San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yes please don’t, I don’t want you to get silenced like I did last week. I mean sure it was only for a day but it was still unfair that I got silenced for defending all of us and stuff which is why I got upset about it and didn’t post for 3 days just gave likes.


Can go through my post history and see what I’m talking about, might be a bit of digging, but I called out it’s toxic to false flag in a follow up.


I’ll go look since I’m eating and listening to music while chatting on the forums anyway. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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like is it a velf? do they participate in the velf thread ? is it the person who wants san’layn to be velf because they already have widows peak hair and suitable skintones? is it one guy? cause during pre-allied race polling, someone had hired a website to flag people on forums/twitter/etc. thus a small amount of people could end up looking like a large group of unhappy customers. many anti and pro helfers got flagged by that flagging service.

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Not sure, I got mass flagged by someone who even admitted to doing it in their post, or at least getting people to actually flag it (which was later restored). That one was more likely to be deleted but did not. This one I was pointing out that such behavior is toxic, quite literally name dropping me in a thread I’m not in for negative reasons, (what I mentioned before actually!) and sharing that San’layn should be on the Horde, pretty much.

I have a suspicion that the answer is yes. As for that incident, this one got flagged too but restored when the mass flag thing happened.


Wow you actually call out mass flagging, trolling, etc. quite a bit, I’m only to October 5th and there’s already been a bunch of them, you rock queen. :crown: :crown: :crown:


i never know when i’m flagged. how do you find this info?

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I got a notification, as for what’s flagged…

…yeaaaaaah they make you go look yourself.

Does every elf player immediately play Miqo’te?! … cause I did… (called out).

Wish I had kitsune though…

i started with the scaley race (au ra), swapped to miqote, couldnt stand the tail messing up the robe aesthetics and just went hyur. if they had made alphinaud and alisale’s looks, an elezen option, would’ve selected that.

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I LOVE the Au Ra as much as I love San’layn if that tells you anything :stuck_out_tongue: I do have a male Au Ra as well ^^

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i liked their uniqueness but wanted pointy ears lol so after 25 levels i made a new miqote. got her to heavensward and realized her tail was distracting from an otherwise beautifully tailored robe. so lol made a new hyur and levelled her to almost the end of heavensward. she was maining a scholar and got stuck on a class quest, which you have to solo, so i went white mage. now re-learning her heals, probably figure it out just in time for new expac and have to re-learn it again lol

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I like white mage


sage looks fun but it may just look fun and not actually be fun. eek

I haven’t looked at it too much lol

I have the current eso expansion also and haven’t touched that either which I really should engage with sometime too

Hm something random that I was thinking about though was how this game really means so much to us, any game really we spend a ton of time on. It has the chance to harbor so much creativity through our character stories we build for a long time, and we become attached to said stories too. It’s why roleplayers and collectors are so passionate. The really cool thing is, we bring it to real life too. For example, roleplaying and writing stories with others is a big reason as to why I started novel writing. Then, it’ll get people into things like D&D, which is just such a cool game. I’ve been playing it with my family and loving it.

But yeah. It was just a fun little thought I had. Despite the mudslinging here on the forums, snapping at one another, and…well, everything. I don’t regret my time here. I hope I gave people some good ideas for their characters, too. And even when I leave, hopefully the ideas will inspire others as well for what they want to do, or even add things into the game that would make people happy.


It makes me really sad to think of you being gone because you quickly became a favorite of mine on the forums and now you are one of my best friends on the forums like Lann, however with me, you and Bale have both inspired me to not only want San’layn or Dark Ranger customizations for Blood Elves but to want both which is why I pair them together now in my posts so yes you do inspire some ideas and I’m sure if you inspired them for me you do for others. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


/glues yer shoes to floor

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A void elf wearing a pumpkin head at this moment. (They change around so often though.)

I can’t think of anyone else who’d really be interested.

Could just be random folk but then more of the thread would get hit than just one person.

No way to actually tell though.


I can think of a few people, but yeah… Name dropping is a big no no.

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