San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Thanks so much ^^ I just ignore posts like that now, given there’s nothing for me to say. Great, two words disagreeing with the post, nothing for me to comment on that. Gonna keep talking about what I’d like added regardless :rofl:

Actually one thing I wanted to mention was while I don’t like Revendreth lore, I do like the aesthetic (aside from venthyr themselves, but that’s a preference thing). I really love those saber-bats quite a bit.

I hope someday we get both San’layn and venthyr playable, come to think of it, or nosferatu/venthyr options on San’layn. I think the best of both worlds would make many people happy. Besides, a mixture of vampire types would be really cool. I hope to research “Vampire the Masquerade” lore sometime. (RIP that Bloodlines, I doubt we’ll see it anytime soon if at all :frowning: )

I know I’ve said I don’t like Venthyr, and I don’t, but I know plenty of folks do, and making a variety of vampire fans happy would be really neat.

I do hope stuff like “Morpheius” however you spell it (too lazy to scroll up) reinvigorates the interest in vampires. Granted, I feel like Castlevania did a good job with that, and I heard there might be a spinoff.

Edit: Also still need to watch True Blood, I will sometime.


I think it’s healthy for us to have differing tastes yet still appreciate our viewpoints. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Agreed so much! Yeah! All vampire fans are valid, and we bring different perspectives which REALLY enhances a good story, honestly. It’s why I hope we’re all listened to. I think why those of us with different opinions on vampires in this game clash so much is because we feel that one side isn’t going to be heard by the devs…which is a shame. ><


Yeah, the architecture is great. I’d quite like something like that for San’layn to live in. Just have Kael’thas bring some dredgers back with him and put them to work as foremen for building a town.couDeatholmeghs

Talking about Morbius, there was also one of the DC animated films that focused on an alternate reality where Superman was descended from Zod and his usual mom. In that one, the Batman was Kirk Langstrom who in the usual realty turns himself into Manbat, but in this one, he basically turns himself into a vampire, I’d noticed some similarities to Morbius as they’d both suffered some sort of blood disease or some such. Anyway, Langstrom in that reality is their Batman. Justice League : Gods and Monsters.

I’m all for a “Vampyr” allied race too, and then having it made up of different groups…blood elf customizations for San’layn. Could have some Venthyr options. Throw in some Vrykul…maybe even that creepy little gnome. LOL.


That would be neat, yeah! What about a necropolis that implements that sort of architecture, like a sort of mixture? Ooo… a floating city (which again in this case would be a necropolis). I feel like all previous Allied Races and potential future ones should get at least a small city or area like that. Most were pretty lackluster :frowning:

I will admit right now: I’m not a big fan of superheroes at all, and never really have been. MAYBE Guardians of the Galaxy and Logan, but one of my least favorite tropes is ‘born special’ and such when it comes to the powers. However, there are some in universe I have come to appreciate, and I do admit, the Morbius does look really interesting with vampire lore. Superheroes just don’t have…magic, to me. It’s restricted and not fun.

As for the vampyr allied race, yeah I like that idea, that does sound fun. I don’t think they’ve done a variety of different models for a race yet, but I assume it’s possible. They’d all have the same racials. But they would not get unique voicelines, otherwise it would be tons of work. Though given they’re removing tons of voicelines anyway, I suppose there’s no point worrying. If they’re not going to add voices at all and just remove stuff, might as well just take it all away, unfortunately.

Team Edward if you recall the reference.

/glares at team Jacob “Worgen”

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I know the reference, yeah. I personally hate Twilight, a lot, but don’t put others down for liking it. I just don’t want people to toss me in with Twilight fans given I very much am not one!


We currently have a Horde/Alliance togetherness vibe yet we still need player conflict in World of Warcraft so what better way to argue about petty and trivial matters? Reason why I try to rattle void elf cages as I like the fight.

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I’m normally 100% team vampire but i was in love with Taylor Lautner for an obnoxious amount of time after twilight lol


I will say one thing, the series would have been much better, “sparkle lore” aside, if it focused on Rosalie.

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The whole series was garbage in my opinion, and that last movie :face_vomiting:

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Being turned into a vampire seems just so violent.

Yeah I didn’t like it at all myself, but there were some characters majorly pushed to the side that would have been better as main.

And scrapping the sparkle lore if only to drop the people who constantly say: "OH YOU LIKE/WRITE VAMPIRES?? DO THEY SPARKLE "

That’d be pretty cool.
Kinda like the multiple undead kingdoms I was mentioning further up.
could have a variety of towns and architecture types. The venthyr thing just seems like it’d fit the San’layn pretty well.
Updating Lordaeron with a bunch of the newer undead building and structure types would be neat, maybe even expanding it further into the actual walls and keep structures.
I’ve always quite liked the look of Icecrown as well. Quite liked the similar vibe the stuff in the Maw gave off as well.
I’m still bummed more of the armor sets the minions there are made from aren’t something the players get. They did the shoulders as transmog options, but I’d like to see more of it added. I quite wanted the big hammer some of them wield as well, but guess it’s not available.

True, but I also think they need to add a bunch more voicelines anyway. It’d make for a nice customization option, and when you’ve got a voice actor in the studio, get them to record some additional stuff.
Voicelines for humans to represent the various nations would be great.
Ones for Wildhammer, and things like that really need to happen.
It’s just another aspect of customization I think they should embrace and put out more of.
They’ve got other games where they’re putting out voicelines quite often.


This would be really ideal, yes. Well, if Blizzard is actually improving things company-wise and looking for a lady who is interested in getting into voice acting motions to self :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, they’d need to hire voice actors is the thing, and I’m not sure how willing they are to do that. I hope they do, though. I feel they really should add stuff now, more wholesome stuff, if they’re going to take stuff away!


Seems like they keep a few on retainer or some such for Overwatch. They’re adding new voicelines all the time. There’s a bit of crossover with some characters on here. I figured that’s why a bunch of them are in both games. Recording for one, might as well record stuff for the other.
Some of them have some pretty good range as well.
Just have them do some voices fitting for some of the allied races we need and get it done :stuck_out_tongue:

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Whenever I hear venari I associate her with Ana from overwatch, same voice actors. Ana is one of the most fun healers to play in that game. Who would make a good voice actor for the new races? Would san’layn get an accent like void elves do? Lol.

Too bad the Romanian accent was taken by the Draenei, I think that’d be a perfect accent for San’layn.

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I don’t think it makes sense for them to have developed a different accent, as much as that would be cool.

I don’t think it makes much sense either but somehow the void elves got an accent.