San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Agreed. The blade-like teeth are super neat, I love it.

I see a ‘hidden reply’ and am assuming a troll has entered the thread.

Not going to even respond to whatever was said.

Moving on to actual valuable feedback, I appreciate the demonstration from illidan. He does look nicer in his cinematic than model though, I will admit :stuck_out_tongue:

BUT! I would love those teeth options for San’layn. Though night elves have regular fangs, so they could do well for San’layn on the Horde. I wish thalassian elves had fangs, as a matter of fact.


You would be right, I was wondering when they’d come here spamming that BS.


Some folks are a bit obsessed, I guess. They can troll all they’d like, there’s plenty support for Dark Ranger and San’layn options on the Horde, very little if any at all (most I assume is due to trolling) for the Alliance.

Makes me laugh. But if it gets people curious and commenting on their ideas for vampyr on horde, why not.


Nah fam. We good.


Realistically they just want it all the sudden because we want it, nothing more, that’s how it always seems to be people on that side it’s why I can’t stand most of them, I say most because some are good people.


Yeah that is what REALLY bugs me. This “Red eyes for void elves” and “San’layn/Dark Rangers for the Alliance” nonsense did not start popping up as a gigantic wave until they started getting regular hair color options and skin tones for void elves.

Luckily I know most void elves who know can be high elves do NOT think this way, and it’s just a small section.

It’s still annoying. Everyone knows undead go on Horde, the San’layn tried finding a home in the Horde in BfA, and Dark Rangers are part of the Horde. Not to mention San’layn have been asked for as a Horde request for gods know how long.

It’s a bunch of ridiculous trolling at this point…

…but it brings up the thread a bit, so! There’s that. It’s a fun thread with art and ideas. A bit more laid back. At least we try to be.


The people that just want to argue are still arguing, the people who want to troll are still trolling, the people who want to start trouble are still starting trouble.

Man, I just want to enjoy some new hair colors and suggest more stuff.

Have the forums even changed?

And I’m out of likes because of this weird “Like Allowance” system!


I have to agree here because it’s really annoying, I ran out earlier because of Fall on this one and another one as well. :yum: :yum: :yum:


All Thalassian exiles - including San’layn - should rally under the Ren’dorei banner. High Elves, Void elves, and San’layn.
Imagine one of the biggest leaders of your group betraying the only people who’d give you a chance. They - and their allies, Blood Elves, wouldn’t take them in.

San’layn were for about 5 minutes before proving Talanji right.
Dark rangers are literally a part of the Horde.
Ask for those. Those are your “High Elf” NPCs that have been dangled in front of your face since forever.

Nah, I think we really need to stop giving blood elf stuff to the Alliance. Blood elves need cool customizations or a cool allied race derivative. The void elf favoritism right now is all kinds of insane.

And I say this as someone who has four void elves.


I’m manifesting Kael’thas returning to Azeroth; his mission? Redeem the remaining San’layn and bring then back home to Quel’thalas.

It ties up SO much stuff.

-The Venthyr clearly influencing the San’layn curse

-Kael’thas seeking for redemption in a meaningful way by saving the elves that followed him to northrend and were slaughtered and made into undead.

-Giving BE’s red eyes, thus Dark Ranger aesthetics as well. Bonus points if we actually get the Dark Rangers and Velonara helping…

-The Blood Elves forgiving Kael’thas, even if they don’t make him their leader, so the BE, San’layn and Dark Rangers forging a new kinship.


People really need to learn to do full campaigns on both factions.

I really don’t think there’s a case to give San’layn to the Alliance at all TBH.

Like, the alliance really hates them after BFA most certainly.

There’s really no commonality between San’layn and Void Elves beyond both having edgy aesthetics, but beyond that? They have nothing in common.


Oh yes, definitely. That’s been talked about extensively here, and a lot favor this idea, including me. Did you know we brought it up as an idea even before he was mentioned for Shadowlands? I thought the idea was out there, but had merit, I guess. Even wrote out a theoretical scenario for it a couple years ago. (I think it was a couple years ago. I have to look.) Things have changed, though, and it’s viable for a different reason.

Not to mention, as the horsemen demonstrated (and undead all the time), it’s possible to be brought back after a while from the Shadowlands (Entirely intact, too. Huh.) There is the memory issue, but I’m going to assume that because the veil is broken, it’s not really an issue any longer.

This is what I thought the origin was, as much as I might not be a fan of the venthyr lore. But it makes the most sense for the vampyr curse to come from Shadowlands, specifically Revendreth, and I’m still sad we don’t see any connections (yet.) We know humans can be turned, and Vry’kul. Therefore, I do think that other races, all but worgen, can too. I’m going to assume it works like the forsaken curse? If it works like DK, worgen TECHNICALLY could be included, but I think there’d need to be a lich king for that (and there’s none).

So much this, thank you! You know the origins of the first San’layn, I’m so happy to see this! I feel like not many take this exact fact into consideration. They have such a strong tie to Kael’thas, and it’s never really…mentioned or seen (yet). So I would LOVE for that to be addressed.

Yes, love this. And what you mentioned prior to this, too. Along with what you said.

I do hope…somewhere in Azeroth… we see Theraldis and Atherann again, the two missing blood princes (and the cause of worgen death knights, I think, ironically. Or the worgen curse in general?)


Okay so Arugal is the cause of the worgen curse but was brought back by those two princes in a vison, I need to go dig around to find out why, but if I remember correctly, he is the cause of worgen DK specifically AFTER being risen from the dead BY the two missing blood princes. (I might be very wrong here)

Edit: Okay, reading up now;

“As indicated by Theraldis’ comments, Arugal was sent to Solstice Village to convert the population into worgen, and later did the same in Silverbrook. He then settled his base of operations in Shadowfang Tower on Bloodmoon Isle, off the Eastwind Shore. The majority of the populations of the trapper villages willingly joined the Wolfcult, while those who resisted were killed or (in the case of the workers of the Hollowstone Mine) cursed to undeath.[12]

Huh, still trying to find a timeline here…

…okay so I think what happened was:

-Arugal caused the worgen curse in general
-Arugal was slain
-Arugal was brought back by Theraldis, Atherann, and Keleseth
-Arugal made some more worgen
-Arugal made some worgen DK specifically in Shadowfang Keep:
" Arugal has been replaced by Lord Godfrey as the final boss of Shadowfang Keep. However, Arugal’s legacy remains, as worgen death knights are said to be former servants of Arugal who escaped from Shadowfang and later became minions of the Lich King."

So in conclusion, we have worgen DK because some vampyr decided to bring him back as a ghost. We have worgen DK because of vampyr. :stuck_out_tongue:


I love it when that San’layn made that gnome explode was funny!


Just want to say I’m happy to see this Mega Thread still showing up! I’ve enjoyed it over the months/years and Blizz could take a hint/note and make a fraction of the ideas put forth and make so many of you/us/me happy

I hope one day we see this come fruition!


Aw this made me smile! It’s why I came back as well. I don’t really play anymore but know there’s a group of people who really want this, and I do too if I end up coming back. I feel like it would be letting folks down if I left entirely during this time, when it seems like blizzard might finally be listening to our ideas.

I have a bit more confidence we’ll see playable San’layn someday. Our idea sharing here will hopefully inspire somethings.


He also ate soldiers of the horde in the same way

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Not really he drained the undead, to power himself up to defeat the alliance. No more bad then a warlock sacrificing his own imps to do some aoe damage, or the alliance sending the lightforged to die in Nazmir to have an advantage in Dazar’alor


People like to pretend that San’layn are a hive mind with no free will or distinction from one another and it is honestly close minded nonsense.

Trolls have attacked the Horde.

Orcs have attacked the Horde.

Forsaken have attacked the Horde.

A member of the race attacking the Horde doesn’t suddenly mean they all will and I’m tired of people using that pointless excuse to argue against them because it’s illogical in the first place.

They’re not a hive mind. End of story.