San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I am going to make myself very clear. Taking this pixel elf war off of the forums via using REAL NAMES AND PROFILES, which is what certain people are doing right now, is out of line. I am now being harassed by people off twitter for saying San’layn should be neutral or Horde, not given to void elves. It’s gone too far, and I need to tell people to sincerely lay off. I don’t know why first someone targeted me for supporting Vulpera, now people are doing it because I support horde San’layn, but here we are.

The toxicity of this community knows no bounds. Stop it, I’ve had enough, keep the arguments here and if you really dislike me, put me on ignore.


its just so rude and unnecessary. just ask for nzoth eyes, problem solved.


It’s really not.
People are only upset because it’s the team they don’t approve of asking for it.


You’re dragging this out of the forums and now false-flagging everything I say. It’s going too far, and you need to stop.


I mean it sounds like they’re content to RP their San’layn already so I’m a might bit confused as to why they’re so hostile about it.

I don’t mind the request for Alliance San’layn… I disagree with the lore suggesting its who they would go with. Both can exist just fine. Its Blizzard who decides in the end anyways. Just not where I want to see em. This doesn’t invalidate anyone else.

I don’t approve of how you act and what you’re now doing to Fallyn. That I will never think is right and that you think it is right is concerning.

Nothing in a video game is worth that sort of behavior.


no, lets start from beginning -

  1. this thread has been up asking for horde san’layn since before allied races were actually available to rep grind. this means before void elves were even revealed.

  2. the devs will never give alliance or horde, another thalassian race but might give us red eyes. since dark rangers and san’layn can benefit from it, they could give belfs dark ranger eyes and nake use as rp sanlayn. and if velfs get nzoth eyes, velfs can rp dark rangers and sanlayn. have you looked at them, they are detailed and the right color scheme.


Are you seriously trying to blame people on the forums for using real names when I haven’t seen anyone use anyone’s real names here on the forums?

And second of all, instead of just boasting about it, if someone is using someone real names on the forums, then report them.


As my head is clearing up, I want to say something.

It seriously isn’t right to bring this out of the forums. Name real names. And call people to attack others. Because that’s what’s happening right now.

If you disagree with me on matters, keep it here. I never asked to be bullied out of the forums, but that’s happening now. No, it shouldn’t have happened to high elf people either, and there are false claims of ‘antis’ doing that, when they haven’t. Not the ones I talk to, anyway.

The people who do rally others to attack those on social media outside of this need to stop.

I made my stance clear.
(1) I want San’layn for the Horde.
(2) I do not think void elves should have exclusive rights to San’layn, I think they should get void customization, and people asking for this to ‘take from the Horde’ aren’t giving a valid reason as to why San’layn should go to the alliance.
(3) The San’layn should join the Horde for lore reasons I have explained above. See my FAQ.
(4) I don’t support the faction barrier and wish for neutral guilds.
(5) People can have different opinions than me just fine. They can put me on ignore, and mute my threads. I have the right to do the same. But harassing me for a different opinion outside of the forums is, and always will be, going too far.


If it is happening on social media, then keep it on social media. Social Media have completely different rules than the forums.


I see you’re staying as classy as ever Sara.

Ignore the person in the thread who is behaving badly to scold the person they are attacking for not doing things right.


You’re one to talk Tarrok.


why would someone be attacking people from these forums on other websites about stuff from here? this is why i dont go on social media to harrass people. this is as social as i get.

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People wonder why I absolutely hate some members of their community. They condone harassment and excusing each other’s behavior to the point of accepting targeted harassment. It’s unreal.


I try and avoid Social Media in general.

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I just want to say Fallyns friendships with others who she disagrees with on some issues and agrees with on others isn’t some bad quality to have that’s literally being an adult maintaining adult relationships with people who can agree and disagree.

Fallyns been my friend since she stood up for me an LGBTQ+ person who felt unsafe in a situation I was in. That is a good person and she doesn’t deserve what ever this person is on about because their bothered some of her friends took issue with the high elf request.

Attacking someone over being mad at other people over pixel elves is literally not cool.


No. I don’t believe when anyone has brought up something like being harassed outside of the forums for a damn opinion on freaking pixel elves I’ve ever hopped in to castigate the person who’s being attacked for complaining on the forums. This is freaking game assets, people need to grow the hell up and get over the fact that people have different opinions on what they like. There’s no damn excuse for that kind of escalation over something so stupidly petty and inconsequential.


I agree. But you’re acting like I am here defending anyone when I am not defending anyone at all on the bases of there behaviour?

But the fact is, if it is happening on social media, then keep it on social media. If it is happening here on the forums, then just flag it and move on. So much drama caused by everyone over pixels of a game!

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especially since both sides are likely in the same boat.

Yeah, this.

It is not a genuine request, it’s harassments and trolling toward someone who did nothing to you.

If you’re just going attack people on this level who weren’t involved then quite frankly, you’re being a hypocrite.

And I’m saying this as one of the ‘main’ Pro-High Elf people.

And the sad face is, one of the Anti’s who did attack you IS AGAINST SAN’LAYN! So you’re helping them!

If you actually care about this subject, keep it your own thread and stop causing trouble for no reason. because no one will want to side with you.


Couldn’t have said it better.