I TRUSTED You, Blizzard. Fix WoW Or See It Die

I Trusted you, Blizzard. Fix the game, World of Warcraft, or see it die.

You have failed to alter the story to direct it more towards an actually relatable gameplay element that enhances the experience of players. You continue to ignore the financial returns of keeping the story always relevant.

You have failed to understand that Player trust is at an all time low. Please restore the paintings. Acting guilty with impending lawsuits and potential gear changes when the IP is not wrong, and yet you are, is case possible evidence of a very guilty and wrong conscience for what the company has done. Why must WoW suffer, too?

You have FAILED to consider that with player trust not seeing ANY substantive change in direction for the current and near, let alone far future of WoW’s development, you have and are continuing to fail to recognize that the Players now see that for your precious Vision for WoW, you will kill our trust in you.

Please, fix this NOW. The Game needs a change of path, a breath of fresh air, a rethinking that the status quo is no more.

Systems have failed. They are a hollow game progression mechanism that results in burnout because once the expansion ends, all is lost. Literally. We no longer have the Legendaries we did in Legion, nor did the chance seem to be considered for how to carry them forward into later expansions.

I can see nor sense no long term adjustments in mind within Blizzard to correct what have been issues with the game for quite some time now.

Alpha and Beta for Warlords of Draenor were ignored as far as ALL player feedback was concerned.

Alpha and Beta for Battle For Azeroth was the same.

Legion was little better?

And Shadowlands is a trite and quaint trip to a place that seems far and wrongly out of left field for the overall story.

This is a call to full stop.

This is a call to cancel ALL subscriptions until the game actually is fundamentally adjusted back to the old paradigms of FUN, engaging gameplay and supportive story for the sake of the fans and players.

Blizzard, why are you not your own best fans?

Do you even play World of Warcraft?

If you love WoW, please, cancel your subscription until you see the game being brought into a better and more fun mode than time played.

Blizzard, please stop killing your game. You have yet to show that you actually get what the fans are saying to you.

I for one think the game needs more serious elements, not to be entirely tongue in cheek throughout itself and actually both respect and honor what it has done before and see the trees of lore as a forest and work to grow each, not to shove the entirety of WoW’s lore into a single, dying tree.

If you’ve been here since you began, how many others have noticed how often we as a group through the story retread old ground, never innovating new things and new stories with actual depth built into them?

I’ve never seen it yet.

Please, player, cancel your subscription so the Developers can see that their precious Vision for WoW is as Totalbiscuit once said: “Only Blizzard can kill WoW. Only WoW can kill itself.”

We’re heading there, now.


+1 for enter key usage.


Like many people, trusting Blizzard was their first and arguably worst mistake. I made that mistake all them years ago…but apparently they’ve been pretty terrible all along, and that does indeed make me sad.


They’re pretty good at saying, “We hear you!”

And then keeping on their own task and plan, as if change were a word they don’t allow.


Only once and recently with the Shadowlands Fiasco have they even budged, and it took at least three lawsuits and fans in an uproar to make even that one.


I’ve been trying to bring this story driven gameplay issue to your attention since October 2005, Blizzard.

By all means, keep on sticking to the Vision you have.

You will KILL WoW if you do so.

Nope, not leaving. Too many people like me who literally couldn’t care less about what they do in their work place or in the game itself, whether it be removing things or otherwise. We just don’t care. If some of us have fun we’re going to be staying, period.

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Up to you. Why don’t you want more friends to earn in game?

I resubbed knowing full well what was going on at Blizzard. It’s all terrible business, but I’ve done my best to not let that interfere in what fun I’ve been able to have. I think not caring about those issues at all is a pretty bad way to go about it though.

It’s on them to fix their own problems, not me as a player or a consumer. I play games to escape problems, not think about them head on. Just saying.

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You can never trust a company.

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They certainly don’t get that fact.

Developers and higher officials won’t care about that if they have a set agenda to accomplish. Investors and Shareholders however think differently.

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Well they simply don’t seem to recognize the writing on the wall, now do they?

I picture a middle aged man, furrowed brow. Serious business.

I really don’t notice that Blizzard cares, so what does it matter?

They either change course or Kill WoW.

Blizzard has been at this since 2004, I only started trying to warn them in October 2005.

I doubt they’ll change course. At least they were warned.

Settle down Oliver Queen

That’s not me.

And even then, why settle down when Blizzard continues to not see its own flaws?

too long too read , it’s just a game, blizzard did not kill your newborn, get a life karen

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Now this is grade a supposed troll.

Someone comes along and calls the “T” word and then tosses in karen as if I’m some overreacting uncivil person.

By all means, where am I factually wrong? Anyone with the time to think can see that Blizzard does not care about its fans, its players. They never have. We were as a group convinced that Blizzard cared because they always acted nicely.

Blizzard does not see the money that they would make if they’d actually just CARE about World of Warcraft as an intellectual property.

That’s the problem.

please bring this karen the manager to complain about her pumpkin latte