San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Lol, I play with the Wowhead dressing room with NPC options a lot, it makes me want stuff like this even more than I already do because it’s already there just not in the player files yet. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Ok he’s a lot at first but as you continue on with his quests they get progressively more hilarious. Please do yourself a favour and complete all of them. Hevansward is the best one imo


I didn’t mind some of the characters involved in the story I saw that were specific to that like little idk long winded situation but him yeah I was beyond annoyed

Seems that some are super determined to make sure we never get that customization.

We will though. Mark my words. Maybe not in the next patch, or the following one. But we will. These ideas, for the Horde, have a ton of support. No matter how many petty people try to say ‘void elves need red eyes exclusively’, I doubt they’ll listen to those people, because the intentions are made super clear on a regular basis.



I just came across a really neat image of Kael’thas, with the credited arist named Trolldaeron. I’m not sure if it was shared earlier in this megathread, but I wanted to make sure people saw it:

I found it in this thread on Reddit:

Even if it is Venthyr based Kael’thas, it still serves as a pretty neat inspiration of Kael’thas as a San’layn. And even if that isn’t meant to be, it can be inspiration for whoever would become the leader of the playable San’layn faction.

Still hoping to see San’layn on the Horde side of that character creation screen someday. I’m with y’all until the end! :wine_glass::bat:


What I will never understand about those types of people is they just want the customizations/race because we want them and to be spiteful which is really sad and normally I would feel sorry for those types of people but I don’t in this case it makes me kind of mad even though I completely ignore those posts and replies after I read them because anyone can see how spiteful they are and they even posted about being spiteful on Twitter so.


graha my fav and i’m not even a fan of ffxiv cat people. he’s just so well written

eek kael looks evil!

Is he the one with red eyes? I met him too if he is but I left off at the beginning of HW I thought

I’ll probably try it again next month at least to see HW but when the new SWTOR expansion comes I’ll play that I think

yeah. oh man, his story is…its good.

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Yeah him I liked instantly in what ever story arch I ran into him after I finished the base game his vibe was fine

Yeah he looks nothing like a venthyr in there which amuses me to no end, because some that push venthyr will draw them like this, and I’m like “That’s… not what a venthyr looks like. They look like nosferatu.” So if they want vampires that actually look like an elf that, to many, look aesthetically pleasing, they would be wanting San’layn.

So, in the end, that’s San’layn art to me and no one can convince me otherwise :slight_smile:

Yep, basically. People paint me into something I’m not on these places. I let it get to me a bit much, but it’s honestly not worth it. I would feel sorry for them if they didn’t rally people to try and dogpile for trolling.


That’s literally where they call for people to come out of nowhere to engage too and then take to here to rant about a community discord organizing others against them which as someone in the discord in question (like the literal one of 2 I engage in socially) never happens it’s so ridiculous.

I’m just going to keep my opinions as I find them pertinent to share with blizzard, and sometimes those opinions line up with valuing visual uniqueness of a race like in the past with BEs and currently with NB.


I think everyone is and should even those I disagree with, I mean it’s like earlier in the lack of customization thread when they were mass flagging you for talking about Blood Elves, Blood Elf customizations and Blood Elf visual uniqueness, it’s like really so you disagree and mass flag?

Thankfully though and like I said there they all got restored so at least the mods realized that was and is really immature.

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Yeah they seem to be doing that a lot… because I got mass flagged too recently for sharing my opinion that San’layn should be on horde.

No. Joke. Lol.


I believe it, I get mass flagged by them all the time for saying pretty much anything, it’s why I know they don’t like me, however in turn it’s weird because then they will claim I’m the mean one, I’m the one that says or does bad stuff, etc. and most of my posts are really civil and constructive but they still end up flagged then restored. Lol.

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really? who is doing that??

I have a suspicion but I’m not allowed to say given it’d be breaking CoC. But a post I made did get flagged when I shared that it’s toxic to negatively namedrop me in a thread I’m not participating in, and that San’layn should be on Horde + the reasons why.

My post isn’t breaking CoC regardless though, and I wish mass flagging actually got punished for once.


Can’t list names on the forums like that, I mean any of us could but that’s against the TOA because it’s public calling out.

On the subject of art pieces, I found some on DeviantArt I also wanted to share. If any have been shared before, I apologize in advance.

“Blood Queen Lana’thel” by rakshaza-art on DeviantArt, uploaded on Jan. 14th, 2013.

“San’layn” by y-cyhiraeth on DeviantArt, uploaded on March 11th, 2019

“Commission: Quel’ris” by Alteya on DeviantArt, uploaded on Dec. 21st, 2019

“San’layn Twins” by LesleyLycan on DeciantArt, uploaded on Dec. 9th, 2018

“Estulan” by scowlet on DeviantArt, uploaded on July 15th, 2015.

There are a lot of really neat San’layn related images on there. I’ll have to hunt around on it and see what else I can find, as seeing San’layn stuff is helpful in imagining them as a playable Horde race. :wine_glass::bat: