San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Heaven knows everyone could use a few more customizations.

Or a lot more.

I’m secretly let down that we didn’t get any word for spooky season.

It’d be so easy to do the bare minimum. Give eye color options to DKs of red, green, blue, unlock DK specific skins for… Well, everyone, but especially the species that we’ve seen rocking the dead life. The rest can be covered with mogs. Obviously, more would be better, but come on. My vampiric batling deserves a character to hang out with!


Made this meme by the way (has sound) :stuck_out_tongue: HAd to.

Also agreed so much. I am so annoyed that DK eye colors aren’t red and green as well, along with DK skins being unlocked. They gave the hair colors, so the can of worms is already open!


Oh my gosh, me too, another reason for me to absolutely adore you, not that I didn’t already but still. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I always hope to find races I want playable underneath my Winter Veil tree each year! More character slots per account would also be great, too.

:japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre: :bat: :christmas_tree: :crocodile: :tiger2: :snake:


It’s RIGHT there.

And death knights already suffer from needing some extra pizzazz compared to demon hunters. Necromantic eye colors would be fun for the whole family. Well, the whole family that’s into blight, corpse explosions, ice and blood. And that’s the important part of the family.


I meant to hop on here the other night and check, but finally have and I’m kinda surprised there’s not any talk about the additional class skin fan idea put out by the Lost codex and Simaia/Keyboard Turner since it featured some bits about San’layn and Dark Rangers.

I quite enjoyed the whole post, as well as the first one.
The first was all focused on Paladin variations, where this one was more general class skins…ones that would be featured across multiple classes and often accompanied by customizations such as the case with the San’layn…I think the skin was for priests, rogues, death knights…maybe mages? Trying to remember without running off to check again.

About to go check some other threads…then again I should find a link.
Here was the one on twitter.

Here is the reddit version with more info.

Ah, it was mage, but it also has warlock and demon hunters included.

I quite enjoyed reading through it all.
Would love to see more things like that for the game.

Oh yeah, I forgot the other part.


Ah this is awesome! I do like this quite a bit. Here are the pictures with regard to the San’layn customization :slight_smile:

I WOULD LOVE for the origin of the azeroth Vampyr to be explored, we sincerely need actual lore on that.



I got an animated bust commission of my OC from I do play Ares as a San’layn in game, or well, did when I roleplayed :slight_smile:

Facial piercings for ALL races please :heart_eyes: I am so excited about this, I will admit. Finally have some awesome art to share you folks. Nearly in time for Halloween. All good, it’s always Halloween in this thread!

Oh also - see his teeth? Can we get blade-teeth for our San’layn please :smiley:


I see Warlock class and I love it. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I’ve wanted a dwarf runemaster for… uhm. A while.

I love that sort of mentality and the way those classes usually work out, and monk is the closest to that feel for me.

Much like forest trolls, San’layn, Wildhammer, and Highborn, it’d be fun to have it as its own glorious thing… but having it as a customization option is the next best choice.

Way better than not having it at all.


Class skins in general would be so awesome. Greenfire is a good start for warlocks, but more definitely should be done :slight_smile:

Really hoping we get some more vampyr lore for Azeroth in 9.2. I am still curious as to why some parts of icecrown are being updated.



That was part of what I also liked. The exploration of it’s lore.
Also having it being a whole visual class theme that applies to Mages, Priests, Warlocks, Demon Hunters, Rogues, AND Death Knights sounds pretty great.
With the added visual customizations, it’s almost an allied race, but with cool spell visuals. Just need some cool racial style bonuses and it’d work very well.

Makes for a pretty good range of options.

Bunch of the other options were pretty sweet as well.

The Necro and drust options were pretty cool. I’d not considered the drust options before, but that’d actually work very well.

Looks like they were even planning fel and void themes for warlock. If you look at the Rogue examples Nightblade and Felblade, they’ve got the warlock highlighted as well.

Perhaps the fel skin for warlocks would be a bit of an expansion for the Green fire option.

I’m thinking Simaia would be a good candidate for that council thing they announced. A bunch of the stuff they’ve posted would be great. I really dug the customization options they’d mocked up for undead. The beards and hairstyles from other races applied to the males looked great. Think they also had some examples of skin textures that felt like they should have already been options.

Plus I loved the quick Vrykul mock up.

Kinda curious what their idea for the san’layn skin for demon hunters would be.
I’d think Venthyr style spell effects and then Stoneborn tank form and dreadlord dps form. That’d rock.


I love Simaia’s concepts and ideas! I hope they apply for a position in the Warcraft Council because their input would be very valuable.


Fully agreed. I’ve quite enjoyed following them and seeing the great examples.


Poor Simaia catches so much flak on twitter though. People just can’t help being nasty it seems.


That’s sad too. So much cool stuff is posted by her.
People are nasty everywhere.
The class skin stuff would breathe some life into the game. It’d give people the ability to play some of the fantasy options they want that currently aren’t available, and give avenues for storytelling.


And yet even the most constructive threads, tweets and comments get trolls and people having a fit. Why reject the ability to get more?


I’ve never understood that even with the allied races.
People dropping into a thread to complain and moan and say no.
I’m all about options. Sure there are some that I probably wouldn’t use, but I will usually still support them because I feel it’d add new stuff to the game that others would enjoy. I’m not going to drop in and say no when there are people who’d obviously be thrilled about it, and it might even bring others back to the game.
It makes no sense to me.
People drop in saying “no more elves” and I don’t get it…there are elven options in the game, that should be fully playable by now. I’d much rather have seen separate allied races instead of dropping options into an existing one. I don’t mind cross over though. There’s hair and skintones and such, that make sense being shared, but distinction would be great as well.

I fully believe there should be a team dedicated to customization. That being character decoration (hairs, skins, etc), new classes to play as, the class skin idea…anything that lets us realize our characters the way we want and have it ongoing. New stuff every patch, or even via smaller patches between big patches. For a game and company this big, the content patches are much too far apart. Even before pandemic. Smaller patches that add fun stuff would be great.


what are they saying? her work is fantastic.