San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It’s not always about her art. It’s about her having opinions that people disagree with (bigots).

I don’t understand it either. It’s not like a thread full of people in support of an AR or set of customizations are going to go “okay” and stop supporting just because one or two (usually obnoxious) people say no or disagree. There is literally no point in this behavior and provides zero benefits.


Who knows. I will disagree with things being playable but will post only once about it in a thread, then mute it. (Example: Lightforged Undead & Afterlife Races, or San’layn exclusive to Alliance.)

No point in staying in the thread itself. People will continue to share ideas. You can only really disagree once with reasoning behind it. Then what? Repeat? Eh. Unless it comes up in multiple threads, it seems pretty pointless to stick with it, with the exception of someone baiting (which I have learned to ignore myself now.)

We’ve been here 3 years and I’m sure we will continue to be, though hopefully that new program will bring in someone interested in customization/lore, including these ideas.


Ahh, those. Yeah, that sucks.


Yeah, I can see that.
I’m not real interested in the lightforged undead either, I feel like there’s much more interesting things they could do. There’s plenty of existing races that should be playable instead of pulling another void elf and just whipping something out of thin air.
Really don’t see why San’layn would be exclusive to the alliance. It makes no sense. They’ve already got their void vampire elves, why would San’layn that were already trying to join the horde, go to the alliance. Yeah, I don’t like that one either.
It really is more the repeating, or the way it’s done. Being constructive is important.


Even through the darkest days, this fire burns. Always! :fire:



i 'm in the trenches advocating for belf red eyes, tats and undead skin colors on my various toons. where are you guys? in here hiding! come out, sunlight doesnt hurt. lol

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Lol, I never visit Void Elf threads anymore and almost always mute them when they pop up.

oh, well i will brave it for you then. this char hasnt said anything yet but she’s gonna.

My cave is more comfy to snooze! But yeah I’d been advocating in the main customization thread, however after some drama, I turned it off. Tossed my ideas into the blood elf thread too. We’ve been keeping this one active which hopefully helps.


I prefer to hangout in the threads with people I like and get along with as well as that want the same things or most of the same things I am which is why I spend most of my time in the Blood Elf thread, this thread, the Dark Ranger thread and the Nightborne thread. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


i’m hopping around to all the new helf/velf/blondes threads on my alts and advocating for velf hairstyles and belf red eyes, tats and undead skin colors

for example

I still don’t want to visit Void Elf stuff, like I said other day I don’t want us to ever share anything again and I also don’t want Blood Elves to get overlooked again in favor of giving Void Elves more stuff so I don’t really support anything for them even though there’s still stuff I want for them on my own Void Elf.


fine, i’ll just do it myself. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Hopefully we’ll get some news soon. But yeah I’m not thread hopping sorry >< After the drama I’ve dealt with over the past few weeks, we’re lucky I’m even still here on the forums and want to make a different in the community still. I’m also concerned certain parties will still try to spark something.

I think I’ve drilled my thoughts into the ground by now anyhow and am content to just try to share anymore ideas that happen in this thread or something.

Red eyes for blood elves, red eyes for Death Knights, undead skins for bllood elves, fangs & claws for blood elves


A San’layn allied race. <3


Fantasy game that has dark fantasy themes and werewolves (worgen) but not vampires (San’layn) as playable is a cardinal sin.

^ Here is a twitter account for supporting Horde/neutral San’layn, through either customization or Allied Race. Going forward, it will be used to promote the ideas from this thread toward the WoW community & Blizzard itself.


Followed! I love San’layn and dark rangers.


A great December birthday present would naturally be some San’layn lore & customization. Perhaps an announcement sometime soon with regard to San’layn would get people in the mood to play again that are interested in vampyr elves. Just saying, it’d be a good way to gain interest in a popular topic (vampires) right now. Combine vampires + elves, the most played race in the game, and you have a powerful mix.

And, of course, we need lore for them expanded that was already established. I’m feeling confident they might look into this in 9.2. I could be sadly wrong… but here’s to hoping.

Edit: The “Summarize this Topic” button (bottom of post 1) is super interesting by the way, and… it shows some great ideas too. How do posts get chosen for that sort of thing? Now I am mighty curious.

Anyway, callback to some stories I wrote for this thread in terms of scenario ideas!


Gods I hope so.

Ignoring the potential link to Revendreth is ridiculous.


I’m always here to support you Fall, also I should be in bed by now but I’m not. Haha. :yum: :yum: :yum: