San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Plus one support!


Keep in mind the FF races are but clones of each other (reason why I never went pass the “pick race” screen… all were so boringly similar).

Armor design is a bonus to get people entertained to go back to old content in drought patches like end expac patches (cause most of us rather go when we can solo the things to get mounts, armors, pets, etc.). Customization novelty last but a patch and that only for a small portion of the playerbase (they are LOUD here, but believe nothing in comparison tothe average players).

To put it in perspective, in the EU forums this afternoon, after 104 post on the “we´ll show 9.1.5 stuff” thread , only 2 post were about customizations (and to complain about no black color for Velves, hilarious), the rest? pretty much discussion over the gameplay pearks a.k.a. Ripcord and all that.

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I personally like the destiny customization with its few races. The exos and the space vampires!

Like I said Idk the limitations of the game I want more customization over time, they could keep adding some every expansion.
Personally love the customization amount in ff14

I have heard that many people believe that wow has some of the best customization via transmogging because of the wardrobe. So I give WoW that.

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Yeah the account bound transmog collection is really nice, and as someone who has been playing FFXIV for several months, will be finished with the story this weekend, I can agree with this.

I can also agree with the attitude some have of dislike due to the lack of race selection, while also really loving the races. Well, the Au Ra & Miqo’te. Yeah, the catgirls everyone complains about. I adore them personally, as well as the Au Ra Xaela lore in particular (like them as much as San’layn to give an idea).

I do wish there was more variety but understand why there isn’t. I adore FFXIV, though I do know its flaws, like alt unfriendliness to the max. While you can play ever class (job) on one character, I like having multiple for RP. And mounts aren’t shared. It’s a bummer.

That said, here’s my FFXIV character art ^^

Sweet FFXIV art

Credit to the fabulous




I really really REALLY love the housing in that game too. Garrisons from WoW have NOTHING on it, and you can get housing items from things like raids and professions, I believe. The huge ‘meh’ to garrisons, aside from nearly everything else about them, is the complete lack of customization. Which… made it pointless and not true housing. Whereas FFXIV, you can design…well, so much. I designed my apartment a while ago and love it. Can’t wait for a chance at a house in the future.


Oh my that art is lovely.

My biggest complaint about FFXIVs amazing cosmetics is the way they treat storage. My gods I find myself not knowing what to do with my gear, and you have a cap on how many you can have in your wardrobe. That’s the one thing WoW truly excels in, is the collection of moggable items. If they could marry the beauty of the mogs of FFXIV and the storage of WoW I would be so happy.


Yes so much this! Argh it’s frustrating, the storage thing. If they implemented something like WoW’s journals they’d be golden. Granted that pain point isn’t going to turn me away from the game but still!


I came across a Blue post from the Dev team on Wowhead that had some interesting text in it, mostly referring to 9.1.5 and also Classic, to make it sounds more like Blizzard is listening:

"Shadowlands Update 9.1.5 will be going on the PTR next week, and a lot of what you’ll find in it is the direct result of your collective feedback. It includes long-asked-for changes to make it easier to swap covenants and conduits, updates to make it so you don’t need to repeat covenant campaigns on alts, new character customization options for some races that were lacking them, and many more changes to help you play the way you want.

It also has updates to improve the game environment for our community, including additional changes to some content to better reflect our shared values, better visibility into the impact of your in-game reports of harassment, and more serious penalties for people engaged in disruptive behavior.

We hope you’ll see something from your own 9.1.5 wish list when we post the patch notes next week, and we’ll keep listening, refining, and building on that as we continue PTR testing and development of what’s next."

“Creating World of Warcraft is truly a collaborative effort between the people on our team, across Blizzard, and all of you—and as we build, iterate on, and talk about what’s next, we hope we can demonstrate our commitment to making Azeroth the best place it can be for everyone.”

I get that this is pretty much PR talk, but there is a part of me that hopes that feedback in general will be more openly received and considered in the future. Granted, it is going to take a lot of time to make sure the commitment to being better in that regard will be honored as time goes on.

Still, I do continue to feel a bit more motivated to engage in the various race megathreads to offer support for future playable races. Granted, I will keep tempered expectations, but at the same time I am filled with a bit of hope of seeing some of the races we want to become playable become a reality.

All we can really do is see where things go and take it one step at a time. And continue our support for the races we want playable, of course. :wine_glass::bat:


This is a very promising bit, yeah! PR talk or not, hopefully there’s many threads of truth here. I’ve shared my ideas in the thread where the blue was, but I’m hoping they also dip into AR threads like this, as there’s just so many ideas discussed when it comes to content. Not to mention, art that’s been shared which can give ideas as well, because inspiration through art is a wonderful thing. We shall see!


FF14’s customization for 2.x+ comparing to 1.x is definitely breathtaking.

There are so many color palettes to choose from and the eyes have lot of options too.


September is almost here, and if I recall correctly, September 22nd, 2018 was this megathread’s birthdate. So we’re approaching the three year anniversary of this megathread! :smiley:

I’ll likely make a post of some kind that day, since I’ve been a contributor of this megathread for quite awhile. Maybe I’ll do some other things also. It has been awhile since I’ve written anything, for example. I’ll see if I can figure anything out.

Also October will be coming up, a favorite month of mine for several reasons. I’ll likely think of some stuff to do for this megathread there also. Maybe some screenshot artwork and such would also be fun to show off during the month. It’s also a very fitting month for San’layn stuff, IMO. :vampire:

Three years and still going strong. Hopefully we won’t have to wait several more years before playable Horde San’layn become a thing! :wine_glass::bat:


Figured I’d share some art as custom in this thread at this point.

One of my favorite artists surprised me with this piece: (Kinda my ‘persona’ at this point ^^ I was used as a reference!)

And this is a commission I got of one of my vampire OCs from a book that I wrote coming out soon:

This art is by:

Things I’ll point out for suggestions:
-Wouldn’t it be cool if we had spiked chokers as options for customization? I prefer a transmog, though, as opposed to barber shop. I hate restrictions.
-As you can see, jet black eyes are awesome with a slightly red glow. I think those eye options would be neat.
-Sharpened teeth are displayed here, again all blade-like fangs as opposed to just two.
-Jasper, my male vampire OC, is covered in scars. I think we should have such an option for our San’layn, not only on faces, but bodies. Actually, all races should 100% have this.
-Black lipstick and gothic makeup for the San’layn would be super neat, I’d love those options. For ALL gender options.

Might have more art to share soon. Feel free to share some of your favorite vampire/San’layn art here as well, but make sure to credit artists. Also, making suggestions based on the art like I do, I feel, is a good idea, for potential idea implementation. AKA, never know!


It worked with Glasses.


Wonder how hard it is to do teeth like that. Illidan has a good example of what I’m talking about, but whether they’d actually give it as an option for players is up for question.


^There :smiley: Though that’s the cinematic form… So I dunno if that’s present on his model and I don’t feel like checking, but you get it. Pretty sure in game models are used for those cinematics anyway.



This is amazing. I’m just watching now that first video with all the customization options.

I am stunned by how awesome the customization is for the San’layn… they NEED to be in the game!


Yup. He’s still got them in his in-game model.


Oh that works! I assume his Legion model also has those sharp teeth as well? It does open potential for the blade-like teeth ideas.


That is his Legion model. This is his BC model:

They both have 'em.


Yas let’s go vampire elves!


Horde can’t claim exclusivity to something it doesn’t even have.

San’layn for the Alliance.
Dark Rangers for Horde.

I never zoomed in enough to see those.

Those are some pointy teefs.