San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I no longer have any respect or trust in the people and company of Actvision blizzard they all blow smoke. Why the company keeps giving more to void elves than any other race is a travesty and I blame on piss poor leadership and lack of listening skill. All we have heard is void void void and very little of what others are getting.

The fact they only showed one image of what some are getting and yet spewed void elf at us is disgusting. Nightborne LFD and High Mountain should have been the company number one priority and they are not. Nothing has even been talked or acknowledge about what blood elves want cause the company doesn’t give a flying crap about us or the AR races.


They have stated to be working on allied races. Highmountain will be next. The void elf stuff is reused assets. Don’t expect the other races to get stuff until the allied races are done. Blizz originally delayed the customizations for the next expansion. I speculate they may have wanted to work on a redesign of the types of customization we see in the future since fans want similar races to races we already have. I also sort of speculate the next expansion may have been lightbased and that’s why lightforged may have wanted to wait if they were going to be relevant to the plot. This is just me tinfoiling though.

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Sorry not believeing it till they stop adding to Void elves and put 1000% more work into the AR rases we need the work more than void elves and untill I see more than one crappy art concept I am not having faith in the company. You can drink the cool aid most of us will wait till we actually see real work not concepts.


Yeah, the argument of “Oh but the San’layn are evil” makes no sense when… we literally have Forsaken in the Horde. The whole point is that every group has nuance. Why couldn’t a group of San’layn make a genuine effort to change, like Forsaken have?

San’layn are really just undead elves, and we know undead aren’t intrinsically evil. So this whole idea makes no sense.


You know that void elves are an allied race though right?


that have used copied assets over and over while others are forced to wait for this company to come out and say 100$ what we are getting and from what I see now it’s crap and not even worth it. Nightborne need our own rig massive rework of the appearances and textures and that is the bottom line hate it if you do but those are the FACT. Males and females need new Poses I don’t know about you but I do not stand like the Nightborne female does.

We need a new sitting postion our own dance animation as well.

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Those sorts of stuff would take more time. Blizz takes like 2 years to develop a player with this old engine. We got vulpera and I don’t think they were planned to be an allied race until blizz saw how much players liked them, they came last. The nightborne are tied to the night elf rig, I do want more dances but that stuff ain’t coming anytime soon.

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then the void elves should be LAST your missing the point most of us are getting rightfully pissed off and mad at the brainless leadership like the current president and crew they both act the same. Stop working on void and start 100% on the AR races.

Worgens want tails
undead want upright
blood elves want san’layn
draenei want a thinner male model
Kul Tiran want a thinner male and female model as well
How much longer do AR and worgens wait? How freaking hard is it for the company to add a tail? Obviously it takes grade A mechanical engineering degree to make it happen.

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NGL you are sorta being toxic… Idk if I want to keep talking with you. They set up a plan, they said allied races first, void elves are that, highmountain is next. We can assume anything else is after.

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No you just fail to see the issue as most of us are. I want concreate proof not some fluff words by some person who is NOT listening to the fourms about the other AR that need more hard work that void elves.

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Have you not seen the customization previews for nightborne and lightforged? Idk I am a little stumped because they are working on them…

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They are getting a lot of stuff. 4 hair colors, hairstyles and skin tones on the least given the previews

I want to see a real concept not some fake art. Unless the company can do that then I don’t believe them we been burned to many times and it’s done I want real proof cause they jacked up the nightborne the first time I would expect them to make it worse we want the glowing fingers the glowing hair the NPC have and yet there been no mention of that. Show me those are being address i might have some faith.

Give Worgen the one thing they have wanted since they were announced a TAIL is that so hard?

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Oh wow so much of nothing we have some of the least customizations

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They are going to be on the ptr soon. Ptr should be up one of these days. I will be going on the ptr to see what they have. I do want those glows but seeing the customization previews I doubt they will implement them. I do want them though, some other artist played with the npc stuff did that.

actually what Blizzard wanted to do is remove all evil aspect of the forsaken by using sylvanas as a scapegoat. they clearly want calia to make the forsaken not evil

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What do you mean by fake art?? Like do you not believe these are real models?

Oh so you mean it’s not enough for you?

And there the problem. If you have doubts the rest of us are in the same boat which is why I want to hear directly from the Art team and developers.

No it’s not untill we are caught up with everyone else. I’m tired of AR just getting table scraps compaired to Void elves.

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I mean I would post that stuff on the nightborne threads after the ptr is live. Right now my plan is to wait and see what they put in. If they are not added I will make that suggestion in the thread. Idk what type of technical limitations would limit those effects, because obviously blizzard decided not to add them in at some point, perhaps it would have trouble overlaying with the gear as they tend to stack the skins on top of the model. Idk I would be interested to know why too, but I would like those effects and I hope to see them in the future.