San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Got some more Halloween treats to share, and this time it involves bat shaped cookies!

First is a video specifically on a bat cookie:

The next is an assortment of cookies, including bats:

To make these cookies, the creator of the above video has recipes on how to make the cookies and icing.

Cookies (This video might be a bit finicky to get working. I had to go to the actual Youtube page for this video, change the quality to 1080pHD and immediately pause it, then click play to get it to work):


And on the subject of bats, I still hope that San’layn get a bat form as a racial. It’s just so fitting and would add a lot to them, IMO. :wine_glass::bat:


Some Halloween art by!

The little bat in a tophat is a vampire OC, as is the rat. Though the vampires are not the focus of this art, I still wanted to share because it’s awesome and art is fun ^^


<—would rather have cat people than plant people. The Botani are also pretty specifically hostile to anything that isn’t a plant, if I remember the whole turning people into fertilizer and sacrificing them to their gods. Saberon are just a primitive beast tribe like Furbolg, so a group of them becoming friendly to a faction and playable is far less of a stretch.


I adore the botani aesthetic but I totally agree with this. They’re like the Borg from Star Trek. They’ll use you but only in a sense where you’re totally under their control. I can’t imagine their culture being able to change, especially since the only friendly one is the follower you get for doing a non-lore achievement.

That being said I’d love a Botani raid, where it’s a slice of Kalimdor made into a malignant Botani paradise. That would be amazing.


Botani need some work to make them playable. Maybe if the dead elves of Teldrassil are brought back to Azeroth their wisps could possess and take over Botani to make them Alliance friendly.

All this food sharing and I’ll need to get some frosting. Hmm… I think that’s a great idea. Make some fresh cookies to munch on at home. Thanks for the ideas! I’ll have to get some cranberry juice for a good drink :stuck_out_tongue: :bat:


Okay but I do find it ironic, just a tad, that this thread usually is wholesome, so it’s like…


This one: "We’ve got bat shaped cookies, fine art, and wonderful music, feel free to contribute some stories by the fire :slight_smile: "

Yes we’ve had our moments but… I just love it ^^


Well, when it comes to partying, the San’layn are pretty awesome about that. Especially during the best month to celebrate San’layn related stuff. It’s a great time to be in a happy party mood!



Wanted to find some recent San’layn art and went browsing! Here’s some :slight_smile:




Sadly, San’layn art isn’t so common, even during Halloween. It’s a shame, but eh, you find some good ones from time to time.

Edit: I also brought up incubi just a tad before it was announced in the other customization thread sooo


San’layn should be announced, along with Sethrak, close to Halloween. Mark my words.

(If this works though… it won’t, but still… :stuck_out_tongue: )

It took me 5 minutes to make this on WoWhead by the way. On the blood elf model.

Come on Blizz, where are our red eyes and deathly skin for blood elves, it’s bare minimum at that point…

Also, this screengrab from the video from the first post


So bare minimum that their refusal to switch it on is confusing.


i dont even plan on playing with red eyes or undead skins, but i’ve seen how many players asked for those customizations. blizz is scaring me with how slow they are moving now.


They gave DK unique hair styles to everyone already now basically. Though other DK might adamantly disagree that skins would also be fair, given Demon Hunters have all of their super unique customization and at that point, DK would only have the lichfire eyes, some of us which don’t even want them (I want red eyes on DK.)

Personally, the hair is already shared, so the skins really don’t seem like a big deal. Void elves can have non-void skins after all, so blood elves having undead skin would be fair, along with red eyes.

And, of course, a fang & claw toggle. Evidently there’s claw transmog but I think it’s only for DH and I forgot how to find it.


Death Knights really should get their own customization pass. Look at them compared to Demon Hunters. Also I love the lichfire eyes.


Almost like when they got suddenly potentially out of hot water they stopped caring again.


My thoughts exactly.

More OC vampire art, by :slight_smile:

This is Jasper!

  • Piercings for males please
  • This hairstyle for males

How’s this fine thread doing these days?

I made the thread Xelnia was inclined to type up, seems like it’s pointless now that Blizzard’s back out of hot water.

No substantive change. No surprise either.


Yeah we have that mentality here too. They did bare minimum to grab attention, that’s it. We don’t expect everything right away. But if they could just ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE THEIR PLAN, and that they are planning on continuing to look into threads like this and other customization… it would be nice. But nope, radio silence except for responding to that one thread on it.

My sub runs out in a month or so and I will be gone, but we’re trying to share the last of our ideas for now I guess.


My last I care thread:

Basically, Blizzard is choosing to fail.

I don’t expect change. I DO Expect that when they try to claim to ask, “What went wrong?” The thread will be there to point out that they, one, don’t know how to write well, and two, don’t write well even at the level they “Try” at these days. Is it even trying?


I still have ideas and stuff I plan to post on here as long as I keep playing, for whatever it is worth. There are days that it does get challenging to continue it in general, though.

The customization options that are being added for 9.1.5 is a good start, but as I said before, things like that need to be long-term for many reasons. As such, I’m waiting to see what actually happens before I consider my options. Especially with the next expansion, which is going to make-or-break it for a lot of people.

Not helping things is the radio silence and how slow progress on the game has been in general, which has been about the worst it has ever been. It’s really hard to know what to even expect for the future, and I’d be surprised if there was a 9.3 after a 9.2, granted the sooner we’re done with Shadowlands, the happier I’ll be.

We’ll see what happens when it happens, I guess.
