San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

The only horde leaders I even like now are Talanji and Thalyssra. Even Lor’themar is “diet Alliance”


Well, when a character stops being a character and just gets demoted to “narrative plot device” it is normal for fans of it to well… start to hate the “thing” they became?

Honest to God, some Alliance players hate Sylvanas cause “the story running around her”. Anmd then I see HER narrative basically getting twisted to follow the path AROUND Blanduin and I´m like W T F!??!!!

In their haste of selling him as the supreme Human Potential simp, they ruined him irreparably in Cata. No serioulsy, how can any competent writer expect their readers to take a “racial and policial leader” character seriously when said leader basically condoned the unlawful massacre of his people (civilians included) just to “agree” with his crush?!? That was stupid with capital S.


I liked your post because I agree but I also like Calia and yes I know most of you hate her but I really do like her and I accept that others hate her if they do but I like her personally and I know she’s Alliance based infiltrating the Horde but I still like her. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Oh Phae would kill Calia. No questions asked.

I know, I know, almost everyone that I’m friends with both in game and on the forums hates her but I can’t help myself, I’m guilty of liking an Alliance to Horde character despite hating almost every other one of them that’s been Horde to Alliance and Alliance to Horde. :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:

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That’s fair ^^ I don’t really like any WoW characters much anymore. And no worries! I know some people like Calia, and that is perfectly fine too. Don’t feel guilty for who you like even though some people really dislike :slight_smile: That’s okay entirely. I wish I had an example myself. I guess I would say the “I am my Scars” thing, I liked that a lot. People make fun of it a lot though. So it’s similar maybe. Not character-wise mind you but event and all.


I think I dislike her so much because it’s a Christie Golden thing and I cannot stand her writing

I totally understand because there’s been a lot of characters that I have liked at one time or another, I sometimes change depending on my own personal tastes and storylines but the one I have always liked and still like even today is Alexstrasza because she’s absolutely fabulous and if I could be a red dragon character like her I would never ever play anything else again. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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Back to the original point of this thread, Phaeliea would take the curse willingly.

Eternal life? Check.
A little blood drinking? Eh it’s ok. Check.

What’s not to like


Some of my Belfs are Dark Rangers (or they’re supposed to be) and besides my beloved DK, they’re the only ones with a back story. I’d probably have to make a lot of new Belves if San’layn get added and come up with backstories.


Not to seem too evil mustache twirly but my character is a bit manic. She loves power, no matter how she gets it. That’s why she went from being a Mage to a Warlock, and loves commanding demons.

If you’re familiar with Scarlet from FF7, I somewhat emulate her. The remake further solidified it, as she’s so smug with her power and will try anything to succeed.

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i didnt become a saurfang fan because of his anduin story but because of his wotlk story. his love for his son, hit me in the feefees :sob:

On the subject of Yrel and the Lightbound (or whatever they’re officially called), I recall the rumors of a light & void theme for the next expansion being one of the more-talked-about rumors (along with Dragon Isles). I could see them being a part of that type of expansion, and it could give an interesting theme I had playing around in my mind.

Now, we don’t know what direction they would go with the Lightbound, but I’m imagining them invading Azeroth and slowly taking over the world (of Warcraft!), either converting others forcefully into the light (which isn’t as benevolent as people would think) or outright destroying others, which would be quite the threat to Horde and Alliance.

In such a scenario, I could see the allied race system being utilized again as something of a “Azeroth as a whole must band together to fight back against this threat!” type deal, as everyone would be in a danger!..well, I mean, maybe more danger than the several other times the world (of Warcraft!) was in danger, but you get my point.

It’s a bit of wishful thinking, but it would be a cool opportunity to add in several races as playable races with a really interesting theme to go with it. Something like San’layn, who contrast against the whole Light theme in general, could fit just fine in a storyline. Likely, they would be hunted and destroyed by the Lightbound without much thought, so it gives a dire situation that adds to the Horde opening to working with San’layn, both of which are fighting for survival.

It’d be a neat thing to see a bunch of races we’ve requested added throughout an expansion like this, making it feel like the world (of Warcraft!) is banding together to fight for its survival. Granted, it’s far from a perfect idea and, as I said, is wishful thinking, but it’s an idea I wanted to float out there for fun.

I’m sure a similar theme could work with something else in place of the Lightbound, but the idea of a serious and deadly threat causing all the inhabitants to put aside their differences, with some joining the Horde/Alliance of course, is a storyline that could be fun to design.

Anyway, just something I wanted to ramble on. :wine_glass::bat:


Somebody flagged my post about BFA Saurfang and got it removed. :confused: Apparently, having an opinion is just too much.


Kind of ridiculous how that ended up happening.

People are allowed to think Saurfang is a terrible character. In my personal opinion, which I am 100% allowed to have, he was handled extremely poorly in Battle for Azeroth, I did not like the story focused on him, I thought he turned into a really horrible person, and he didn’t take responsibility when he should have so many times.

“Mah honor” crowd can defend that all they want, but people are allowed to hate their precious Sadfang just like people are allowed to come on here, scream at us for wanting San’layn, apparently get away with being incredibly toxic, and what have you. We deal with their opinions and the “NO MORE ELVES” crowd, people can handle the “we dislike Saurfang” opinion.


Not really mad about it being removed, it’s the principle behind it and the double standard that’s perpetuated. It’s probably because I said that he can eat my “non offensive word for the human backside.” Yet, I can be called the word that starts with N and ends with Z and I and be told to end myself on the forum and those posts aren’t removed or mass flagged. That’s the problem I have with it, that and the fact that I’ve offended a large enough group of people so much that they gang up on a single post.


I firmly believe there are high elf fans that come and flag en masse our posts.


Odd that they’d target me since I’ve no quarrel with them.


I know for a fact there’s some that do so on the regular, and someone who hates me for liking :fox_face: and supporting the Vulpera community openly admitted to doing so in a post, just outwardly, before deleting it. Was kind of funny. And they play the victim in all of this, too. Boggles my mind how some people act on these forums.

Also why I now stick to this thread, some other AR threads, and mostly the blood elf one when I can. And try to post a bit less lately too.

I just…don’t have as much to say as I wish I did these days. I want to see playable San’layn, and some more lore. With no new content with any relation to this thread, it’s disheartening I suppose. No word from the devs on it either (or any other customization for that matter, not just us, but I am strictly talking in the context of this thread).

I hope the community council thing will bring on people passionate like folks here but… I dunno. :confused: People are begging for streamers or whatever to be tossed into them and I just hope it’s not exclusively content creators like that.

Some do it to me nowadays too, not all of them. I know tons of high elf players who are really pleasant. There’s just some extremist alliance players that have a sort of posse who do this because we’re not ‘completely head over heels over high elves’. And/or they are very petty against the Horde, including to players who take a more neutral stands like us.


I’ve even been if favor of the less extreme stuff they’ve asked for. At this point they’re picking on people who could and have actively helped them and served as allies, albeit neutral.