covenant but I don’t know, I had multiple characters in every covenant at 80 when the patch hit but my lower alts can use it so I don’t know.

I’m the same way actually now based off what you guys have said, lol.

I should test this on my level 50

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Yes do and let me know because I’m so confused now, I thought it was just one character but I don’t know, my transmog tab had them all auto added when I logged into each character so I don’t know.

I really am confused now. :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Okay I think it’s this way;
-You just proved whoever said that other thing in that other thread incorrect :stuck_out_tongue:
-You have to hit 80 on the toon in that covenant… and then it’s ONLY FOR THAT ARMOR CLASS
-but all alts in that armor class get it, hence why you can use wings given it’s a cloak and the rest of your transmog

As for the swapping… I dunno x.x That one boggles my mind, unless someone didn’t hit 80 before swapping? Because theoretically it dings for your account when you hit renown 80 and means you keep when swapping?

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Yikes. That’s so alt unfriendly but when isn’t this game alt unfriendly

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Meh I took a vacation in october. Missed all the FOMO holiday stuff from overwatch, which made me sad since Halloween was one of my fav holidays. Not a fan of that stuff. Right now it seems like you can only do mage tower like twice a year by the scheduling we have now. But at least we can get it after the first 2 weeks.

There’s nothing remotely interesting involving mage tower for me personally anyhow, so I’m not touching it.

Fun fact: It’s being added on my birthday.

Guess who isn’t even remotely interested in trying it on her birthday. Me.


This might be the problem because that might be the tie but I admit that I didn’t really read the patch notes so I can’t say with 100% certainty.

It’s a little better in places with the skips, minus that they removed skipping the campaigns if you have done them previously because after doing them twice and a total of eight times all together I don’t want to do them on my other four Warlocks but yes I would agree it could be much better than it is still.

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Ah yes but I play all classes not just warlock lol