San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

The San’layn could probably even enthrall the Scourge presence (the mindless ones) and make use of them to protect the homeland. Unfortunately, the Scourge are rampaging everywhere while we’re in the Shadowlands. Kind of makes me worry for Quel’thalas, because as you mentioned, the Sin’dorei really don’t have enough soldiers to mass a good defense.


I’m legit thinking at the moment we could literally get San’layn/Dark Ranger and Void based customizations and the void one is new but we could due to it just being an RPing option and if Blizzard can share our normal options to Alliance they could easily share theirs to us for RPing options.

The best situation would us be getting both races. But that doesn’t seem realistic judging from blizzard’s past. It would be ideal though. I believe the more races the better to enhance our player experience. I could see a world where both can be added as customization. The shadowlands races would be nice to soulshape into since the shadowlands introduced that magic type.

Personally I would love a soulshape system where we can collect race disguises/looks basically being able to race change aestethically into any race. Collecting a race for me would be lovely as a cosmstic feature and I mostly collect mounts, pets and transmog in this game anyway. Being able to race change on the fly would also be fun. I wish they would start adding things for “fun” instead of taking timegates and ugh you guys don’t know what you want sort of line. I love my shaman but I think it would be fun to pick different races to play everyday. Sort of like how you collect skins in overwatch or other fighting games, as far as the rp aspect to that it can break it for some or enhance it. Like imagine being able to collect a Arrokoa race from doing warlords stuff.

I think the shadowlands introducing soulshapes would be a nice way for us to get some of the shadowlands races at least. Out of the shadowlands I would like to play it’s the Kyrian, Venthyr, Stoneborn, Dredgers, and the faun/ vorkals.

I feel like Sanlayn would be lovely on the horde, it feels relevant 2 expansions with there involvement, and lanathel was cameo’d in the last patch.

Rumour has it that blizz is basically focusing most of there attention on a new expansion, so I would expect much in a 9.2 or even getting a 9.3 sadly. Shadowlands sets up a bunch of cosmic lore and players are sick of shadowlands.

Whatever features that would be for 9.2.5 as a preorder bonus would have to be interesting to get preorders in. My bet is bard class early access (or another class since we are due for one). I would just love a soulshaoe system though, since it doesn’t seem they will add more character slots, customization for certain races would also work).

As an altoholic at least I think that would make it more fun to stick on one of each class. I would love to switch up my shaman races to stuff like goblin/kelfin/trolls/maghar/grimtotem/yaungol/ naga/ forsaken/ sethrak/ venthyr/sanlayn/ saberon/ vulpera/ ogre/ tuskarr.

Sigh would love a system like that.

Anyways, here’s to hoping we get a decent 9.2 patch since the dev time takes way too long it seems. Would have been nice to get some disguise toys at least. Class skins would also be a nice wow dream made into reality. San’layn in comparison doesn’t seem to hard to implement as a customization option or allied race. Hoping the devs are still listening and hoping they will listen to community desires without corrupting wishes like the old blizzard did a bunch of!

I can see a recruitment scenario like night warrior/allied race stuff involving kael’thas wanting to be redeemed if I think about writing the san’layn into joining with the current plot points.

With my horde bias I would probably right in for stuff like venthyr/stoneborn new horde/nuetral race and san’layn stuff for horde. Kael’thas would be nice as a horde leader rejoining us. Sort of like how Jaina was kul’tiran and ended up bringing them into the alliance as there leader. But in that case Jaina was already in the alliance and of nobility. Kael’thas I believe left the regeant lord in charge and he didn’t want ti be a leader. Him coming back as a leader on the horde would give us another powerful hero since horde leaders don’t tend to come anywhere near alliance power levels besides maybe currently Slyvanas who is currently a traitor, thrall just got his shaman powers back, but his earthwarden powers?

I can envision scenarios where we find out where Dreven’s soul is and some flashbacks with Slyvanas to elaborate that moment for the horde, since you only saw them in the story on alliance characters.

Storywise blizzard left enough lore to add them in when they want. Asset wise that can take awhile depending on which assets are being prioritized. Again rumours say they are focusing on the new expansion and not as much folks on current expansion stuff.

It would have been nice to get bare minimum stuff with the pass like they did for the high elf fantasy for alliance. That look can be achieved for them already. Meanwhile horde can’t pull of the dark ranger look with blood elves, arthas/nathanos like humans for undead, nor san’layn stuff. Many of the san’layn npcs simply used dk and dark ranger assets, it would have been nice to have access to those for now. But I do hope its a sign they would like more attention to the san’layn cosmetics if they choose to release them one day.

Here’s hoping blizz will do good with community desires and implement them in a way we like and can enjoy!

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So Blizzcon next year appears to have been canceled:

Though they mention they’ll have announcements throughout the year, I can’t help but be worried about the state of the game, much as I hope to see the game get better in the future.

Guess we’ll see what happens, when or if it happens.


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Agreed with this so much and all of my heart, thank you all who’ve had my back in this, because it did cause a lot of stress.

If it continues, I very well might. Them and their very toxic posse need to leave me alone. I’m going to block and ignore all of them from this point forward. If they try to harass past that, then I will be doing something like that about it.

All of this over pixel elves. Some people are truly unhinged.

TLDR; someone took things from the forums to twitter to outright harass and attack me on there, subverting a block.

I’m not hugely in favor of this to be honest, though I mean, if they want to demand San’layn/Dark Ranger options on their side, it’s only fair that we’d get void elf options too, given the circumstance. And if they decline, they’re being outright hypocrites, but we knew that already given our interactions with the most toxic among them.

Thankfully many people in the high elf community, in the San’layn community, and WoW community in general have had my back on this and agree this has gone way too far on their end, and no amount of twisting things or trolling from them will sway people given what happened. Their behavior is seen bright as day on the forums alone.


I wasn’t really serious like serious with these posts yesterday because like I said in the Blood Elf thread a few minutes ago.


Yeah I’d love some hairstyles from them but try saying that without getting someone to shriek “only alliance has goth elves” even though 95% of them wanted to take the void out of void elves.


What gets me about this, is quite a few of them ask for our hairstyles still so I don’t see why it would matter or why it does matter but I guess people are who and what they are and the super trolly ones are well trolls.


It doesn’t. I’m tired of being nice and dancing around the issue. What we are dealing with is people who honestly need to get off of the computer and leave people alone. They can’t deal with people that have opposite opinions so they literally drag it out of areas like here and attack on social media.

Most people with a state of mind that isn’t unhinged do not do this. It’s a very small number of really toxic individuals but it’s time people realize that things are being taken way too far and stop making excuses for this behavior.

If you have a different opinion, say it, and keep it to here. You can even complain about it on social media while being vague. Some do that. But to attack specific people and go after them on social media over pixel elves is too far and no, we shouldn’t sit here and take it.

I’m done arguing with hypocrites who don’t read a word of what I say. I’m done with people whining that I’m gatekeeping. They wonder why no one wants to play on their faction but should perhaps look in the mirror.


Yeah I feel that.

Though maybe they’re actually having a go at reoganizing the future of WoW and making things better and just need the time.

They’re not known for being quick on their feet.

Nothing about these pixels should be used against a person in real life situations.

Its not that deep. I don’t get why folk think that sort of thing was ok.

I didn’t think you were.

I would love to have some of the hairstyles available for my Blood Elves.

The tentacles no longer being an issue means theres little bar to it now.

Anyone who seriously thinks the hairstyles couldn’t transfer over I think is just trolling honestly.

Or they have some agenda… its a hair style for Old Gods sake…

Yeah… very much agree here.

Nothing about this game should get someone so upset that they attack another person in real life and try to cancel them or harass them.

If you’re at that point, just quit wow and leave. Its not healthy.


Lol, the only stuff I’m serious about customization wise personally is San’layn/Dark Ranger customizations, red eyes, pink and burgundy hair colors for Blood Elves, pink and purple eye colors, more saturated hair colors including pink and red and more skintones like reds and pinks for Nightborne and of course pink hair color for all races. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Also you watch, my angry posts about this will end up on their toxic end of twitter. So hey toxic twitter, how are you?

Long as people don’t literally tag me on my other social media, or call for dogpiling (which they do), at this point I’m going to ignore it and keep them on ignore/block.

I am so tired of this it’s unreal. I’m dropping it soon, but I wanted to express my frustration and how it legitimately should have never happened.

I used to be far nicer by the way but situations like this push me more and more to just refusing to play nice at all with people who act in any way horrible toward me, because I’m tired of people taking advantage of my patience and kindness.


Lol, when you become super Twitter famous be sure to remember your friends like me. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Gods I hope to be twitter famous for my work outside of here though for sure. I should have separated it but alas, it was a mistake not to. Still, I worked hard to give my ideas to improve it for the game. It’s an utter shame now that I’ve decided to very rarely, if at all, ever tweet about this game again given the circumstances that happened over the past few days. I used to tweet support for San’layn on the Horde, and all that. Share OC stuff, tweet about my guild when I played.

Will that happen even if I join the game again? No. I don’t trust “Twitteroth” to not be a toxic cesspool at this point after what happened and, for my own sanity and safety, am leaving it behind aside from here. (And even then, here my time is limited. I’ll be sad to leave friends here behind for sure. But… the happenings the other night have just turned me off to even caring nearly as much as I did before about this game.)


All of that would be wondrous.

And as always 1000% on pink hair for all races… (And eyes honestly… >.>)

I’d say the “You shouldn’t let others change you” line but honestly in your shoes I’d be terrified and wouldn’t easily be very trusting of others for some time.

Happened when I had a falling out with someone earlier in the year and is continuing. If it got as far as its gone with you… I’d be a mess.

Have you considered making a separate account for games and such now?

Might be too late I guess but… may help in the future?

Entirely understandable. I’m glad you’re my friend and that I have a way to talk you you outside of here.


Yeah idk from what happened I’m glad I’ve never engaged in speaking about WoW outside of the forums that I feel is important due to providing feedback or blizzard watching hopefully etc.

Like it’s sad that people take it that far and are that unhinged. Because it shouldn’t be like that.

I love Twitter but I’m also on an entirely different universe of Twitter lmao

Yeah this!


Which is very nice.

A neutral Vampire Concept I can kind of agree with, but San’layn are a huge extension of the Blood Elf and Forsaken Identities. It makes far more sense for them to go Horde. It’s not wrong to say that.


Same. The only thing I disagree with is having them exclusive to the Alliance.


Me too.

I still don’t know why one would want to work with the Alliance, but neutral I can see.