San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’m sorry that your day isn’t going really well due to well other people and other stuff, however remember that even with all the negative people you do have lots of positive people that are your friends like me and others in this thread that are here for you and that love and support you and your ideas, plus for me I’m here for you even past that and I think others would be too because other people came to your defense like I would have if I was online earlier and last night so. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Why can’t people leave others alone? It’s fine to disagree but to be nasty to others just makes the person look juvenile. Be kind.


This is so true and I appreciate that with all of my heart. People can see what’s really going on, how they are playing the victim while being the bully, and such like that. I am so glad I have friends to help me through this.

This is a super excellent question. I don’t know. It’s one thing to subtweet and complain (which…they had been doing long before I said anything) but to actually bring up someone’s true twitter profile, screenshot tweets and lie/try to twist the situation in a harassment attempt, subvert a block, then cry victim when I speak up about it is unreal.

All over pixel elves.

As you can guess, I’m done with the nonsense.


Which no one deserves even the people their mad at (people who disagreed over the HE request), of which you aren’t even one of those people you’ve made it clear time and time again how indifferent you are on the actual visual uniqueness arguments / or the inclusion of them, so to attack you because their mad at other people who aren’t even you and this is all over pixel elves is insane.

I was happy (not in their discord any longer but a friend showed me their accouncement ping) to see the HE discord take a stance and call out the issue as well, it at least sends a message to like Tarrok said earlier

Regardless I was glad to see that announcement happened, because I think we can all agree disagreements over what we want to see in game is one thing, but this is something thats not cool and beyond that.

Anyways literally walking in to take a test so I’m off I had half of this saved as a draft already and just finished typing it because I wanted to add that


You’ve got this dearie and good luck!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Much appreciated :hugs: I’m between a class atm now just finished 10 mins ago or so


An alternative to a cloud of bats that wouldn’t be as cool but still interesting could be a ‘blood mist’ mount. I think there is a potion or toy that already turns the user into a mist of some sort, possibly red, so the animations and mechanics are there already. Technically, adding in the bat animations from the Hallow’s End Hearthstone could also add in a minor ‘cloud of bats’ effect as well… hm.

Edit: Oh! I think I found it!

So not like a red mist but you get it, it’d be this sort of animation as a red mist mount.


I would personally still prefer the bats but I love that you come up with so many cool and fun ideas. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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Oh yeah big same, I prefer the cloud of bats above all, it’s something I would love to have. Plus… there is a comedic aspect to it too, lol.

You afk and your character is just sitting there chilling as a cloud of bats (cause they’re in the racial mount form) :stuck_out_tongue: With your character name above your head. Just, you know, a cloud of bats there, nothing to see.

I don’t know why I find that image so funny, but for some reason I do :stuck_out_tongue:


If they did the bats I think it would have to work like the Worgen Racial since I don’t see other Horde races spontaneously turning into bats.

Which means they would have to add a second mount for collectors.

I vote Barghest.


For context to those who do not know ^^


yikes :face_with_monocle: huh worgen body bat head. sure it needs a tail? bats dont have tails

Halloween is coming up this Sunday, so how about some more sweet treats? This time: bat cupcakes!

There are other types of bat cupcake recipes if you Google them. Lots of ways to go about making them!

And to finish this post, a whole bat cake:

I’ll keep an eye out for other neat Halloween treats to share. :wine_glass::bat:


I got some chocolate chip cookies myself for the occasion that I will bake and perhaps share with friends :slight_smile: The fruit punch looks a bit like blood haha! So it’ll fit the theme. Chocolate chip cookies and punch, super yummy.


Also boy is this an ironic statement now. I still don’t regret what I’ve done, but my mood has shifted dramatically to very negative after last night. I will continue to post and stay positive of course. But I feel hollow given the harassment.


last night wasnt a good night. i ended up in a debate with a guy who interprets requests that the devs of classic era, minus their mistakes in the office, be the standard for creating the game, is the equivalent of supporting abusive treatment of employees. this resulted in action against my forum account. kinda not happy atm


…People are honestly unreasonable and I’m sorry you dealt with that >< Anyone with half a mind knows how illogical that is.


don´t despair, if anything the literal “rabid dog” post was literally that: a salty dude/dudette expressing his/her ubber saltiness over most people not buying his BS.

Not surprised to see the usual suspects jumping to accuse you (THE VICTIM) for getting harrased. But suuure, we the “antis” are the true toxic people /LMFAO

To the rest of you people, who acted like decent human beings and chastised the misbehaving without “dogpilling”, “trolling”, “insults”, etc.: I feel VERY fortunate you participate in these threads I frequent, cause nothing excuses people getting harrased in social networks over stupid pixels, period.

You guys are the true MVP on this place, please never change.

Tbqh, if the issue has gotten to irl platforms like twitter, you should probably consult with Blizzard themselves possible venues to get their accounts on ignore. Cause what they are doing AND condoning, is ilegal.


I love this. It makes perfect sense for San’layn to be stationed in Deatholme what with their connection to their living kin, the tragedy that made them take up the name Sin’dorei having started there, and their undead condition. Far enough away from living Sin’dorei, but close enough to come to their aid if the circumstances arise.

This kind of reiterates Fallynn’s complaint that the San’layn have so much potential all around and it’s squandered. Free from the Lich King, the San’layn should have beseeched Lor’themar to allow them to return to Quel’thalas and reconnect with their living kin. San’layn were Kael’thas most loyal and ardent warriors, a yearning to return to the land and people that they loved and died for would make perfect sense.

I also love the the music idea you mentioned. Although, I will say that Lament of the Highborne is appropriate for all Thalassian elves, especially undead Thalassian elves like Dark Rangers and San’layn. But I won’t reject the chance to get a new beautiful, haunting song.

This was what I was thinking. Although, the cynic in me thinks that they’re avoiding adding them to spite us.

Also, I hate to return, see this thread as over a hundred new posts and immediately go “what this time?”


Don´t we all? I´d had vouched first for the San´layn to get Forsaken rep above Quel´thalas before the whole BfA fiasco, but after?

Idk, I think it´s gonna be much harder for them to get positive contact without the lasting huge influence of Sylvanas. I do think Velonara is theiur best bet, and them getting stationed in Deathholme kills two birds with one stone (they found a home in which their political influence may be bigger AND they solve the perpetual “we lack enough soldiers to spare a 100% Scourge free Ghostlands” issue plaguing Quel´thalas).