San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It depends on the tone of the post with me… as i told Fallynn in the Belf thread if your post is genuine I have no issues but If it´s not well… I hate those kind of interactions, I feel as if people would be lying to me or something.

I´ve tried to improve on my nonexistant patience, but then again, what Balesong reported was trolling of the most rude and worst kind. And no serious adult gets legitimately worked up to such degree for a game. The people usually posting such rude words are either little children or adults bored wanting to have some “fun”.


well, technically speaking, they’re going to be people with any manner of mental and/or emotional trauma on public forums. so you will also encounter folks who seem overly defensive, angry without sufficient cause, paranoid, short fused and so on.

as western society disintegrates, highly addicitive and dangerous mind altering chemicals offer escape from that disintegration, and i presume mmorpgs fall into the less dangerous but still addictive escape offerings. as a result, you’re more likely to find people who are in bad shape in that escape, for that reason.

my motto is, don’t take it personally.

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And if you do, by the Gods put someone on block and don’t drag it to social media to harass. (not you, this is referencing the previous situation.)


There are tools irl for them to achieve a healthy state of mind, me thinks. Condining their bad behaviour will only make them get worse, precisely because this leaks to their actual irl interaction.

And people face to face won´t take their BS. They may even get hurt if they have bad luck and annoy another “not terribly stable” individual. I believe respect is non negotiable regardless of the emotional background of the individual. And the sooner they learn this, the better for them, cause they will never achieve a healthy state of mind nor a healthy relationship with other human beings if they don´t deliver respect first.

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social media is the devil’s bible, poisoning the minds of our youth.

evil social media, is evaaaal.

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i met one such person on these very forums. eventually, i had to distance myself out of self preservation. i thought surely patience and kindness would suffice…not even close. its like sylvannas - some presumed the ranger general was in there somewhere, but she wasnt! arthas had delivered it to the jailer.

no amount of patience or appealing to the good woman that she was, was gonna fix it, at least not until the part the jailer had stolen was returned.


It’s very useful for getting business out there though, which is why I use it.

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I mean, without respect no non-toxic interaction is possible. Respect is not only a right, but a duty too.

And omg… the terribad lore regarding poor Sylvanas.


did i notice the bard topic here or on belf thread?

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I think belf thread but I want bards XD I think we should get floating instrument pets too :smiley:

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didya notice in my great shapeshift thread, i added bards? for alliance - broken draenei, for horde - saberon. and they play war drums that are converted totems and a floating harp pet, acts like a dot/heal, bombarding target with musical notes. :innocent:

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That’s cool! I just don’t like transform stuff aside from druids due to the HEAVY restriction on customization :frowning: It’s why DH are kind of obnoxious. I would be way more for it if we could customize the shift forms if they’re humanoids.

yeah they wouldnt allow customization for many of them because of odd body types, which is why they’ve never been playable. not so for san’layn, but if many of the others cant, then none of them would be allowed to, presumably.

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This is by Somand!

I would like the jewelry a tad better if there was a gem color toggle for sure. At least in that case, we would be able to actually match it as we please. Also, a choker would be nice at some point, given the blood elf in the cinematic for BC literally had one .-.


Well, as I said, my ideas and such are far from perfect. And to be honest, it can be hard to get motivated at times. Moreso when WoW’s future is in question, given how Shadowlands is and how slow updates are in general.

Still, I suppose there is some hope within me that keeps me going in supporting the races I want to become playable races. At least for now, I plan to keep going as long as I play the game. For what it is worth, I try to show off the potential certain races would have if they became playable along with some world building and storyline opportunities. Not a guarantee to see dreams become reality, of course, but you never know.

Hopefully our ideas and requests don’t fall upon blind eyes, but we’ll see what direction the game goes as we continue onward with our march of support. With any luck, we’ll gradually see that character creation screen get filled with races people have been wanting for a long time.

On another note, Halloween is in two days, so here is some spooky vampire music to enjoy:



Any race that has metal jewelry should get multiple metal and gem colors.

More types are also a good idea, if not a requirement.


Indeed! I saw Night Teeth last night and personally enjoyed it. As usual I disagree with critics, but what else is new. They slammed one of my favorite movies, Dracula Untold. Stand by saying that movie was amazing.

Though a broken clock is right twice a day. Netflix’s Castlevania is rated high, as it should be, in my opinion. So they got that right.

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I haaaaaaaaaaaaated Night Teeth. To each their own tho!


Very fair :stuck_out_tongue: I know it won’t appeal to everyone. There was a lot of lore expanding I feel they needed to do. But all in all the premise was fun to me.

I’m not as passionate about it as Dracula untold or Netflix Castlevania anyhow. Hellsing Ultamite I love up until Alucard vanishes for several episodes, by which point it really just…droned on and was boring, I dunno how to explain it

I still think true blood is my favourite vampire adaptation in recent times. Despite some of the writing. Just love the lore

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