San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yep, exactly. I am all for a hairstyle exchange. NOT for them taking Silvermoon or any of htat nonsense. All for more void stuff. All for more high elf lore even if I don’t care about high elves. I know some good high elf player friends who would adore more lore, and I am of the strong opinion that little lore questlines to accompany customization would be super beneficial for flavor and really enhance the game.


I just finished arguing in another thread on my Void Elf because I told someone not to have the same bad behavior as someone else and it turned into a big argument about how supposedly bad I am so I feel you guys about being targeted by certain people because no matter how nice I am to some people they still are mean to me.


Yep, it really sucks. It’s why I abandoned WoW on my primary twitter account, and try not to talk about it at all, or even reply to WoW mutuals’ comments anymore. I don’t feel comfortable doing so after the harassment. I’m glad people don’t flood this thread trying to be toxic anymore, though, so the general atmosphere is nicer. Oh, and if they do try it, I utilize the ignore button so much that I wouldn’t see it anyway, since I don’t click ‘view hidden reply’ anymore. Or try not to.

I only wish I had more to say here in general, lately it’s been tough given nothing to talk about and no information. I mean, I’ll have art to share soon I’m sure, but art…really doesn’t help. Sure, “I got another pretty picture of my OCs” is fun, and I try to be constructive with “this is the part of the picture I would like thought about for customization”. But there’s only so many pretty pictures I can get of vampire elves before it gets redundant and it’s just me like ‘let’s show some art’ :stuck_out_tongue:


I think if they added identity tags that would be nice for certain races.

Especially if they fused some of the races together.

Void elves definetly have a large community of high elf fans. They already have high elf looks. A short questline to formerly accept high elves into the alliance forces would do good on them.
Add an identity tag option so you can mouseover and Identify players as high elves. Maybe unlock more classes for them to play like paladins.

This could work with other races like dwarves too. So they can finally get the wildhammer tag.

Changes like this could come with new voicelines. Or like if we merge the taurens be able to choose if you want to sound like highmountain or thunderbluff tauren.

If we get san’layn customizatio on blood elves it would be nice to mouseover to something like San’layn rogue on my blood elf. Which is like my only blood elf after swapping to Zandalari and nightborne on many alts :sunglasses:.

The identity tags could also come with like the allied race intros for rp purposes as if they are adding a new race. I don’t think the starting zones are as important to make now. From what I’ve learned from ff14, the lore and interactions could be put in other leveling zones everyone will play.

The trolls would appreciate this too with the many tribes it seems that joined the darkspear. It would be nice to identify as farraki or jungle troll. Or someday get frost troll options and identify as such. That or maybe explain why these clans joined the darkspear in the horde.

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I would 100% only accept high elf paladins if we got blood elf druids, to be honest.


Well for what it’s worth I always find this thread, the Dark Ranger one and the Blood Elf one to be like sanctuary threads because people are almost always nice even when we disagree and everyone is almost always friendly and supportive and that’s why I really like hanging out in them all a lot. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Super same. I’d love if the Belf Druid catform looked similar to the sunwarmed furline.


Aw thanks so much! You’re always appreciated and welcome here too, so thanks for visiting often :slight_smile:

That would be awesome, that design is super neat!


As of now my only hope for nightborne and blood elf druids are if we get a botanist class skin for druids : /. I really wanted those nightborne botanist druid forms from Nighthold. And blood elves had botanists since BC. Blizzard has seemed Keen on not giving them druids since Cata when they last updated the race/class comboes for most of the races.

It’s weird how also the blood elves have all this sun themes and they can’t go balance druids for all the pretty star magic, sun based spells etc. Same with the nightborne and the stars/moon stuff.

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Of course, those three threads are my top follows on multiple characters and sometimes even if I’m not talking I’m still there just giving likes but I’m sure you know that because lately most of my likes go to you, Bale, Fen, Phae and Bagzak. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


With regards to the community council, I’m not really sure what to think about it.

I really need to see what it actually becomes and what comes out of it on a long-term basis. I’d hope that feedback would get listened to there, but I also hope feedback from other sources would get listened to as well. From my understanding, they’re going to cycle people through the council on a regular basis, but we’ll see what happens when it happens…or if it happens.

I can relate to this very well. Much as I like to support the race request megathreads in general, sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle to find something of note to post about at times. I feel lucky when I can find something to post in my Saurok and Stonemaul Ogre megathreads to talk about, for example.

I knew when Shadowlands was announced that we would have a long wait…and I feel like we’ll still have a long wait with whatever is left for this expansion. Not to mention the potential several more years wait depending on what the next expansion will have. It hasn’t made me hopeless as of yet, but as I said, it can get difficult to keep things going on a regular basis while trying to keep things fresh. There’s only so many creative ways I can say I want a particular race to be playable, sadly.

But in the meantime, I still got gas in my tank, so I’ll keep it up as best as I can for the races I want playable. San’layn included, of course. :wine_glass::bat:


So my lover & I just rewatched Dracula Untold, my favorite vampire movie of all time, and it just reminded me of how bloody awesome a “cloud of bats” power, be it mount or jump, would be for San’layn. I just can’t get over it. Also that movie frustrates me because I LOVE THE ENDING SO MUCH and it sets up for an AMAZING Urban Fantasy sequel, but we’re never going to get it because it didn’t do ‘as well’ in box office. :frowning:

(Also an excellent example of a non-nosferatu vampire that looks nice and still is EXTREMELY MONSTEROUS)

Edit: Also I am REALLY looking forward to this


I was suggesting it be story style only, not something players are locked into. Like pretty much every other faction in the game other than horde and alliance.
They’d become the same way though. People could play with whoever they want.
Faction restrictions suck. Letting people build rep and quest for whatever faction they want would be great, or all the factions!

I kept thinking part of ruining them was to build them back with more modern assets and make them 1000% cooler, but who knows if that is actually the case. Sure would be nice.

I’ve thought they should do additional voice packs and use that as the choice you’d select which would add the racial tag.
Pick a wildhammer voice set for dwarf and you’re listed as a wildhammer dwarf.
Make some new voice packs for regular humans with accents of Kultiras or Gilneas and be listed as a “Gilnean Human” or whichever you picked.
Theme the voice lines accordingly.

I’ve always thought the lynx in their zones would be a good option, but the caracal would be a nice option as well. We REALLY need more druid animal form options…like anytime a new zone or raid comes out, there should be druid forms along with the armor sets.

Yeah, I’m still bummed they’re not doing the whole Universal Monster Cinematic Universe they were talking about doing, that’d have been pretty cool.


Yes I think voice packs would be a nice rp and customization option. Instead of allied races they could add new similar races via customization/voice packs/ and identity tags. Another form of collections to collect similar races to literally change your skin. Much like skins in other games. In overwatch they even offer voicelibes as rewards. Offering a whole set of voicelines for similar looking races would be awesome flavors.

Fusing the human clans and adding there own flavors is nice. I personally like the void elf accents, I have to wonder where the blood elves got that? Before they turned void?

Many people have complained they have to unlock an allied race to play them. So at least for some it would be nice if they just added the customization to the characters we have played for years.

We heard the excuse that blizzard wouldnt add wildhammer as an allied race, but they included there tattoos as customization so they are sort of playable. Adding a identity, voice pack and maybe a starter intro your main can few anytime would be nice for rp purposes.

I think this would be a route they can take eventually for san’layn and other similar races. Especially since we got precedent with the nightwarrior customization. I hope blizz will continue adding customization like that as a normal thing every expansion. So many things could work like that! Frost dwarves, frost trolls, full robot mechagnomes, half orcs/ogres, felblood elves, felborne, feltotem, vampirates, forest trolls, skeleton trolls (gold ones from voldun), grim totem, kul tiran forsaken etc.


You and I have very differing tastes when it comes to vampire movies. I thought Dracula Untold was incredibly mediocre, and Mobius looks like it will be a flop, though that has less to do with anything vampire related and more to do with the fact that any marvel movie that isn’t MCU is generally rubbish cough Venom

The Underworld movies, while not perfect, and should have stopped at 2, were good. Interview with a Vampire is my all-time favourite. Castlevania on Netflix swoons. And lastly, 30 Days of Night was the best horror vampire movie. Hollywood has a hard time depicting vampires without becoming too campy.

Also, the ending of Dracula Untold was setting up for a movie monsters universe, like the werewolf, mummy, Frankenstein and Dracula movie monsters and I’m sorry I’m happy that didn’t happen.


I agree with Underworld, Interview was okay to me but not my favorite at all, Castlevania on Netflix is one of my all time favorites.

We overlap in many ways but at the same time deviate in others. I am kinda unhappy that didn’t happen though given it would be cool in my eyes.

I’m not a huge fan of Marvel though so I suppose it’s for the better, but there’s not many good vampire movies in modern times that are truly great which is why I’m disappointed. (Sorry I include Interview in that, while I somewhat like it, i also am not a huge fan).

I’m not a big fan of historical fantasy at all aside from Castlevania.


That’s probably why you don’t like interview with a vampire. I love historical drama, fiction or otherwise. My favourite scenes are those that include flashbacks.


no. , easy.

Ah yeah, that is probably it then. Yeah we’re very much opposites there. But hey we can both appreciate Castlevania which is golden for me, that one in my opinion is among the best of all and really shows vampires in both a beautiful but monstrous light.


I support us all having similar and different likes and dislikes so all recent posts except the no one in this thread get likes from me. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: