San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

As much as I adore the San’layn and their aesthetic, I’m not entirely sure this one will be implemented. I could see “dark rangers” for both night elves and blood elves (considering the whole Darkshore thing - especially where the NEs were under Sylvanas’ command) but it looks as if Blizzard wanted to write them out of existence. Of course, there’s no telling, truly.

But to hate the Venthyr for that :S well… that’s unfortunate.

Anyways, Void Elves do make sense as a parent race for San’layn.
You can hate about me, and complain about somebody disagreeing with you all you want, but it doesn’t change my argument, which still hasn’t been properly debunked outside feelings and stretches that are bigger than anything I’ve presented. (Not to mention, actual harassment. I have friends in your Discord, by the way.)
Some of the counter insults and trolling actually have proved my point, what with monstrous teeth akin to something like yogg saron fitting thematics like Nosferatu more in the past.

It’s a no-brainer.
The base kit is already there for them. It takes so little to finish it without taking up an allied race slot, and expands on the main kit of the parent. (Red is a void colour.)

Expect more Alliance San’layn people running around in game, what actually matters, in Duskwood and Stormwind next patch as people start to realize more that the customization, outside red eyes, is already there.

Been seeing more of them on MG-A lately than WRA-H. Difference is, those players won’t come here because they don’t want to deal with the things that are being slung towards me for pointing out why they’re playing what they are.

Also, imagine being this salty about somebody presenting a counter.
At least Dark Rangers and High Elves were and are actually a part of their factions.

Also, Zugyr doesn’t even exist as a character anymore. : )

Blood Elves lost visual uniqueness to give VEs a second visual theme, a second visual theme shouldn’t be tit for tat with giving that same thing back to an Alliance race



I’m allowed to dislike things though?

I don’t know why it’s hard to understand that’s one of the reasons why I hate venthyr… they come out of the blue from nowhere taking a theme of vampire when the vampire lore I fell in love with through the San’layn is completely ignored.

So yes, people are allowed to adore the venthyr. I never put them down for it. But… I’m also allowed not to like them for that reason, among others as well.

If the Alliance want the Venthyr, go for it. San’layn Horde is what I support :woman_shrugging: you folks are perfectly open to having nosferatu vampires who don’t drink blood on your faction. I’m also perfectly allowed to dislike their lore. Not everyone is going to be happy with everything.

Kind of like how many high elf lovers hate void elves because of their out of the blue lore.


Another “Elf problem” thread resurfaced …

This thread has been going for over three years, if you check the date. You are entirely free to mute it.


I like both San’layn and Venthyr. If I’m being perfectly honest I’d rather have Venthyr as an allied race, and San’layn as customization options.

It’s also interesting that the Venthyr theme music plays by the orgrimmar embassy, but I’m sure that doesn’t mean anything, right?


This wasn’t meant to say you aren’t allowed to dislike anything. Holy heck. I’m not here to incite anything, so please try not to assume that’s why I open these threads. You won’t see me come into these threads to deny people anything (unlike some folks who’ve come into HE threads how many times to derail out of wanting to deny Alliance things, because that’s just not what I do).

I don’t understand it, certainly, but that’s just me thinking “they’re both different brands of vampires”. I don’t think Venthyr will ever be playable. But I do legitimately wonder if they tried to poorly write San’layn out of existence. Again. Not here to flame. Conversation.

Doesn’t seem relevant to bring up but since you did people are allowed to value uniqueness, no one denied you anything they found value in visual uniqueness on their favorite race, and obviously you did as well if you went around begging for a Horde race.

All in all not really relevant to this thread I agree. For clarity I can be so happy you have RP tools to allow RP to the extent of how you see your character of course I hope you’re enjoying them :hugs:

And that is perfectly fine! I’m happy you can enjoy them where I, personally, do not. I would rather have San’layn as an allied race, just because of the dances and jokes but… well. I doubt that will be a thing. Customization for San’layn would be cool though as well, as long as we got fangs & claws (red/jet black eyes too please :pleading_face: ). Also… if they are customization… it would be best, in my opinion, to do it through a night warrior questline.

Also I firmly support this for other ‘sub races’ too and am sad about things like Wildhammers for not getting that :confused:

I certainly hope not :confused: Many people have said it over the years, and while I have my arguments, the utter lack of, well. Anything, lore-wise, has me frustrated. If they just linked the origin of the vampyr curse to the venthyr/Revendreth, I would finally get over it, because the lore would be given for them too. And the thing is, it’s right there. So many people are like “Well we think the curse is from revendreth” and I agree… I just hope to see it confirmed and am wondering why there’s been no mention of it at all.


We may see more in the future if they haven’t done this, considering all the dreadlord shenanigans, so who knows. At least you can sort of come close with the t10 set and skintones on clothies?


True, yeah gods I’d love more recolors or updates of that set too. I know they nabbed old armor for a redo in Legion, but not for LK stuff. Maybe someday. It’s a dream. Also yeah, the dreadlords are really interesting, and I actually do wonder if they have a factor in all of this, including a link to the San’layn (that might be my bias though in terms of any sort of link that might or might not exist.)

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I think I like the Venthyr so much because they’re not what people would think as “beautiful” but gothic and morose. They’re a new species, and not another form of High Elf. I just really like their run animation and when they are all floaty.

By no means does that mean I don’t value your wants and beliefs! I totally agree that they should have a questline that unlocks comprehensive customizations. The dances, voices etc might be harder to implement, but not impossible.


They’ve shown up at the beginning of SLs too and there’s a reference in the Jailers soul vault.

Doesn’t seem to me that blizzard has forgotten them yet.

I’m not hot on Venthyr myself… Or really any of the SLs races. Just seems odd to me that any denizens of death would choose to participate in the affairs of mortals.

I’m not gonna balk if any of them become ARs of course. Just not what I’m into.

Also concerned Venthyr would close that door to San’layn and since I’ve wanted to play them for so long it would just suck.

Lore ain’t there though.


Well make them an Alliance San’layn thread then.

Like I said, you come in here hostile as often as you can. This thread clearly bothers you.

No reason to leave yourself exposed to that.

I think you’re the salty one… No one else really does this sort of thing…


You ain’t been paying attention… This one’s been around for a long time.

Hard to see that as particularly meaningful imo.

Blizz does odd music in many places.

Which has what to do with San’layn though?

I do like the Venthyrs general viewpoints and how they’re not like… Suck your blood but more let me help you see how you did bad.

Just not… The vampire I want to play.



If they tied San’layn customization to a Venthyr lore tie in somehow I always liked that because I do like the culture / vibes of the Venthyr


I wish you would read, but you’re very adamant that Alliance players shouldn’t get anything or comment anywhere that you miss the context of everything I post.

Please stop interacting with me. I shouldn’t have to keep asking you, and I’m very tired of seeing pings after I’ve muted you. I’ve made you aware on several occasions. Unlike you, I’m not someone to incessantly deny other players of customizations we’re not even in control of.

I have to say I don’t really care if people change characters, I like to post on what ever character I like the profile of in the little square or just what I’m playing atm.

I just find it funny people try to in particular with me act like it’s malicious or a huge win of pointing it out, but hey if you think figuring out me posting Lannisterian, or Lannisterien, or Lannister is a huge riddle solved then I’ll let you have the win maybe they need it.

Yeah that’s fair on all accounts. Honestly, I wish they’d implement, well… All of them. Venthyr. San’layn. Human vampyr. Dark Rangers.

I think my dislike at its core is that it feels like Blizzard abandoned the lore I loved, which is why I feel just so annoyed about the situation. Especially after the huge tease in BfA. “They miiiight join the horde!” SPLAT


And yeah no worries, I totally value yours and understand them too. Best of all worlds? We get both.

(I also don’t mind if BOTH void elves and blood elves got San’layn, but not just the alliance. I know people greatly opposed to that notion and understand why though.)

Personally… I really want neutral options for factions too .-. Well, guilds. Maybe a toggle. For PvE stuff too. And I’d roleplay in a neutral city in that case more.

One thing I do like, though? Are the Stoneborn. I would play one of those, most likely. I don’t know, something about their design is neat, I’m kinda sad they’re not more popular. They use the arakkoa skeleton, maybe?

I always like to suggest the idea of ‘covenant customization’, but that would be a HUGE amount of customization work on their end, aaaand… I doubt they would do it.


Not really my problem I’m afraid, I’m just here to converse much like you. But unlike you I won’t ever presume to tell you how to interact to tailor the forums to my own liking.

I wonder if discord would be a better environment for you or other such ideas idk I’m just brainstorming here for you.

In any case best of luck to you, if you post something I feel like replying to it just is what it is and Vice versa of course, as that’s what conversation should be on forums we all have access to :hugs:


Recreated the OP gif on PTR.
Not an absurd request. Not trolling. Just basic observations without being in denial because things have to be Horde.

Most of the tools are already there, and anything exact to the theme is a bonus. (Ear shapes?) But you can create something that looks more like the san’layn, and a traditional vampire, on Alliance now. To make it the full fantasy, a single red tinted skin - which also expands the void kit because red is a void colour - and red eyes - red is a void colour - means it’s done.

Also, I’m using the more magenta tinted skins because it’s my own personal preference for reds, but corpses turn blue, so the blue skins, with the tentacle toggles, actually work just as well - and I’ve already seen a few people using them on Moon Guard and it looks fantastic. I can’t wait to see what they look like once the patch goes live.

Think outside the box, and connect some dots.
Subraces aren’t a focus, a goth elf - calling void elves emo just reminds me of high schoolers calling anything dressed in black emo - having another gothic subrace, when it’s this easy to finish the kit, isn’t trolling.
It’s asking to finish the fantasy that’s already technically there with a cherry on top.

Hopefully see some reasonable folks in Duskwood once the patch goes live. We’ve got a party getting planned already spread across a few communities~!

Might make that girl above as my new mage. Been focusing too hard on how well the hairstyles for the men suit more. Forgot how well the kit works for the ladies too.