San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Pretty sure those people don’t actually care about Void Elves.


All of this makes tons of sense personally, and I’d like to see more hairstyles across the board. I’m also not someone opposed to an exchange between blood elves/void elves (and… night elves, please :stuck_out_tongue: ), along with just… things in general like that. Hairstyles to me aren’t an exclusive theme, since anyone can style their hair how they want.

Kind of ridiculous how FFXIV has so many hairstyles and CONTINUES to add them, while it just feels like WoW hairstyles need to be expanded a TON by so many people. Like it is unreal.

True, getting that impression.

Also I always post the cloud of bats gif, but never the images, to this thread, and I would like to mend that, as I found some SUPER GREAT shots from Dracula Untold. I can’t believe I didn’t just post the images. Maybe because I thought the gif was cooler, which it’s super cool, but I didn’t take the image seriously enough until seeing it! Here’s some for the cloud of bats concepts :slight_smile:

I love this movie so much though x.x I am so sad it never will get a sequel despite its implied sequel given it didn’t do as well as the movie makers wanted. (even though it did FINE.)


It depends on how you implement the neon colors.

As a plain texture? sure, Fen literally proposed that ages ago and I clearly remember the same people asking for that NOW literally ignoring this then -why do I remember? because I was one of the few ones that liked the concept-.

Regardless, that option is VERY visually different from the ombré patterns Fallyn suggested some weeks ago and that I took the time to research for. And I think both races can get their own version of the stuff in their own way, no need for the assets to be copy/pasted AGAIN.

I´m aware believe me. Cause the idea would had been championed waaay before if this was true.

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argh, wish they would stop giving velfs a bad name.


listen, i am starting to get frustrated for everyone! it would take 2 seconds to turn on red eyes for belfs and maybe 5 minutes to incorporate them into the char creation and barbershop templates. thats 5 minutes and 2 seconds to make the biggest chunk of their playerbase deliriously happy! AND THEY WONT DO IT!! what the actual…


Who knows… the mark the previous executives left on the Belf race was… less than respectable to put it nicely.

They treated the Belves as the Barbie race with no males that dodged a misogynistic lingerie customization option thanks to a lawsuit. That´s how awful Afriasiabi et al used to see the race -or used to “sold” the race to the players more exactly-. And that image won´t be easy to erase from the collective mind of the players, especially of the haters that thrived on using it for their mocking agenda.

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all i know is red eyes for belfs is on the same level of request as blue eyes for velfs/helfs *and that includes belfs who wanted blue eyes so they could rp as a helf. red eyes for belfs rivals that!


I dunno >< And they gave DK hair to all too, so they might as well give skins as well. They can put extras like fangs & claws later, which would be fine, but what they could do now… grrr…

I’m so bloody annoyed about this though. It’s like, we can be beautiful AND fierce warriors. I am so SICK of the mentality that pretty = not a warrior. It’s why I HATE the jewelry nonsense so much. It’s telling me “here, be pretty, no scarring or combat look for you.”

Where are our lady abs Blizzard?! Where are our defined muscles for blood elves? Why are they only for men? oh right, because everything thinks we’re just fine being ‘barbies’ well I’m tired of it and jewelry is the last straw. We can’t even get scars! Night elves did and good for them!

But 90% of blood elf population was wiped out. Someone mentioned they couldn’t believe we didn’t get scars from the undead attacks given what happen. And…yeah. Why didn’t we?! That was a tragedy too but no one cares. They didn’t care about blood elves being almost wiped out, they didn’t care about the purge, but yet Teld is the most horrible thing ever. Yes, I HATE Teld, yes, it was a horrible tragedy, but we can’t be upset about those events too without people literally trying to justify it because "haha blood elves woo go Garithos :stuck_out_tongue: " … -.-


Well, as I mentioned is the “joke” Blizzard sold regarding the race for more than a decade.

We are just retroactively learning the how and whys of that joke getting approved with the lawsuit fiasco, no more and no less. The best part? Anyone who “defended” that joke perception on the race? No better than Afriasiabi himself, so hopefully the Belves will get more decent portrayal and more in line with their actual lore from now onwards.


Red eyes for belf really should have been there during the first pass I think.


it was for like 2 days on wowhead’s early data, along with blue eyes. then blizz fixed it and removed both but only gave back blue.


Yeah they really did just shatter their lore and everything too. And it’s not even that we dislike very feminine stuff, because I don’t. However, I’d love a depiction of a very feminine elf gouging someone’s eye out with a heel. (Have I written that? Maybe I have, I don’t know.) Instead it’s always a box of ‘not fighting’…

This is so nonsense and so easy for them to do, they gave purple eyes to blood elves with literally no lore basis (oops NPC glitch but keep it :smiley: ) yet can’t do it for red eyes.

No excuse unless they are planning something big, and if they are, I’m tired of the silence on this.


I’m sure they’d be a shoe-in for such a role, but it could be done tongue-in-cheek also. Then again, people would likely get a kick out of it regardless. :v

Sorry, couldn’t resist. :wine_glass::bat:


Then clearly they need to fix it again. Lol

Give me my red eyes for my blood elves!


Oh my, I have to put my foot down on this one and stomp out these puns! :stuck_out_tongue:

Three cheers for this! And I’ve been made aware that it’s not just for Dark Rangers & San’layn too, it’d enable people to say they have red eyes based on blood magic use in general, which is sweet!


That’s one of the reasons I want it myself too.


Just a casual reminder putting HORDE in all capitals after more than just me started talking about the potential of attacheing them to Void Elves doesn’t make you right.

People disagreeing with you isn’t trolling.
People pointing out your behaviour also isn’t trolling or harassment.

Void Elves have just as much right to claim the subrace as Blood Elves do, and as of next Tuesday, there’s going to be a handful of them running around on the faction you don’t personally approve of.

Dogpiling people who disagree with you doesn’t change the fact that other players got the request fulfilled in their eyes.

I’ll be too busy having fun on Tuesday with the tentacle toggle and gothic haircuts.


Taking it to twitter is too far. You literally screenshotted me, on twitter, and tweeted things out. Over pixel elves on video games. This is low even for you, and I’m not going to sit down and take it. You follow me through threads to tag harass me, and now have taken it to there. Oh, I was being nice before, but you better bet I’m not now.


Literally such bad behavior it’s crazy and I can’t believe people would do that over literal elves lol


Perhaps it was because this thread is for Horde San’layn and you and few others seem to have trouble with that?

You don’t have to fly off the handle every day you know.

It was more the part where in a high elf thread and in this thread you told me it was spite and revenge for how you were treated.

Thats the part that makes me feel you’re trolling.

If you’re truly interested in Alliance San’layn then great. There is a thread for that now. As I suggested you make awhile ago when it was clear you couldn’t handle the people here favoring them for the Horde.

You don’t need to harass people.

Not entirely sure how you think that myself, but if thats how you feel.

Will there? I don’t see any San’layn options coming in 9.1.5…

Never seen Fallyn call for or even remotely try to dogpile anyone.

We all go to the same threads day in and day out. Cross over is going to occur and you coming into a thread about San’layn for the horde and being nothing but hostile was never bound to make you any friends here.

I’m… glad for you? Rp what you wish. o-O