San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I guess the good question is: Why are void elves


Agreed, it makes no sense but neither does their inclusion


Exactly this. I’m assuming it’s for flavor on most races and for Void Elves to mimic Alleria.


I mainly liked this post because I absolutely hate Alleria and it always makes me laugh to think so many people want to imitate her. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I’m pretty neutral on her. She really doesn’t seem interesting to me at all, but I don’t really hate her. It’s Vareesa I hate quite a bit.

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I find them both to be extremely bland to Sylvanas and I don’t love or hate Sylvanas but at least she’s not bland and boring.

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I heavily dislike Sylv myself, but then again there’s no true WoW character I really enjoy too much. All of them are pretty much dead or might as well be dead. Lana’thel & Illidan come to mind. Even then, my feelings aren’t so…strong anymore. It’s quite a shame really. I’ve become super detached.


I think Shadowlands and BFA have caused a lot of people to detach themselves from most aspects of WoW.


Awww that really sucks but here’s some hugs since that’s my thing and well yeah it always helps and hopefully eventually you can find a WoW character that you can enjoy like enjoy again one day. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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This is exactly it, yes. As soon as the tree went up in flames, so did any care I had for WoW’s story, pretty much, especially when we found out there was 0 nuance and all Sylv’s fault, which dragged those 100% unwilling in the Horde down with her.


War of thorns did for me. But I do find the gameplay to be fun and some of the lore is still cool. The plot or story not so much. I guess I like the personal rp. It’s just very limited since the classes you play are tied to the story and they haven’t updated the available race/class combos in quite some time.


Yeah I tried personal roleplay up through BfA and into Shadowlands, but left entirely in February. I haven’t actually played since then, maybe log in once a month or less for something brief, like a screenshot. Roleplay I’ve abandoned in the game, as has my guild.

…which is a shame. I use to GM a large guild that was a ‘City of Monsters’ theme. I still have our website and everything, too. I used my art tablet to make us a map of our city… and we had so many stories, years upon years of it. But the game died for us in Shadowlands. We’ve all left to FFXIV. Me…well. I’m here still on the forums because I’m passionate about this community and someday, truly, want to see our ideas added so people I care about can have fun again.


It’s crazy how many people including myself cite that as where they stopped liking WoW and the storyline, hopefully Blizzard will take that into account because really that storyline and most stuff since is just awful and that’s putting it nicely.


I honestly find no fault in Queen Talanji. She’s strong, she’s opinionated, she went through the heartbreak of losing her father and still did her duty. I just hope they don’t write in some silly love story for her and Rokhan or Zekhan.


My favorite WoW characters are all my player characters. Seeing as they’ve saved the world (of Warcraft!) so many times and are referred to as champions of their respective factions, I consider them true WoW characters. :smiley:



I feel they are far too stubborn to realize that people genuinely do not like it. I’ve pointed out, in detail, why I don’t like matters, but no one bats an eye or cares. They cater to a certain fanbase that either is (A) “The Alliance can do no wrong” or (B) “Pretending we have honor makes us above everyone else”. So… Humans v. Orcs. All back to that. It’s why Aduin is so mary-sue, but then suddenly 'oh no he’s bad :frowning: ’ and even his ‘bad’ self so… bland. Sylvanas is a foil for him, I feel, while Bolvar is shoved to the background as just… yeah.

Death Knights & The Ebon Blade are featured for a whole minute or so before being abandoned in the story, even though the scourge is rampaging and this would be a perfect moment to return to them.

Shadowlands as a whole is really just…terrible to me. There is no point in being there, and my character is blamed in places I WISH I could enjoy, like Ardenwald, for something they would never do because ‘oh no they’re Horde’. Tree burn would make them leave the Horde, yet they were blamed as participants, even though 100% they would save night elves. But no, ‘to play this race you need to be in this faction’ so… yeah.

“But Falls why not switch to void elves?”
…you’re kidding right

Anyway, yeah. It’s frustrating, no one seems to care about those who want to like the lore because they trash it for the top 1% of streamers and M+ runners. Well, myself and my crew got fed up. Especially with the ‘no more customization’ nonsense. That was my breaking point that made me leave. At LEAST we could have hoped for…something. Anything. For the RP community to have while the story was trash, and we could make our own.

But no, we couldn’t even have that. Now they have reversed on that, but for what? Playable high elves, cool for them, but not something I am interested in at all. No other ARs that got customization are interesting to me. And this isn’t putting down those who like them or are happy. That’s awesome! But for me personally, and why I left, and continue to not play…there’s nothing enticing or interesting for me to come back to.

I mean, the TW mount for Legion is another useless gryph when it could have been something like a dragon. They dropped the ball with vomit chicken for 400 mounts, so as a collector I keep getting just so disappointed.

She’s interesting, yeah, but I wouldn’t really feel anything if something happened to her. I just… dont’ have strong feelings for her. I like her, but in terms of actually feeling passion toward any WoW character? It isn’t there like it was before.


Yeah, I was really disappointed with both, I mean the only timewalking mount I really like is the Eclipse Dragonhawk which I am saving for currently but yes a lot of stuff they do and have done is well shocking and bland it’s like the mage tower coming back being just a recolor of a recolor of a recolor, literally.


Even though I am loathe to give Christie G any praise, I enjoyed Talanji got a decent chunk in Shadows Rising. Made her feel a bit more fleshed out.


Oh yeah, like the Mage Tower coming back HAH! There’s no point. “Oooo Mage tower releases at the same time as the FFXIV expansion! What will compete?!”

…really. An entire new expansion versus rehashed content and UGLY recolors? :rofl:

Acting like mage tower during TW is going to be worth anything. I don’t think there’s any of those new sets that look interesting. I’m one who is actually for exclusive mogs (sorry…) but only colors. They could have recolored the artifact weapons like they did the bear, that would have been fine to me, kept everything exclusive still via color, but still give players a chance to get the model. And new models for those who have it already.

But nah. Hilariously bad armor sets, among the worst tier they could have selected (which was lackluster remodels of gear that ALREADY EXISTED TOO so it’s just double pathetic). I main a DK, so do people really think I’ll be going for the trash knight transmog? PShhh.

The book mount does look okay, but is a single neat mount going to bring me back? Oof, not even close.


I’ve been renown grinding through the other covenants, and actually use the good night fae warlock ability, as opposed to the rubbish Venthyr one. Must collect all the collects