San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

She was directly addressing the problem person in question when you hopped in to give her a hard time.

We all argue, but I’d hope we’d all be up for calling it out when people go overboard and escalate things outside of the forums in a way that can be worrying to people.


I like how this was just turned into “everyone’s doing this” no just one sided again.

Harassment off the forums, name leaks on the forums, the list is like endless etc is not okay behavior period.


Where? Link to the post I am giving her a hard time.

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It’s happening to me in real time right now.


i’m 50 first dates, so if it happened to me, i likely forgot most of it or just dont care enough to rehash it

Yep and their attacking you for it in some weird “we all do this” “everyone’s getting worked up” that’s not cool either


I’ll put it this way, everyone here, all seem to make a fuss over everything. If someone is breaking the Code of Conduct, just report the post and move on. Nobody is going to judge you for that.

But if it is behaviour of someone outside of the forums, then leave it outside of the forums. Blizzard can’t control people’s behaviour on other platforms such as social media or reddit.

Everyone here makes so much fuss over everything instead of just dealing with the situation in an appropriate manner

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Let’s see, the one where you didn’t seem to bother reading what was posted and gave her a hard time for doing something she didn’t do (complain about people using real names on this forum)

Then you continued on to lecture on leaving social media stuff off the forum when she was addressing the person in question before you hopped in.

This one:


Both of which you get nitpicky on the rules to her and ignore what was going on.


i’m referring to blizz not likely to make anymore thalassians for belfs or velfs.

I know hyper wasn’t talking about your post you can see Tarrok addressed them nicely above I think


Well, I’m sorry if there was like 6 thousand post to scroll down too then like some bugged up error where if you scroll up, it will skip a few post.

Also, if someone did use someones real name here in this thread, link it, and I will be happy to flag it. I mean, you Anti’s don’t seem to want too but instead, just want to project and make a huge fuss over it all.

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So you couldn’t scroll up a couple posts to the ones she responded to?

And you’re missing the “Don’t freaking harass people over godsforsaken pixels in a game” bit of your list


I’ve never seen them pay attention to what was being said or going on just argue and usually at times like this when it’s so evident the behavior their defending is not cool the situation ends up like it is now where someone like you has to question why they didn’t bother to read before charging in to begin with

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Link the post. I mean, if you guys rather cause a fuss over it instead of flagging it and moving on, then I might of well do it.


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i mean i could see blizz doing dark rangers as a class and red eyes given to races who can be that class, and having the eligible races be belfs, forsaken and nelfs. maybe humans or dwarves??? not sure on that.

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Get ready to drag those goalposts once again.


Love how people are now making new accounts to attack me on twitter over this now too. Definitely shows the good side of your community, folks. Definitely.


You’re fine. I’m just tired of this.


Did they edited or something, I don’t see any real life information being used.

And also, I have them on ignore, so that is guess why I haven’t seen there post…

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