San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

You can just mute lann if you need to. I mute folk I don’t want to interact with.

then I needlessly check anyways so it rarely works for me…

You make it easy to tell… Like you’re not really hiding… Or if you were it would be a bad attempt. Lol

It’s the ones who do try to hide their alt switching that I get annoyed at.

Zugyr though? They’re not hard to track generally…

Also they have fine ideas when they’re calm… Really don’t get their constant state is hostility.

Yes. People rp. Nothing new…?

Sounds like you’re set as it is.

We want San’layn for Horde… Why is that wrong again?


I think I spoke about this before, but I want to elaborate too. I should just bookmark the post I made.

Essentially, covenant customization would be earnable and unlockable for your entire account by some sort of legendary questline? Revendreth would grant every race(…?) vampyr customization such as fangs, glowing red eyes/jet black eyes, and claws.

Now… looks at worgen Uh some races would need to get something different.

They would need to do it for every single covenant, though. Come up with customization ideas, I mean, like that. And I’m not sure they could apply to every race. But would that be fair? Could it be for some and not the other? Maybe one covenant covers some races, another covers others, etc? I…don’t know. It sounds complex and might be something for an entirely different thread.

Alternatively, wing mounts for each covenant. And of course vampyr customization for blood elves, or a San’layn toggle for forsaken, or a San’layn AR, or a ‘vampire’ AR which would have venthyr and San’layn, what have you.

Then, you could have bat-wings from Revendreth which would complete the look, I feel.

Just spitballing ideas now, but there’s many ways they can add to covenant customization. I AM really, really happy that they got rid of the restrictions once you earn a renown, like that made me over the moon and something I will be very happy about if I join again.


I mute people all the time too, I just don’t talk about it, or make false claims about doing so, I always thought it was a forum no no to announce publicly ignore lists / muting etc, maybe it’s just me, I just mute and move on, sometimes I even reply to muted individuals because they have said something I feel the need to comment on but I have the peace of mind knowing I won’t be dragged into too long of a conversation simply because I’ll forget I spoke to you at all after a bit with the lack of notification.

Sadly, I did, but I’m still getting notifications even though I’ve muted him since he continues to type at me any time he sees me.
ANYWAY. I don’t need to continue to harp on this.

But in any case, I don’t think they’re trying to outright deny san’layn being horde so much as tensions have been high and there have been naysayers to things they’ve asked for in the past, especially for something they believe to be supported evidence as to why something would happen for alliance (or horde/both). But we’re facing a future cross-faction gameplay thing anyway, so even if we get more allied races and whatever else, we’ll probably be seeing it happen on both sides.

Inclusivity in this day and age in WoW feels pretty important. Extremism from either faction kind of sucks. Right now, we have some minor rp tools to work with. Blizzard may never expand on an entire extra race (for legitimate HE or San’layn) since we’ve already gotten some things to work with. But it still leaves possibility for more customization to make it work.

If they can recreate all of this then why don’t they start their own thread is my question? Clearly they clash heavily with most here. Including me. Like I said:

So just… please. I’m so tired of this argument. If people are so adamant about San’layn on the Alliance, then you’re free to make your own thread. Mute this one. And mute me.


This would be fine and something I, personally, support and hope to see. Hopefully they will also provide a toggle rather than a potion for the language barrier >< (Yes, I get that the RP community was given a boon in that light, but…come on, make it a toggle. Imo.) I am hopeful that you’re right in terms of cross-faction gameplay being something we’re facing soon.


People love elves and they’re super passionate about it. If anything, it’s a boon for the game as a whole for people to ask for cool things :> wow is super behind the curve on customization.

But I do want to note that I won’t be breathing down your neck to tell you no, probably ever. So. Extending an olive branch, so to speak.


Bet you I could wall-of-text my frustrations with the lack of customization >:P


God SAME. Honestly, same. They have a long way to go.


Well I do tend to engage this type of conversation you are correct. Perhaps you find yourself repeating yourself and I find it pertinent to repeat myself, neither is wrong for engaging in the conversation we find pertinent on these forums :hugs:

I would say we know exactly why this person is saying what their saying because they told us as much, and it seems to be an inability to process dissent over like you said things they’ve asked for in the past, which is really such a shame.

I’m really glad we were able to find common ground I agree here :hugs:

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I don’t think it is for muting… Not coc wise anyways.

If he’s muted you shouldn’t see anything. You remembered to set him to forever? Also he does have a couple Lanns.

Back up option is just don’t reply to him. If it’s just gonna end up in a meaningless fight I just don’t respond to some folk.

Sure, but I don’t see why they need to do tit for tat.

Especially to an entirely unrelated community.

Personally I don’t think that cross faction thing is really gonna happen myself.

Sure and that’s fine.

No problem with that from me. (within reason… Lore wise and all.)

Yeah. It’s why Zugyr there has always been trolling. They get upset they complain about it then gather folk on Twitter then yell and shout here.

It’s fine if they have an opinion but making that everyone else’s issue out of spite is kinda a drag.

That in my experience is very true. Lol


If you think slick hair is enough to equate to Vampires Elves then we should just add them to Blood Elves once they get the rest of the San’layn options.

And to be more accurate, the closest thing to a San’layn is a Blood Elf DK. Void Elves can be blue, but that’s not an undead color.


I will state though that I’m fairly certain they’re not trolling. That they felt similar but as if they were told no many times. Either way, I don’t want to dredge up things for anyone. Being told “you don’t need this. you don’t deserve this.” on either side over and over is pretty frustrating, especially when people jump into a thread with an already spiteful tone. Sometimes there’s just a draw for solidarity with people you think will understand and support your idea, then it unravels into… whatever happened to the HE thread lol.

I’m not sure what the cross-faction thing will entail, but something regarding that will have to eventually happen or Alliance will just die out wholly.


“Hey Falls do you have an OC for every situation?”

Me: Yes.

This is of my blood elf shadow priest. (Well he is a San’layn but you get it.)


I think at best we’ll be allowed to play together but not be in each others lands and cities. Dungeons, LFG, LFR, Random BGs. I think that will all be allowed to group up and not much else.

We’ll see though of course. I wouldn’t mind it too much myself.

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Lol, I’m learning this clearly doesn’t work especially when someone goes out of their way to use different characters to bypass the ignore when most of us have blocked them on a certain character or certain characters and unfortunately due to that and despite being pretty nice generally I really hope Blizzard will eventually implement forum wide ignore to stop the trolls and harassers.

Also I’m not referring to Lann personally because I really like Lann a lot actually, I just wanted to point out there are some undesirables popping up in this thread lately that I remember blocking previously and that have went out of their way to negate the block.


Oh BfA…filled with missed opportunities such as:

-San’layn getting an open invitation to the Horde, only to appear strictly in the Alliance war campaign, treated as a monster-of-the-week to give the Alliance a fist-bump-feel-good moment, and never brought up at all on the Horde side.

-Ogres completely missing the big war against the Alliance despite the Horde having three clans of them within their ranks, one of which joined during BfA, and the MU Stonemaul Clan having assisted in the attack on Theramore and death of Jaina’s father. Yet the Horde, despite needing as many troops as possible, is more concerned with bending time and space to recruit AU Orcs who may or may not be busy with their own problems and just trying to live their lives, assuming they’d be willing to abandon all that to fight in a war in another universe.

-Despite a return to Pandaria, Saurok are relegated back to feral-like status instead of having a tribe that could’ve assisted in the area against N’zoth, and also getting enslaved by one of the evil Mogu clans, where Chen Stormstout is more concerned with his booze being wasted as opposed to considering working on at least freeing them to cause havoc on the Mogu.

-Sethrak, despite playing a decent role for awhile and having gotten their loa back, proceed to take a backseat to the plot and do little of note after we help them.

-Kelfin and Ankoan are more-or-less abandoned after we work with them, with the former hanging out on the shores of Durotar perpetually and not even getting an invitation to Orgrimmar.

-Despite male Dark Rangers being introduced, nothing really is done with them despite some Dark Rangers in general still being loyal to the Horde and then proceed to go on vacation or something during Shadowlands. Not even added as a customization option, which would make more sense than adding Sand Trolls to Darkspear Trolls…which is still confusing and we can only assume they’re just Darkspear Trolls with a skin tone similar to Sand Trolls.

-Wildhammers relegated to quest-duty for a few quests, only to sit there and watch one of their clanmates become fully playable while the other gets to prance around LARPing as them with haircuts and tattoos.

-Revantusk Forest Trolls being in the area and still allies of the Horde, but not doing very much to help out with anything in the storyline.

-Taunka, despite being full members of the Horde, are a no-show and don’t even get a seat on the Horde council.

-Furbolgs, despite being kinda displaced and having low air quality thanks to Sylvanas, do very little other than being jobbers in the BfA pre-patch.

-Despite being in a jungle area, the Horde Hozen don’t make an appearance aside from one being part of the Kor’kron.

-Saberon and Botani coming to Azeroth and escaping to the Barrens, only to have nothing come of it and being forgotten.

-And likely much much more I have forgotten!

BfA’s theme is pretty much missed opportunities to the point that I’m sure I could write a thesis paper on it. :man_shrugging:


I could rant all day on this one.

Yeah this is nonsense, agreed so much. ARs were the perfect time to add ogres as well. Not to mention the AU stuff opened the door there. NOT TO MENTION we SAW outlands are still there… and growing food… in Nagrand…so like… .-.

There is so much potential in the Saurok story they SHOULD explore. Gods I’m frustrated they aren’t, like with San’layn.

We need playable Sethrak 100%.

Yeah… ugh, I bet many on this thread would rant all day about this one too.

They should do questlines for all of these customizations EVEN IF optional/with a minor mount reward.

Grrr, agreed this one is just such a heavy hit too. All of what you said is, though I’m just highlighting the ones that REALLY frustrate me. I hate how that was never addressed -.- It’s like… so much is going on Azeroth but BOOM NOPE need to help with the realm of the dead because they can’t handle their own problems…


You guys are sooo nice… and naive.

I won´t buy his “I´m such a cinammon roll” Bs, especially when he literally contradicts himself in the next paragraph after saying “I´m not here to cause drama nor deny stuff”.

His argument is literally “San´layn for Alliance only”, ergo he IS trying to deny Fallynn of her 3 years and counting petition cause… he´s STILL salty we didn´t want to share the visuals with the Helfers? lolwhut?!?

That person is nothing but plain dishonest, and the dishonesty is pretty in-your-face too to boot. Frankly, I doubt the “army” of pro “Alliance only San´layn” players even exists irl.

Respectfully disagree, the furthest he can stay from the Belf thread, the better.

I have zero interest in his “Lightforged Belves” headcanon agenda -I mean, it´s quite ignorant to say the Belves are a “Holy Race” just because some of them worship the Light (if worshipping is good enough to attain “holiness”, then 60% of the whole freaking Alliance neeeds Lightforged stuff ASAP).

I´m reaching the point of literally asking for nothing for Belves if this manages to silence these people and their “but MUH foil for MUH VOID Elf!!” preachers.

Lorewise it will never be implemented, simply because the very unique detail that sets apart WoW from other similar games in the market is the whole “faction war” thing. It´s like saying Coca Cola will change the color of the soda cause they think yellow is a prettier color -it won´t. The brown / black color IS iconic to the trademark as much as Alliance and Horde are iconic to World of Warcraft trademark, period.

At the most people will say tools like Mercenary mode, no more and no less (I mean, they still gain more revenue with faction changes and all that).

A Blood Elf DK already looks like a San´layn NPC in-game. Same eye color and everything.

Under that premise what Zugyr should be asking for is undead skintones, not red eyes, period.