San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

That’s plagiarism, though. Though after the reception I’m not sure anyone would want to claim the arc.

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Like, DnD is starting to get really big. What’s wrong with doing that stuff in WoW exactly?

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The old dev team thrived on borderline plagiarism -why do you think we don´t have a yellow hawkstrider?-.

And certainly nobody would want to claim such arc when the original writer of the story had to came out to say “DON´T GOOOOO… the stuff in my books will be different!!”.


Good news is I think(?) someone said they might separate the two someday? It might just be a rumor though. :frowning:

People don’t care about story enough and that’s a shame, it’s why FFXIV was a breath of fresh air for sure for me.

Honestly, truer words have never been spoken and this is such a good question I might need to throw it in the face of the elitists who put down roleplayers.

I just started learning it too! I play with my family on Saturdays :smiley: I rolled my main OC, Ares. He’s so much fun oh my gods. Chaotic good rogue. I homebrew’d vampire lore for his backstory too that doesn’t impact stats. We play on DnD Beyond.


I have been learning it but I’m too anti social to find a group and I’m not good at the actual being the character part outside my head lol

I mostly like the scenario designing that I can use in other things.

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That’s fair! Yeah the social aspect can be super intimidating.

So now I’m getting name dropped in threads “CAREFUL DON’T LET FALLYNN HEAR THAT” … …

Toxicity knows know bounds in this cesspool of forums. Because I argue actual lore and not some twisted dream the alliance made up to be petty, which they’ve openly admitted, people now feel the need to troll. Gods I’m so tired of this nonsense though. Really.

Apparently I’m not allowed to argue my points and if I’m against the notion of the Alliance getting something that belongs on the Horde, that they’re arguing for petty reasons, being toxic while doing so, I deserve to be name dropped on threads by toxic posters.


eh dont let that stuff get to you. people have done that to everybody, over multiple topics. i think its just boredom


Hope you’re right. I get extra worried given certain people dogpile now and spread it out of the forums to discord & twitter, calling for harassment over this stuff. It’s against ToS though, and just incredibly inappropriate to do, so people should report any name dropping regardless unless it’s out of kindness… it’s just extremely uncool.

I’ll not let it get to me too much, but I will say I’m super annoyed by it and how people seem to be able to get away with it.

Whatever, Halloween is almost here and hopefully more good ideas/art will be shared here, I’m tired of the petty arguments and overall people being horrid. I think I just need to put more people on ignore, and if they want to troll me in threads I’m not a part of, whatever. People know on the forums by now what I argue, where to find things broken down (here) and what have you.


well i’ll give you an example- one day someone said void elves should get red eyes so they can do vampire/san’layn/dark ranger rp. i said, oh dont let our vampire queen hear ya say that. now this person knew who i was talking about and realized that saying that so flippantly about red eyes, when you had worked so diligently, for so long, to bring those things to the horde, was not nice or even remotely community friendly.

another time i suggested nzoth eyes instead since normal red was a dark ranger/vampire thing, even if san’layn dont have red, and that was a horde thing. pretty much everybody knows this so only someone who just isnt thinking or is trolling out of boredom, is gonna say something like that. unless they’re new to the forums.


Added this to my FAQ because it needs to be said, and all of the data is right there. Now I can just link that post itself without having to repeat myself over. And over. and over. again.

YEah this is different though because you’re not literally name dropping a poster, that sort of thing is fine, referencing others and stuff. Flat out name dropping though…

Very true.

I appreciate this sentiment very much. And I should stop worrying about it too, think I let it get to me where I honestly shouldn’t. Easy to get riled up here on the forums, though. But yeah. Hopefully, someday, we’ll see it happen. If the faction barrier shatters, by all means, both of them having San’layn would be fine, or even covenant-granted-customization of vampyr curse for all races that make sense.


well if i have ever name dropped ya, it would’ve been in defense of your work. plus i promised lannisterian that i would support dark rangers for the horde, and thats what i’m doing and will continue to do even if no one else is left thats interested lol


That’s fine, I don’t mind it then! And thankfully it seems people like the ideas in general, so we will see if they ever happen. I doubt it’ll happen in the near future, but perhaps for 10.0, especially if we get a return to Azeroth where we need to take care of the scourge threat. I still firmly believe that the prepatch didn’t count as nearly enough, and controlling the out-of-control scourge really should be its own patch or part of one. (Plus we could get some neat new LK related transmog or mounts to earn for a reward… mega dungeon anyone? Actually, expanding Utguarde would be really neat in my opinion. I wish it was a fully fleshed out building of sorts.)

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possible spoiler:

zereth mortis, sounds like azeroth is dead. if so, who knows why. yikes. could be anything. i keep thinking arthas, sargeras and illidan gonna 3-man the jailer.

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This thread delivers.

Been following it from day 1.

Keep it up!


Well it’s appreciated, Blood Elves not being able to retain any sense of visual uniqueness they previously retained is in very poor taste imo.

And with Blizzard not doing a great job with rollouts I’m not too big on additions of many races any more unless qualifying for more or less a core race, so I may be in the minority here but I’d love BEs to get the options as customization because on one hand it marks the box of grievances I have for BEs losing visual uniqueness and not getting the same arrangement in return, and on the other it doesn’t add to Blizzards obvious inability to fairly spend time on the races we have, we’ve seen void elves have two passes and no other race is like that, core races are lacking, and only some ARs were done in this patch they’ve had forever to do.

I’d still cheer the AR route but my case is more or less for a second visual theme for Blood Elves out of fairness after VEs received one that cost visual uniqueness for Blood Elves.


Aw I hope not… we didn’t get to meet her yet though :frowning:

Thanks for the kind words ^^

That’s fair, either way works! Everyone knows what I prefer best though hahaha. San’layn would be cool, and Dark Rangers, if unlockable as customization via questline if they end up never touching them for AR. For blood elves, of course.


I’m more on the customization side of San’layn and Dark Rangers for Blood Elves because I don’t think Blizzard will add two more elf races just to give us them but I’m not against that if they do given I really like elves so either way works for me, I just have to reiterate that I don’t want either race or customization shared to Alliance side. :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum:


My own personal opinion is that Dark Rangers would be great as a customization option, assuming they get better treatment than Wildhammers (who really need an overhaul and more love as their own race) and have a presence in-game, and that there is more than enough to make San’layn their own race slot.

As I said before, I worry about just plopping San’layn as a customization option onto Blood Elves without any sort of explanation of why they’re suddenly in the Horde with no presence or storyline. It’s sorta how we have Sand Trolls in the Horde now with no explanation at all, and that we can only assume it’s just Darkspear Trolls with that type of skin tone. Furthermore, there is a lot of backstory of San’layn as well as potential storylines to work with, along with having a unique role in the Horde in general. With something like Dark Rangers, it could work as a customization option, but there needs to be things in game to show off they are their own race as opposed to Blood Elves just LARPing as them.

If San’layn just end up as a customization option, it just feels empty to me. Moreso if there is no story to go with them and there are just there without any story at present or in the future, like with Sand Trolls. Being the first playable vampiric race with a great backstory really deserves the love and care a race with its own slot would get as opposed to just haphazardly plopped onto a parent race and just forgotten about and having no presence in the game for the most part.

I’ve gone into more detail before on this subject, but it is a worry that I feel is worth repeating and discussing. Unless there is an overhauled sub-race system implemented, I’m dubious about seeing customization races getting added. Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls deserve better, as would any other race that would end up as a customization or sub race.

I’ve been slowly getting D&D 5e stuff to look into potentially playing it, as well as getting inspiration for writing stories with my characters. I honestly have been a lot more interested in being a DM, though if I did decide to ever play a game, I don’t know what I’ll do since it’s a bit hard to make time to commit to such a thing.

I did see how there has been a fan creation of adapting a WoW theme to 5e, which is interesting. You can see more at these links:

Makes me wish I was talented to make some things like that with some of the races we’ve been requesting. I’d happily make a Saurok and Ogre character guide among others if I could.

Imagine a session where people would be playing as some of the races we want playable and doing things like working for the Horde to have their people join as official members or something. It would be an interesting game, I’m sure. :wine_glass::bat:


Source here

I was browsing google out of curiosity in images, and links to this thread come up often :stuck_out_tongue: We’re the first thread that pops up with the forums, and all the actual wiki info pops up first (understandably!)

Anyway, I found this art and figured I’d share!