San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’m following to show support! I don’t care if they are going to be neutral or horde, or even just customization but San’layn need to be playable! They are a veeery popular request, is weird that they aren’t playable already.


Another new month, another round of submitting in-game feedback for races I want playable along with references to their respective megathreads. As always, Horde San’layn and this megathread are among those suggestions. :vampire:

Will continue to do my part in supporting playable Horde San’layn as best as I can! :wine_glass::bat:


I had never thought of doing this but since you mentioned it, I’m going to take inspiration from you and do that as well because this is seriously a great idea. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Also sorry for slow reply, trying to do Korthia stuff on my newly 60 since yesterday Dark Iron Warlock. :yum: :yum: :yum:


I’ve made a guide in a few megathreads on how to submit in-game feedback and some suggestions on how to design the feedback. You can find the guide I made for this megathread here:

I do it once a month for the races I want playable and their respective megathreads. I figure every little bit helps. :wine_glass::bat:


Agreed. I sincerely hope they look into that lore sometime soon, because the link is right there and so many are seeing it, they just have yet to make the connection. One hope is that they’re saving it for some huge questline with great rewards or something, but I’m not holding my breath.

Aw that’s so sweet, I really appreciate that ^^ I think I was asleep at the time :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah totally up for either of those (neutral or horde) personally. Just customization would be okay too, but I hope so much we get the vampyr curse lore, even if just that connection to Revendreth!


Totally understandable because I fell asleep right after I said that then woke up with this thread and the forums still open by me and I was like cool I can read the new stuff. :blush: :blush: :blush:


Mine is in December. Sounds good to me!

That was another thing I liked about the class skin proposal. It plays off that for the lore/questing bits. Actually having questing bits is great as well.


Another day, some more talk about San’layn. :bat:

I should have some OC art to share soon, which is fun. Maybe not by the time my sub expires. Though if I want to go through with possibly helping out via that community thing, I will probably need to spend a token or too. So I guess I can share more art then. Have not made a decision on that end yet, though.


I do think you should do what you feel is best with regards to a sub in any form.

It continues to feel like a good time to just take a break from the game and see what happens. Moreso if you’re not enjoying the game at all. It’s really unclear how much longer Shadowlands will last, given that production seems to be going slower than a dead turtle…on its back, and even then, we don’t know what the next expansion will be or whenever it will be announced, for that matter.

I can understand it being a bit hard to take a hiatus. Honestly, if I weren’t leading the charge for playable Ogres and Saurok on the Horde, I would’ve likely have done what I did with Legion and quit the game for awhile. It’s not the only reason I’m staying subbed, of course. I’m still able to find some fun doing older content and taking screenshots among other things, and even dabbling in Classic to see things that got removed and feeling more connected to Warcraft as a whole has been more fun than skipping around in the afterlife and feeling detached in general.

Don’t forget, even if you do take a break, several of us will still be here to continue the playable Horde San’layn campaign. Myself included, of course. We’ll keep the lights on for you when/if you decide to come back, and you can always bookmark this megathread to see how things are.

I don’t know what to expect for the future, but at least as long as I keep playing, I’ll keep dreaming of seeing San’layn on the Horde side of that character creation screen! :wine_glass::bat:


This is my once in awhile obligatory request for San’layn character customizations for Blood Elves since we still don’t have them, many of us still want them and it would add something that separates us completely from Void Elves which currently has two different character customization themes one of which is shared with us. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Same for me! I’m basically subscribed to help keep my cause and the cause of others alive.


Yeah I’ll think about it, I have plenty of gold and such for tokens, but I only have been using it to talk on the forums. I logged in a little bit to change my mog back to normal. Technically I could do a world boss per week or something to up my renown, but I just… I dunnno.

A huge factor in me hating shadowlands aside from the lore was the cosmetic restrictions, which they got rid if you hit max renown on the latest patch. That’s a super positive change in the right direction, I feel.

Now if they could just get rid of holiday mog restrictions…

So bringing this discussion here if that’s okay – this just makes me frustrated that she therefore didn’t ever touch on San’layn lore. If she recognized we could have a good v. evil vampire dynamic, I feel she might have done well with San’layn stuff, given much of what we’ve mentioned on this thread. And yeah, I HATE SO MUCH that trope, it’s the worst trope ever. I have a deep hatred and complained about how drow are that way in that toxic trope in that other thread.

Any “all of this race are chaotic evil” trope is bad writing and I am not afraid to say it. That said, that character being fundamentally a good guy is great.

Which bugs me now as to why, again, she didn’t touch San’layn lore. As long as she didn’t bring the light into it or require it to be ‘good’, I feel it would be interesting. We have 2 missing blood princes with no story behind them, virtually, aside from being part of the cause for worgen Death knights. This could be expanded.

Whyyyyyy has it not been. I’m losing my mind!


I don’t post in the Velf thread, but I do read it. I want the voices in it to be people who play Velves. So they get some of their voidy looks. They didn’t get anything new, just hand-me-downs. So I want them to have their chance to make a case for Blizz to give them a legit pass.

I hope they give us some stuff. Especially male Belves as they were left with barely anything.

I’ve been pushing for Pandas to get stuff and Trolls to get beards.

For everyone to get tattoos and scars. Since we are all at war but don’t look like it.


you too can be a void elf! we’ve already lost most of ours, like elven jokers, the batman variety. lol

at the rate blizz is pumping out edgy races, san’layn seem like a natural fit. my guess is they wouldnt let her develop it because there are already too many blood elves and sexy vampires would turn wow into world of vampires.

BUT, and this is the saving grace as it was for alliance void helfs, they could give blood elves the customizations for it and for a brief time everyone would have red eyes, then it would taper off and vamp/dark ranger rp’ers
would be the only ones using it. however, if it was a legit race based on the blood elf model, people would become attached to the race and it’d be perma world of vampires.

theoretically, a sea of blood elf vamps could be lessened if it was a class instead of a race, and given that vamps dont seem to be particular on meal source, other races would be vamps also, but then the effect of world of vamps would be heightened. how blizz handles such things is they nerf the class…and then all thats left are rp’ers. if you selected the vamp class, you’d automatically get the red eyes, claws and undead skin, as that is the only way to have the meme.

p.s. the claws should be hooked to undead skin if its a customization

You know what I really want expanded and still wish the true origin of the vampyr curse was (which still could be)? The Vry’kul’s part in this. Originally, the vampyr curse was going to be on the Vry’kul themselves. In Island Expeditions, they use REALLY POTENT blood magic (like when it was current content, it bloody hurt.) No to mention Lucard himself, and how he might not truly be gone.

This is something I would love expanded. Imagine Vry’kul vampires & San’layn added as a neutral allied race, or the Vry’kul as Alliance & San’layn as Horde? (Though I would prefer neutral Vry’kul… especially if vampires…)

But yeah. I think there is huge potential there that needs to be expanded.


question: how do san’layn propagate? do they sire? if so, do they only sire specific races? cause blood elves are currently the only horde race that can be demon hunters which is one of the reasons there’s more blood elves than other races. if they are the only one to be san’layn on horde, the game might as well be called world of blood elves. hehe

This is something we do not know yet. That has gone unanswered technically speaking, but we do know that a cursed bite is one of the factors:

Which actually applies Lana’thel’s blood. “You are infused with the blood of the Vampyr Queen. Damage done increased by 100%. Attacks heal caster.” By the end of that spell, you are vampyr.

Therefore, we know a blood exchange involving a bite is involved. That’s one of the ways.

TECHINCALLY SPEAKING anyone in the raid group could be bitten and turned, so even if it’s not reflected in lore, I actually think the blood curse works like either forsaken or Death Knights, where a powerful entity will need to do that exchange and anyone can become one. Now, this isn’t technically canon, but it’s logic.

Then, we need to factor Lucard and the vampirates in.

" Most Fascinating! It would appear that we’re dealing with our very own vrykul vampyr! All we have encountered have been of blood elven descent, but it has long been theorized that the vrykul have suffered the curse as well. It’s too bad he’s awake - I would dearly like a subject to study. Oh well, guess there’s nothing for it. Take this stake and put it through the old chap’s heart. I’m pretty sure that should do the trick."

The first quest is:

“Well met, good chap! I was on my way to study the local murlocs when I stumbled upon these most peculiar ruins. Those pirates over yonder arrived first, and it appears they’ve unleashed some ancient evil. I would be remiss to let such an evil run rampant, but we should learn more of it before we proceed, lest we end up like those chaps. I spied the crew bringing back some tablets from the ruins. If you can bring them to me, I may be able to decipher the nature of this evil.”

So we could maybe assume Lucard turned them… but do we really know? Overexposure to the red mist could have done it. The cursed tablets could have also done it. We simply do not know. There could be multiple avenues to being a San’layn, and we know that the vampyr curse reaches beyond just Blood Elves.

Also, we know new ones were being made in BfA, but we do not know the origin of them. We know Dreven likely made some of them, but where did he come from? We have no idea.

We don’t know how they advance. How do you become a Blood Prince? A Blood Queen? Could there be a blood king? How does this mutagen work? We know there’s a mutagen given blood queen’s wings and the blood prince’s bat-like ears/claws. It might work like how Demon Hunters have a variety of affects with fel magic.

This might be a blood-magic mutagen with a similar nature.


yeah, i think it’d work best as a class, and when you create your character and select sanlayn class, you are given a different customization pallet, like dks have, with some features you must have, like red eyes, undead skin and claws. then open it up to any race, since any race can be infected by the queen’s bite

I personally disagree given there’s different classes for San’layn. I’m not really for a vampire class. I’d rather see them as customization or race.


There is proof of this in ICC itself, and in En’kila quests.


As of what we know with the lore we have now. The san’layn seem to be creatures made to replicate the Nathrezim by the lich king originally. Now we now that they most likely were to resemble the Venthyr (probably). Both come from Revendreth. In ICC we see the lich king forces and chambers reflect many of what we see in Shadowlands.

The kyrian- The Val’kyr.
The emerald dragon - Ardenweald, Sindragosa - winterqueen?
The Blood Quarter- Venthyr
The plague Quarter - Maldraxxus

We know now that the lich king was being controlled by the Jailer and his influence. So we can wager that the San’layn and Revendreth have a huge connection with magic. And Kael’thas being a figure head there would be a nice connection between the two, and he may be a good narrator to explain that magic. Perhaps he sees some of the San’layn and compares his magic to his own. Seeing as it was his former loyal elite maybe he already knows of them.

We theorize that blood magic is powerful because it is essentially anima magic. We know even the Mogu had anima, so we have to wonder if it’s the same or similar magic. THe blood elves have used that magic in BFA. The san’layn would be a nice way for the players to explore blood magic lore in general. Other sources would be like that bloodmoon orc tribe that was in WoD (I think it was the shadowmoon but I may be wrong).

Perhaps the social structure would be over mastery of blood magics and knowledge/influence of other social matters similar to the Venthyr.