San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

guess we scared him away.


Or maybe they’ll take my advice and just leave folk alone.

I’m not sure why they’re always so angry at everyone.


Look Zugyr, I’m going to make myself clear:

You can try to delete your character all you’d like, but given the speech pattern is the exact same, it’s clear to me who you are. I have you on ignore for a reason. I find it really obnoxious how you keep alt hopping to try to avoid it.

I’m going to take the high road and tell you to start your own thread. Since this, according to you, is coming up so much on Discord servers, and you believe San’layn fit the best for the Alliance, start your own thread and mute this one. I will share my thoughts on it, that being I do not believe they should fit on the Alliance, then mute it.

You can then mute this thread. You can tailor your discord specifically to Alliance San’layn. No one is stopping you from doing any of this.

As for me, given that really nasty parties continue to take these issues out of forums and into either Twitter or Discord, I’m getting tired of these nasty arguments. If you came in here in good faith like “Hey so I like the San’layn a ton, but I would rather them be on the Alliance, here’s why…” then explained yourself, instead of (A) claiming “goth elves” is a theme, which it isn’t, and saying we need to ‘take something from the horde that they’ve been requesting’, then I would have given you more respect.

I would have disagreed with you, then suggested the idea of neutrality or options for blood elves AND void elves, then I would have explained why I don’t feel they fit on the Alliance, but I am not a fan of the faction barrier anyway. However, given Blizzard will likely not change their stance on that, it is what it is. I do truly feel that they fit the Horde the best for reasons I’ve already explained. And despite disagreeing with you, I would have respected your opinion if you came at everyone without being petty and in good faith. If it was a matter of “I want them on the faction that I love”, that would be different, and we could respectfully agree to disagree, but love San’layn together all the same, and what happened happened.

Instead, though, you said what I mentioned above, were toxic outside of the forums, have me worried that now even more drama is going to come my way, when in reality, I want to be left alone.

So do us all a favor:

  1. Start your own San’layn for the Alliance thread. You don’t have permission to use the pictures I shared here from my video that was made specifically out of our ideas here in this thread, or my OCs, for it. If you link my images in your thread, I will be linking my thread as a source. If you don’t link the images from this thread, then I will merely comment my point of view, mute it, then leave you alone.
  2. Once you accomplish that, ignore this thread, for your own sanity. You’re not going to get the majority of folks here to agree with you. We’ve explained why, several times, we don’t agree that the Alliance should go to the San’layn.
  3. Put me on ignore as well in the process. It’s better for both of us, you clearly dislike me, and I clearly dislike you. Best solution is to no longer clash, and we can see who Blizzard chooses to listen to, if any at all.
  4. Stop alt hopping in these matters to avoid ignore, because there’s a reason for ignore in the first place.

And this goes out to everyone trying to stir up trouble with me. If you hate me this much, then put me and my threads on ignore and stop trying to drag it out of the forums. I don’t know if Zug specifically did it, but I do know there are parties still doing it now.

I don’t care how much you dislike me, keep it to the forums, because harassing me behind my back isn’t cool and honestly, you’re free to disagree with my opinions and move on.


oh this an old feud? it just seems silly of him to come in here showing off his widows peak, since, as he indicated, he looks like a vamp already lol whats he want? i dont get it. if velfs get those orangey nzoth eyes, he will look very vamp but he wont look san’layn since they dont have red eyes or widow’s peaks. he’ll look like a traditional vamp tho.


They’ve been in here on multiple occasions claiming the Alliance has claim on all goth elves and they should get San’layn after being called out for saying “We should give the Alliance something the Horde has been requesting for years” because who knows why other than petty reasons.

They also bring it up and try to start arguments about it on other threads, which often causes frustrations, me trying to explain myself, me getting dopiled for ‘gatekeeping’ by the same individuals behind this, me being some villain mastermind, and what have you. It’s why I have several threads muted and am sick of this argument.

I would rather argue with the ‘no more elf’ people than this. So I would rather they mute the thread, mute me, and go on their way with their arguments, because we’re not going to see eye to eye, can’t discuss this in a civil manner without emotions running high for either party, and it’s just getting to the point of ridiculous.

To the point where I am suspecting it is leaking outside of the forums and given that someone is actively trying to spread lies about me behind my back through Discord as of a few days ago, I want to be left alone without worry that some angry void elves will be trying to harass.


aww sorry fallynn. i apologize for the unnecessary drama. if you think about it tho. he just wants customization and the one he wants, et al, red eyes, isnt sanlayn anyway. none of the san’layn looked like traditional vamps, they were uniquely made vamps, exclusive to wow. velf vamp customizations would look like traditional vamps. easy to rp as one anyway.


I have a theory…


Yeah, and the kicker is I don’t even like the faction barrier and don’t care if both blood elves and void elves get it, which I’ve tried to explain, and why I firmly believe the horde should get it first or at the same time as the Alliance.

Down to the lore, yes, I firmly believe San’layn make sense on the Horde, and no one is going to change my opinion. They can have their own reasons and opinions for whatever, that’s fine. Like I said, I would agree to disagree & respect it if they didn’t argue for petty reasons in the first place. People can agree to disagree civilly, but it just isn’t happening here.

So I’m hoping they just take my advice, start their own thread, mute me & this one, and leave me alone. I’m not going to be in other threads aside from the customization/ARs I support, ones already going and Horde-centric anyway, so they wouldn’t need to worry about me jumping into some huge argument in a random customization thread, because I am just so tired of this.


i got an idea!
velf vamps get nzoth orangey red eyes
and belf vamps get tiny little vamp teeth barely showing on their lips…like vamps often do, where you can see the tips of them on bottom lip

like second row from bottom, mouth 3 and 4, left to right


Looks cool! If we wanted to go super crazy we could even give different teeth variations (stealing this from my other thread cause lazy hehe)


ah vtm. well, i’m fresh outta ideas.

Ironically felblood elves have the fangs you’re talking about, I believe, so it is in game somewhere!


oh wow. lol :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I fully support felblood elves too :stuck_out_tongue: I just never started a thread or joined one since I never saw one about it


I mean this is all you’ve done because you couldn’t properly process opposing opinions on people who valued the visual uniqueness of Blood Elves.

Remember when you first began with these takes and you were much more open about why going so far as to explicitly state it was purely because you couldn’t process differing opinions on another topic / debate.

So like Fen pointed out the behavior you seem to be calling out is really most prevalent in your own posts.

Anyways just wanted to point that out :hugs:


IS that a Zugyr alt? If so, that makes sense. >_>; He/she/they (have no idea so don’t want to make assumptions on that account at least) irks me because the impression they give is they just make these ‘suggestions’ out of spite.

Blood elves should get dark ranger and san’layn options. Period. San’layn were literally the blood elf followers of Kael’thas and were killed and raised by Arthas in Northrend. It makes zero lore sense for them to be given as Alliance options. Same with dark rangers. (I know some have asked for night elf dark rangers since some were raised during BFA but I hated that plot point and would prefer to ignore it >_>;

Void elves should have shadow/space/star themes, not vampires.


Yeah they deleted their orc but are mirroring what they always say and posted on that one as Lann linked before anyhow.

That’s also what makes me annoyed about this situation. Void elves have two themes, high elf and void elf, already. Customization-wise, void elves are lacking when it comes to void. There’s tentacles. That’s it. People in the void elf thread including me have offered a menagerie of ideas to enhance that void aspect, yet some are hooked on trying to take a suggestion from Horde.

San’layn were Kael’s loyal followers who died in the name of defending their city. Void elves are traitorous blood elves who didn’t even like the Horde to begin with and aren’t welcome in SMC due to the danger of them corrupting the sunwell.

Forsaken were the blood elves salvation into the Horde after the Alliance, through Garithos, tried killing them all off & after their pleas were ignored by the alliance in general. Undead have been shunned by the alliance for gods knows how long and they barely tolerate DK… and we’re actively killing vampyr in BfA.


Trolls will troll. Their whole purpose is to try to get a rise out of people. Their posts purposely insincere and ill-informed.


Also before someone jumps down my throat about how the Alliance wronged the blood elves, here is my source:

" Kael himself took 15% of the blood elven race (including some of his most powerful and gifted magisters) to join with the Alliance fighting in the equally destroyed Lordaeron. However, this tenuous alliance would not last, and the blood elves came under the bigoted scrutiny of one Grand Marshal Garithos. Garithos, a human who had felt wronged the high elves’ conduct in the past, consistently gave the blood elves either meager tasks beneath their capabilities, or worse, suicidal missions devoid of reinforcements, in order to rid himself of the sin’dorei.[12]"

ALSO Origin of San’layn is literally in this article:

" Prince Kael’thas led his followers to freedom, to the extra-dimensional wastes of Outland, the remnants of Draenor, and pledged allegiance to Illidan Stormrage, who promised to grant them a new source of magic by teaching them to siphon magic from powerful alternative sources, including demons. Together with their allies the naga, Illidan led the blood elves to conquer Outland, gaining in the process the friendship of the nearly extinct Broken. The blood elves then followed Illidan to the Icecrown Glacier in an attempt to destroy the Lich King; however, they were defeated by Arthas, who wounded Illidan, forcing the blood elves and naga to retreat, allowing Arthas to ascend the glacier and merge with the Lich King. During the battles in Northrend, several of the deceased blood elves (including the powerful bearer of Quel’Delar, Lana’thel) were raised into undeath by Arthas, to serve him as his “San’layn”."

THE FORSAKEN, SO UNDEAD, WHO WERE HATED BY THE ALLIANCE AND STILL ARE are the reason for the salvation of Blood Elves.

" Having rebuilt much their kingdom, the blood elves looked to finding new allies. They had once been part of the Alliance of Lordaeron, but the Alliance no longer cared to defend Quel’Thalas.[6] The blood elves were offered aid from an unexpected source: the free-willed Forsaken undead, one of several established powers battling in ruined Lordaeron, reached out to the bewildered and overstretched sin’dorei. The blood elves were initially wary of their intentions, fearing a trick; but the elves eventually acquiesced, as no one else was willing to fight for Quel’Thalas at all.[6][13]

The Forsaken have been working closely with the blood elves to purge the greater phalanxes of Scourge presence from the Ghostlands since their induction. Lor’themar Theron was Sylvanas Windrunner’s second in command during the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas, and many Forsaken were high elves culled from the same battle. The aid provided by the Forsaken has included reinforcements, a number of outposts in and around the reclaimed blood elf territories, and a teleportation device between the Undercity and Silvermoon. Sylvanas claims to have retained a great love for her homeland and its people.[14]"

The Alliance had long since abandoned the Blood Elves by the time San’layn came to be. NOT ONLY THAT, but the Alliance went out of their way to butcher San’layn in the war campaign in Battle For Azeroth.

I am happy to provide sources as a reminder:

“Myself and the sentinels will seal the entrance to trap him and his allies shortly thereafter. Then we kill them all.”

" For ourselves, for my sisters, for the Alliance. We won’t underestimate the san’layn this time. We will keep the Horde off-balance and distracted with swift, targeted, ruthless attacks. "

" A cornered beast is more dangerous than a free one. "

"You’ve done the Alliance, and all of Azeroth, a fine service today, .

We will sleep in a better world than we woke to. That is all that can be asked of us.

For the Alliance!"

Look at the language there. The Alliance are not friendly to the San’layn. They see them as bloodthirsty monsters and the entire point of the war campaign was to slaughter them on the Alliance side, meanwhile the Horde’s point was to get the body (which was a stupid plotline anyway but we won’t get into that).

Some might have the attitude that Horde abandoned San’layn, and we don’t know there. We don’t know where Dreven came from, we don’t know if he accomplished his mission and earned points for his people back then. Because guess what? His mission might have been to delay the Alliance long enough for the Horde to get the corpse…which they did.

Not every San’layn in existence would be on that ship, that would be utterly silly. We don’t know how many remain in Nazmir or the rest of Azeroth, and whether they could approach the Horde again. They were working with Sylv to get a home, clearly. I linked the screenshot above.

Why didn’t they go to the alliance? Maybe because the alliance would and did see them as bloodthirsty monsters and did go out of their way to slaughter them? Yeah. It makes no sense for the San’layn to join the Alliance.

Also, thanks for making me look at the most disappointing thing in BfA. Again. sigh -.-

After looking at all that, I firmly believe San’layn should have joined Horde in BfA, but nope, Blizzard has no idea how to write a coherent story. I HATE to this day how they dangled the carrot on the stick then went RADIO BLOODY SILENCE when people were hoping for news of playable vampyr, then they introduce a new ‘vampire’ concept while ENTIRELY IGNORING this lore San’layn fans fell in love with. Grrrrr… People wonder why I absolutely hate the Venthyr, well there it is in short form.


Non ironically, it may make them quite powerful considering it´s the blood of Ra -a titan watcher-.

Not relevant to WoW forums, dude.

Keep your poorly disguised attempts at baiting posters in your Discord echo chambers if you must, your behaviour is borderline harrasement.

Those aren´t “goth”, those are Emo.

Also… blocking your n-esim alt, Zugyr.