San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

We already sort of have the vampire spec, that’s blood dks. And a little bit of shadow priests.

well how ya gonna keep from overwhelming the population with huge amounts of blood elves, cause thats the effect of having 2 races exclusive to only blood elves on horde

Given they don’t look anything like Nosferatu, I have heavy doubts on this one. I am not a fan of Nosferatu or their design, so I certainly hope not.

Maybe. I will admit I liked the vampyr curse prior to the venthyr thing and feel like it ruined a lot of things for me. As did the entirety of Shadowlands. I can sincerely say there is not a sliver of lore I enjoy in Revendreth. If they make that connection to the vampyr curse, though, I’d deal with it begrudgingly as it makes the most sense.

I mean, tough luck? I personally don’t feel bad, nor do I care, about whether or not people make tons of San’layn. The more the merrier to me. I don’t get why this is even argument to be completely honest. If people don’t want to play orcs or trolls, so what? It’s not a good idea to just say “nope we can’t get vampire elves because they would be too popular” and is actually counter intuitive.

Why people can’t be allowed to play what they want regardless of those whining “BUT PEOPLE ONLY PLAY PRETTY RACES” boggles my mind.


That’s like a non-issue? The blood elves didn’t get much love in the customization department anyway. I don’t think worrying about race population sizes is relevant to this discussion.


Right, exactly. Whether or not a race will be popular really should never be a factor in decisions.

In fact, if the race is supposedly popular, you’d think it’d want to be pushed MORE given it’d bring more community into the game and people enjoying it. It’s okay if people like a popular race.


it isnt that they’d be too popular, its that you’re suggesting a second class that only blood elves can have on horde.

… I never suggested a class at all. What in the world are you even saying?

I very much do NOT support the class idea, and I don’t support exclusive classes. I don’t support the class/race restrictions at all…


Void elves got void elf stuff and blood elf/high elf stuff.

Blood elves just have blood elf/high elf stuff. No fel elves, no vampire elves.

Void elves got to like triple dip. Blood elves can’t go off there other identities?

Void elves are also the alliance’s most popular allied race…

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err race
sorry playing wow at same time

There are also San’layn in Ice Crown that can turn into Spiders. Which makes me wonder if they are druids.


No worries, you super confused me with that one. But to that I say, I mean…touch luck? Void elves got high elves now. Tons of people begged for that for years. They continue to beg for stuff. the same counter argument could be had toward the Alliance.

The San’layn community isn’t as big as the high elf community anyhow. It really wouldn’t make an impact, and even if it did…again…tough luck, you folks have dark elves via void elves.

They could be neutral, sure, San’layn I mean, but I also support it only going to blood elves given blood elves do not have a second magical mutagen theme like void elves.


I figured that was a mage polymorphing themselves or osmeone else but yeah honestly druids would be awesome, not going to lie. I get a hard time every time I bring it up though…


And what’s wrong with that? Velves have two different races they can be.


It’s hard to tell because it doesn’t give a class for them, but a Spider form as a druid would be pretty cool.



Right, and plus, there’s the ‘death’ aspect of Druidism via drust. Plus, in common vampire myth, they are shapeshifters. I was so disappointed that the DEATH PART of druidism went to the Alliance as opposed to… you know…the undead on the Horde, and they got cool skeletal forms too. I’m not interested in playing a Kul’tiran personally, and won’t, but I am jealous of their druid forms.


I have one waiting at 20, but I rarely play my alliance. I don’t mind them, just wish I could play them on horde since I wanted undead druids since like cata. I do hope if undead somehow get druids one day they can share the wicker theme as I did share similar art for wanting undead druids before shadowlands existed and they seem to use them for the alliance kultirans. I still don’t see why undead don’t have undead kultiran shamans or druids yet. That is another thing I want blizzard a modern lore update to race/class combos or removal of such restrictions.

I also would like to use a raptor travel form for my troll druid, the stag makes little sense when we got zandalari forms.

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Well, as we’ve discussed in this thread, there could be some San’layn who worship Hi’reek. They were in Nazmir a lot. Perhaps they interacted heavily with Blood Trolls. Maybe even a splinter faction of non-horde-aggressive blood trolls. Playable blood trolls as well, when?


I would love san’layn druids myself. Eversince they retconned the high elf druids into mages in BC with the stone wards in the blood elf starting zone. They can retcon them blood elf druids back as botanists. Druids or nature mages that focus more on arcane magics and more of forcing nature to obey. That is what blood elves and nightborne did to there wildlife. The blood elves twisted the trees into what we see in Eversong Woods and the trees in the nighthold. Botanists tend to use the same nature spells with WoW npcs, we even have fel botanists. So if we go the botanist route as maybe a druid “class skin” I would love that for many non-night elf elves even the void elves.

The traditional route is much more tougher, but the only vampire druid I know was a former night warrior, the Stonewright, mother of the stoneborn.

If we go maybe with the venthyr and san’layn joining forces through kael’thas route some of them may be keen on learning from her or her disciples. As she once embodied elune, powerful magics of wrath which the san’layn would maybe like to harness, and they could maybe use the blood moon theme and some night warrior knowledge to envoke the fury of elune. Since the san’layn wouldn’t be as opposed to use such harsh magics the dark side of nature could be explored with them, the stonewright though likes to keep people in check but she sure does have a temper.

It could also bridge the san’layn to whatever home world she is from and they could maybe want to have a presence on that planet where the stonewright was from a story perspective.

I could also envision instances where the San’layn on azeroth are researching blood magics and happen on blood trolls and Hir’eek. Since we saved him in the Night Fae campaign they may be interested in protecting him for whatever reason (tbd) and form a friendship/partnership. Perhaps the san’layn were interested in blood magics of the blood trolls. Idk how much they know about blood magic but t hey may be curious what they can learn from the artificial old god followers. They may have kept there curiosity for magics from there life in undeath.

Many mays to write them in if blizzard wanted. I would love it since it is very classical for vampires to morph into bats. And if we could have a like tarantula bear form for them that would be nice. Or maybe the gargoyle forms under the stonewright. Would be a lot of fun. I hope blizzard would use some of those ideas in the future for San’layn druids.


There’s just so many ways Blizz could bring San’layn into the story and make sense.