San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I have so many of their alts on ignore too, but I can always click on them if I see someone directing a comment to someone. Again, the ignored person is being a sad and pathetic being and taking this nonsense way too seriously and throwing a temper tantrum. As seen by how quickly they flagged her comment.

Maybe be a little less trigger happy to lecture people on the rules who are getting stressed out by people with no sense of proportion.


They need to back to account wide ignore like the old forums.


There’s a lot from the old forum that should come back rather than this nonsense developed by some naive people with lofty ideals that apparently never met an internet forum.


I have seen the mass flag, and in my honest opinion, I don’t see anything worth flagging about Fallyns post either. But I am not going to risk flagging someone falsely just to risk a punishment myself, since false flagging is against the CoC.

But it all seems like it is happening on Social Media, though I could be wrong, and honestly, I don’t really care about what happens on social media, because social media well, full of internet trolls.

Yes please.

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That was a thing on the old forums? Wow, I wish we had that for sure.



It was also a good way to spot alt hoppers.


I’m just saying there’s context around her posts that someone’s messing with her, and that it’s not helpful to play hall monitor in these situations. Especially this one sided stuff.

Oh, and this in no way reflects on you, just pointing it out. But the creepy gnome liking your posts is part of the problem too.


I have to go to bed I have a Mandarin test tomorrow and I’m out of likes but I just want to reiterate Fallyn doesn’t deserve this. No one does. Targeting someone because you’re mad at other people? And the people you’re mad at this is all over pixel elves?

Fallyns a good person.


We all have a responsibility here on the forums to be respectful and thoughtful of everyone opinions. Yes, I am contradicting myself here since I am a bit bad at it. But we all do it. I wouldn’t exactly say everything is one sided. It is all just on how we approach things.

But I am just trying to make my stance that if someone is breaking the forum CoC, then just flag it and move on. All this has caused unnecessary fuss over something which didn’t need to be made a fuss off.

Gnomes always seem to like my post. I just don’t understand how they can reach that like button when them on a stool is still too short :rofl:

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I think it depends on the severity of the problem. Sometimes it goes into a space where you can’t just ignore it, and it’d be helpful for people on that side to pitch in with a comment on how that doesn’t help. It doesn’t have to be harsh, just a reminder that if nothing else it doesn’t make your side look good to behave that way. Some open social pressure to kind of set boundaries at a reasonable place.

As for the likes, I’d wonder whether he’s liking it more out of what you wrote or whether he thought it was against people he doesn’t like.

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Anyway. I’m glad some people here agree that my ideas are good ones, and that they’re interested in Horde San’layn. As I said, I would rather them be an Allied Race, but customization would be cool.

It would be lovely if we got a “Night Warrior”-like questline to unlock the customization on blood elves, for fang/claw toggles, red eyes, amber eyes, and jet-black. I am unsure if we’d need amber, given the dull ‘gold’ glow that already looks amber, though. But the more the merrier.

Red eyes (and unholy green) for DK would be cool too, imo.

Torn ear options for elves in general would be really neat, given the battle-heavy environments they are all in. I also support scarring for all races. Death Knight death scars, as someone mentioned, could be neat. I know this could also apply to any playable undead.


this sounds like a cool idea.

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Yeah, there was a lengthy discussion going on in several areas about earnable customization through lore quests, and I have to say, I adore that idea and always have :slight_smile: I’m really, really hoping to see more of that!

I will say one thing I am also very happy about in 9.1.5. I might not be returning for a bit, but the fact that all covenant customization is unlocked for account upon hitting max renown, and there aren’t restrictions… I just, that’s one of the things I really wasn’t happy with, and that resolution is excellent.


Claim a subrace that is not allied with your faction, because your faction murdered them all? That claim? Lol!


People having no imagination is the problem. San’layn make sense on the Horde and are a fine idea for a allied race. Give the alliance Satyr or Eredar. There were Satyr that served Illidan. The Draenei empathize with the Eredar.

Not hard to look and see there are so many possibilities besides Blood Elf model.

No offense. Lol

People just wanna look HOT


Might be best to just not respond to them at all now, they’ve made their case, we’ve replied, they can’t handle people with opposing opinions, and I’m tired of their toxicity.

They called out “horde” in this post title but were perfectly fine with an alliance San’layn thread and no similar comment if that puts things into perspective. Tip of the iceberg.

Hopefully Blizzard will indicate whether they are doing more customization like this in the future or not soon. Likely will be a few months, but I hope they don’t just toss it aside going forward.

A San’layn (H) and Eredar (A) pairing would be super cool in my opinion. They also have interesting stories with a huge amount of potential for being antiheroes! I’d love to see that myself, and I know some alliance fans would adore Eredar too.


I just logged in a few minutes ago but sorry you have had to deal with pointless drama again, I’m kind of glad I missed it mostly at least, regardless hugs and of course as always I’m here for you dearie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Thanks very much. Unfortunately it evolved into harassment outside of the forums with my real name. Quite like how another person (who is also supportive of this behavior given they ‘like’ on both here and other media that involves harassment on me) harassed me for supporting Vulpera. It’s getting to the point of ridiculous, and while I lost sleep over it due to the harassment, I’m going to now block and ignore them, and any alts they make to continue the harassment, in both areas.

It’s a shame people take things this far, and incredibly alarming. But they should know by now to leave me alone in both areas, and how I will not humor or respond to their harassment any longer. I will continue to share my ideas here, and if people wish to argue with me, they are capable of viewing my “FAQ” I have linked in the main thread. I am not going to repeat myself anymore, they have their views, I have mine. I’m done.

Given how much this has escalated over me wanting San’layn on the Horde, as I have for years, and how people are twisting it into me ‘gatekeeping’ for having a different opinion, I am no longer going to bother arguing now and just direct to that post, as I’m not about to stress over very toxic individuals.


You should report them all for harassment, not only here but everywhere else they are doing it as well because no one should have to put up with that and whether it’s Blizzard, Twitter, Facebook, etc. I don’t think they would promote or allow direct harassment if it’s brought to their attention.


Yeah no worries, I took proper action to ensure they are blocked and that any harassment was reported, as per protocol for this sort of thing. I can’t get a win today though and it seems like my day just keeps tanking. I’m keeping my chin up though! Can’t let the harassers and trolls win, so the best way to do that is block, report, and keep sharing our ideas as we always have.