San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Basically (and this is just my thoughts for the thread) but as a Blood Elf fan visual uniqueness has been lost, as I said I take issue with, coupled with the fact no similar arrangement for a second visual theme was done in return. We’ve seen Blizzards work of taking the easier routes, or not really giving everyone a fair share in the sun, why did VEs get two passes? They didn’t fit all the ARs in but VEs made it in twice? Why are core races all across the board still lacking?

So I see it fitting to fix the problem they created where the need to give BEs something impactful like that would be nice in regards to people who feel their favorite race has been more or less given the short end of the stick.

Moving forward to my main point with ARs rn, I just don’t see them as any time soon. As in peoples main complaint here seems to be if we got DR stuff for BEs or Sanlayn stuff with nothing past a generic RP tool scenario and no lore that is disappointing, which I agree but once the main thing has been done more can be asked for down the road, where as the alternative is a long wait anyways. It would not feel good to me on what ever race was my favorite was (its blood elves but what ever) to see Blizzard introduce an AR next expansion if they can’t catch up with customization additions, and it seems clear they’re going to be lagging for some time given how long this .5 patch took and they didn’t even do all the ARs.

So would it be so bad to have the base tools or toolkit to make people happy using citation for Velonara now, or even just Sanlayn with an explanation later, then arguably waiting multiple expansions, they didn’t even take the time to let races have accessories that weren’t locked behind choosing a guy or girl.

I’m more interested in seeing something happen even if it means a little bit at a time as opposed to what ever the AR route is which is just me saying I prefer customization not that I am against an AR just, Blizzard hasn’t left a great taste in my mouth that they can give attention to the races they introduce.

I find the second visual theme for Blood Elves immediate only because I feel there’s a small window before they move to hope people quit bringing it up, we need to push to remind them now that Blood Elf options like there’s an inequity being seen here. Other races besides BEs need work and assuming even if we got the base tools for a second visual theme my attention would move to unique options to the main theme like Farstrider tattoos, before asking for additions on our assumed second visual theme, but I still think that is all in the realm of like possible where as ARs just seem like such a long time down the road, if I had the tools for a second visual theme I’m likely to continue subscribing and requesting while I am here, if nothing is being done and its like just wait 3 expansions and Sanlayn or an undead elf will come I’m not going to be here during that wait, I think adapting to having stuff added over time rather than this big thing all at once is more in the realm of like likelihood and also I don’t mind it because I’d rather have something than nothing.


This is getting ridiculous.

Tell me about it.

Here’s hopping.


I´d cry happy tears, I´ll totes roll that haircut without the tiara in this toon.

It´s funny cause I wasn´t able to pick FFIV thanks to the visuals… I rather disliked how all the races were basic clones of each other in looks; also I like more Dark humor and Dark stuff (my third fav race is the Goblins, i just adore them) and FF is NOT a franchise that historically thrives on this. Everybody there must be a “100% certified Good guy”, and I find those plain and boring after a while.

Take it positively then. Ergo: congrats, fellow Boogeyman. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiley_cat:

It´s good to see people ACTUALLY fears a reprisal from you regarding their trolling attempts (and they should, the amount of work and love put on this thread is NOT small).

The aforementioned troll that sells the idea Velves deserve the Dark Ranger red eyes used the “buut, buut!! the Emerald Nightmare!!” argument. Ignoring the Emeral Nightmare was sponsored by N´zoth so yes, if Velves DO get red eyes a design reminiscent of N´zoth would be much better (and unique too to boot).

That person probably doesn´t care AT ALL about the red eye color, that person only cares over a petty vendetta towards the antis, no more and no less. Cause I´d take the N´zoth eyes 10 times out of 10 considering It´d make my toons extremely unique, menacing and cool as per their visuals.

Please, with our bad luck, it´s gonna be Blanduin solo´ing him while both Sylvanas and Jaina cheerlead from the sides. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


Yeah that’s entirely fair! I enjoy the game myself but that’s one of the pitfalls. It’d be cool if you could pick to play on a different side or something. There is always roleplay though!

Aw I appreciate that. Yeah, like if I was in the thread and they said my name and quoted, it would be different, or if they said “the person who started that other thread” or something. But flat out dropping my name in a thread where I’m not involved at all yet without just alluding isn’t cool. Of course I’m the bad guy now, so.


I do mention you but because it IS your work. The red eyes suggestions were made by YOU, these aren´t “vampyr” elf assets as per Blizzard´s own models. And you deserve to get the credit for your ideas, simple as that.


I support a San’layn Allied Race for the Horde, or customization for Blood Elves. I do not believe these customizations should go to void elves either exclusively, or first.

I agree with the posters who think that, if it is customization, it should be exclusive to blood elves given void elves have their void theme, and blood elves should have their own theme to actually stand out as well, given they are unlikely to shatter the faction barrier, even though I do not support factions and want neutral guilds.

If the faction barrier is to stay, I agree that because void elf customization would make no sense on void elves, and it will remain exclusive to them, if San’layn are turned into customization, it should be for Blood Elves exclusively.

^ I made this on WoWhead not too long ago with a blood elf & NPC options. This should be playable on blood elves.


I’m still forming my opinion on it I did notice some divide in like what the player base their did like vs what I got in a rather long side story quest that happened when I finished the base game idk I’m in it’s first expansion now and took a break. But basically it was this highly praised fun quest line people liked, and I couldn’t stand it it was long winded, I found it a bit dumb, the main guy involved I couldn’t stand I kept thinking if it was SWTOR (who has options to kill npcs) that I would have force choked him for annoying me a long time ago but of course that game doesn’t have that option -.-

nooo, i bet you dont like alphinaud? i got a kick out of him. he’s like if sherlock holmes was a pretenious tea toddling teenager. hehe

Well I find him annoying too lol but not as much as the side quest I’m talking about, it had one of the unique quest signs over it so it kinda of bugged me to not do it but it was the detective guy I found him obnoxious and long winded couldn’t be funny if he tried but he sure did try and then I was like maybe this is just the vibe like my vibe is obviously one thing and this quest represents like a whole different vibe that has the other people saying this was a fun quest line

hmm. what expac? i havent finished heavensward

Chiming in just to say I loathe the wonder twins. Alphinau the most, as Alisaie isn’t quite as pretentious.

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:sparkling_heart: i liked him so much i bought his heavensward transmog set with that awesome hairstyle he and she wear. not my fav char tho. my fav is a character i havent even met in game yet but saw him in videos on yt. cried like a baby. lol

Uhm it was after ARR it’s like a side story unlock (that awarded an outfit and emote?) idk but apparently he comes back two more times and I couldn’t stand him the first time.

Like he was not my vibe I sat there like what buisness does he speaking to me when his vibe is like this and my vibe is obviously like hello, but also it’s my own ocd for not letting it go it had a certain quest type icon so I couldn’t let it go I already found the concept of not doing side quests odd but I got used to it.

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i did the same thing. lol

I love Alisae :frowning: She is my favorite. I completed the entire Shadowbringers story though. The Scions get waaaaaay better beyond ARR. ARR story was meh and not that interesting. It’s needed for context though, which is why I went back and redid it. The Scions I can definitely say are not that great until the story continues though. Alphie gets WAY better.


this guy?

Yes his vibe is awful can’t stand

i havent met him yet, apparently.

Yeah I don’t think I have the words to like explain it other than you get the vibe or you don’t get the vibe and it wasn’t for me. But apparently a lot of people like him and I was like oh this is your guys’s vibe hmm lol I think I might have even had my face tense up some and tilted my head

potential spoilers
