San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah I know, the point is it’s situational, and not dependent on whether or not they are dark/edgy. Dark/edgy can definitely equate to evil, but it depends on the person, not the species/magic they use/look.

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Ok you win. But that’s sort of the point… we aren’ written to be the bad guys unless you explore those dark themes. To my zandalari the void elves did some evil magics, messed around with dark evil powers, disturbed animal spirits to attack us and kill civilians.

The playable character might not be considered evil, as we rp what we want. We still end up killing things and people. We are all evil to someone.

The void is a corrupting force which is what I wanted to say when I said naturally evil.
The characters themselves may not be evil but they are under corrupting magics.

The void elves in the island expeditions seemed very sadistic for example.

^this and velfs have the most edge potential.

Yeah, and that all depends on the person. Many might be depicted as evil, and then we go into perspective. Many people still see Death Knights/Forsaken as evil (all of them).

My only problem comes up when people say ‘everyone of these [race] needs to be evil’ especially a playable race, because you then get into a situation of trying to play a character with free will that you want, but can’t, because you hit a wall with people when it comes to that mentality (Spoiler: Roleplayers like that will go on auto-ignore for me, and unfortunately I’ve run into a fair amount because they have no idea the meaning of nuance. This is specifically targeted toward DK in general too, which is so tiresome >< )


There lore makes it seem like they are evil. They need to inflict pain and kill or else they have massive pain as Arthas cursed the dks he raised.

Forsaken have some screws missing when they are raised.

I think using that sort of stuff can be good for how characters interact with one another. And after interacting with characters they realize, oh hey you aren’t so bad.

Ultimately thats how we interpret the characters we play. But if you want to see the alliance as evil that is also possible by seeing the actions they do to the horde.

Like how the dark iron’s did a mass killing of goblin workers with fire elementals.

As evil is a point of view. Just as you can rp good heroes as bad guys, the same is true for normally evil tropes.

The void elves naturally skews toward dark themes. No need for alliance to get dark themes through san’layn. Dark Iron too, worgen are savage, dark irons use dark magics, lightforged have a holy agenda, pandaren joined to explore the world and kill along the way, we kill stuff/people for few gold and xp points without knowing the whole story.

The alliance has dark and or evil themes they can explore already

it was undercity that gave them that rep. they have human body parts hanging from hooks and would emulsify enemies into that green goo, that was flowing in the canals and used in the plague/blight machine liquid. as garrosh pointed out, sylvannas was running an undead factoryline like arthas did. it started looking like icc

They can inflict pain on other evil creatures which Azeroth has plenty of. This is like saying “because you need to kill to eat food (So… literally any carnivore or omivore) you are evil.” or "You’re evil for inflicting pain upon those who deserve it.

Those situations equate to antihero. Not to mention, again, if ‘killing is wrong’ then quite literally every ‘hero’ of azeroth is utterly evil with no redeemable qualities because they killed someone.

Yeah, they should expand upon that as opposed to trying to take a horde request that’s been here for years at this point ><

Yeah, and I feel the forsaken who worked on that were likely evil or malicious, but my issue is when every single individual is grouped with them in that case. Just like how people scream at Horde players for the burning of Teld when some of us really did not want that at all, didn’t agree with it, and canonically would rescue a ton of night elves (mine did)

yeah i get it. stereotyping.

Yeah exactly.

though people might be like “Wait so are you even horde now Falls”

Me: No idea. Kinda have to be given the races I play are locked to it though

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Ewww the whole Teld storyline was awful and everything connected to it since has been as awful or almost as awful, so you aren’t alone in feeling or thinking that way and I say that as someone that often gets called a hardcore Horde/Hordie.


Yeah gods I could rant all day about how much I hate what happened with it >< It’d be a practical book, I swear.


Wasn’t a fan of war of thorns myself, but I guess we got to deal with that. At least the way the story is going I don’t care for it as much as I used to, still curious but I don’t tie my character that much to what happens in the game. Right now I am trying to enjoy the gameplay and class themes. The story this expansion feels weird, but I enjoy the art and themes, the new magics we learned about, the cosmetics.

Also I am interested where the story would go if alliance and horde can group together which seems to be a player desire. Would they tie the story into that? Or just let it happen for gameplay purposes. That can affect my views on the future of races going to a certain faction. I wouldn’t like San’layn on alliance, more on horde, but if we all got to play together anyway would it really matter? Like would we still have horde/alliance anyway?

everquest, the original 3d mmorpg, has an officially sanctioned emulator called project 1999. in it, you can group up with and talk to and raid with any race in the game but the races still retain their faction reps. so a high elf cant just traipse into a dark elf city and a dark elf cant just traipse into a high elf city. well you can but ya have to fight the guards/merchants/trainers.

but this game had some really strict faction guidelines. for example, a gnome necromancer had the gnome city of ak’anon as their starting city but if they got near the gnome warrior guild, the guild master would emerge and kill them. so there were even factions in the same starting city and same race that could be enemies because of class.

also, you could earn rep with enemy factions but if you werent careful you could ruin your starting faction rep and not be able to train if the enemy faction didnt have your particular class. and, you might have to rep grind with the class trainer in addition. lol

it was a really complex rep faction system

p.s. oh and dont even get me started on iksar, the only race in the game that starts off hated by all other factions. lol talk about rep grinds

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Huh that sounds interesting, that kind of reminds me of “The Insane Title” grind if that makes sense, and having to properly manage reps while not destroying others!

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that is true for sure. i spent countless hours helping an iksar warrior rep grind so he could train at the wood elf warrior guild, only to have the wood elf banker, who was on a different faction than the warrior trainer, run out of his bank and kill the iksar. it was like a maze of reps


Yikes… that sounds super annoying, to be honest. Hopefully the system won’t work that way if implemented into WoW, though I can imagine a bit of complexity, yeah.

Also I encourage people to look through my post history if they are told lies or rumors about me. I know I’ve repeated myself a lot on this, but unfortunately there are lies being spread behind my back yet still. So, I will simplify this.

  1. If someone dislikes my ideas, they are free to point it out. They are free to disagree with me. I am also free to respond with disagreement as well, and will not insult them.
  2. If someone is disagreeing or saying something for petty reasons I have solid proof for, I will indeed bring it up, and I have the exact quote bookmarked as well if there are curious parties.
  3. I am allowed to point out whether I dislike something or not in this game, including lightforged options or venthyr. I have stated on numerous occasions I have nothing against those who want them. I have stated why I do not want them, and why I do not think they make sense. People are free to give their own reasons and arguments. I do not have to argue my point many times over, I can agree to disagree, which I have many times before.

On that note, I’m posting this as a reminder of what could have been in BfA. San’layn allied race. Which never happened. Maybe we will get them playable someday though, now that they are listening. Who knows.

Edit: Also, I’ve lost my temper or grown impatient in the past, like anyone else has. But aside from my tone getting nasty, I’m pretty sure many on the forums don’t regard me as a ‘toxic poster’ for sharing opinions.


Lol see that cutscene I would classify as “evil”. Then again the alliance were killing a bunch of exiled prisoners thinking they were part of the horde forces at that point. There is nuance. The act itself is violent, dark and morbid/gory.

I find that scene very amusing though, one of my favorites.

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You are being attacked by the vampire that no one wants, a drama vampire.

Hopefully people get over this crap soon and move one. (Preferably by San’layn being added as Horde)


Well yeah, don’t think anyone would argue that Dreven was a good guy, but just because he acts that way doesn’t mean every San’layn needs to be cookie-cutter or hive minded. If the gnome was a very evil one, I would consider it not-evil because that’s how my morals work, but the gnome wasn’t. Could be argued as a death-of-war but who knows.

Yeah, exactly ><


This thread is whole lot less depressing than the “Why the Lack of Customization?” thread. I’ve seen people I thought were nice and that I liked “turn.”