San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

When the San’layn were under the control of Arthas as the Lich King, I could understand them being the way they were because of his control over them.

When we beat up Arthas and kicked his hiney to the Shadowlands, the San’layn should’ve regained some semblance of who they were like how the Forsaken did. I don’t see why this wouldn’t be the case, unless the vampyr curse is more complicated. Sure, some of the San’layn might be corrupted with power they have, but not everyone of them would be seeking power like some of the blood royalty.

And thus the potential for them as a playable Horde race increases. There is a lot you can do with this line of thinking, and their plight would make them fit in the Horde very well. They can be more than just monsters they were created to be, as well as adding some flavor to that character creation screen.

Of course, I’ve gone over this a lot in this megathread in more elaborate ways, but it’s one of the big reasons I support San’layn as a playable Horde race. Hopefully Blizzard will be considering our feedback and we’ll be seeing races people want to become playable in the near future.

But in the meantime, I’ll still support Horde San’layn as best as I can. :wine_glass::bat:


Let´s put it this way Drede:

IF “sharing” hairstyles is the excuse devs will use to continue their procrastination in regards to more lore-friendly Belf customizations (runic tattoos / scarifications, scars, warpaint, red eyes, etc.), then feel free to keep them, cause I rather get venues to properly customize my BLOOD ELF than to get Velf lookalikes I havve no care for.

Simple as that.

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They can add new stuff, but those assets already exist and could be put in quickly tbh is what we are saying. Those assets are already made.

My thoughts exactly.

And I´m telling you: I don´t care for “reused asets”.

I don´t think it´s fair to tell Belf fans “yeah, conform with Velf reused asets and don´t bother us” when NONE of the other core races has this issue ffs. That alone talks about the entitlement of the people that wants to reduce the race to Pandaren lite indeed and just want copy/pasted stuff to play some weird version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with their WoW toons.

Awesome, then how about more support in lore friendly Belf customizations than in the “LeT´s ShArE hAiRsTyLeS!!” BS, hmm?

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I already do lol

Who cares if they are reused. We want customization. I don’t care if it’s reused on another race. I like mohawks for example. Just because orcs can use them doesn’t mean I do not want to see them on a blood elf? No that’s just weird. I would like mohawks on my blood elves too. I like certain hair styles on void elves. The quiffs on the guys is very attractive. My void elf uses that hairstyle. My blood elves use the same 2 hair styles, because I am not a fan of the long hair. The void elves have good facial hair styles that I find attractive, the blood elves are hairless. It is ridiculous to be so childish to demand such unique things when everyone has facial hair, hairstyles are given in the barbershop, you know all the races go. To only have certain hairstyles for certain races? That would be ridiculous irl if you went to a barber and said oh you can’t get that hairstyle because your from Idaho or something.

Here’s the thing: I honestly believe that the current stable of writers believes that the Horde are the evil bad guys. Full stop. No nuance. This is why they forgot that the Undead and Blood Elves were technically allied with the Horde, not members proper. This is why all Horde players were made complicit in genocide - even prior to torching the trees, acting as the aggressors here was evil. You don’t write that kind of story if you believe that the characters performing those actions are good people.

They simply saw the surface level of these races and decided what they were about without actually investing themselves in the lore and history.

So if we got San’layn… sorry. They have no reason to moderate, at this point. In fact, I think their “evil” status would only be played up to set them apart from the more-greyish Blood Elves.

It seems like they’re trying to express a change to listen to the community, and I personally HATE what they did in BfA. My Death Knight would not support any of the nonsense that went on in BfA, especially with the tree, and especially after Horde & Alliance should have allied and stopped the pointless war after Legion. I strongly am against pretty much everything that happened in BfA & Shadowlands, and it just keeps getting worse.

But I wouldn’t want San’layn if they were just turned into some ‘evil’ section of the Horde. It’s not a creative story at all, and it’s not player agency. It’s not player choice for how they want to play their character. Maybe a section of extremist San’layn, but I think most of us, again, really are not wanting to see evil, mindless mustache twirling elves for the San’layn.

In fact, if that’s what they’ll end up tossing us, just a terrible story where we’re evil despite it not making any sense due to free will and those wanting to join the Horde likely wanting to rejoin their people and be redeemed, then I’ll pass on San’layn all together because they would have ruined the concept entirely.

That’d be like if they offered Death Knights who were ONLY evil. I like the antihero aspect, fighting in a darker fashion for the good of azeroth. It’s why I emphasize that as a story so much that I want to see for the San’layn, like the forsaken.

Yes, they have ruined the Horde and forsaken especially. But if they can crawl out of this lore hole, I know it can work. It’s why I’m back asking for this and proposing ideas. If the writers pay attention to what players want, they’ll realize we don’t want mindless evil mooks bent on ruining the world.

Edit: And if they can fanagle the void elves being a good addition and true members of the Alliance rather than just ‘evil pit’, they can do it for the Horde. If they can’t, then they really aren’t listening to part of the community that cares about lore.


Me and some other posters do. Cause we hold Blizzard to “million dollar company” standards, not to “indie company” standards.

No, the ridiculous thing is to pretend to transform one race into another thing. Belves weren´t implemented as “neutral” and they shouldn´t become so just because you people decided you wanted to get all out stuff but on Alliance side, period.

Not getting all and every Blood Elf related thing won´t kill you… as far as I remember nobody died back in 2003/2004 when the devs made the kingdom of Quel´thalas roll Horde.

It won’t kill you either >.>. If we do get some easy to put in cosmetics while they work on more stuff. You are fighting as if more isn’t better. We show blizzard we are interested in cosmetics. If they focused on it as much as they do on making mounts we could have a bunch already. I have 100s of mounts I can only ever mount one at a time. I believe in ff14 they allow you to unlock hairstyles for all the races. Meanwhile wow has 23 races. 46 bodytypes (male and female), and you don’t want any of them sharing a hairstyle? That is very impractical.

You’re fighting an uphill battle with that one, so don’t bother. They know full well what we mean.

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You want to clarify that?

Sure guy, cause the recent lawsuit totes NOT involved claims of dev literal procrastination in the job as a form of abuse and neglect towards their female and PoC minorities, amrite?

Wrong, I don´t want “shared hairstyles” as a prerrogative… that can come waaay afterwards, and apply it to ALL the races not only thalassian elves (cause why should thalassian elves be the snowflakes to get this? Regular Orc fans deserve as much to get their AR hairstyles and so on and so fort, dude).

I know, his post was basically a glorified version of “this should happen cause I want it and I don´t care for anyone else´s expectations but mine”!!


I mean your post comes off that way immediately… because you didn’t agree with “sHaReD aSseTs” like if it somehow offended you to have the same hairstyle as a void elf? How dare I have to share!?

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I´ve been sharing since BfA my dude, the model went Alliance for it´s launch, remember?

The offense is about you guys not so subtly trying to justify a 4th rate art job like a simple copy/past as “acceptable” so Belves continue to languish in mediocre customization features deployed. That´s what I rather DON´T get.

I want my red eyes et al first and foremost, and no “shared hairstyles” are NOT an acceptable compromise if they´re gonna get used as the proverbial excuse to not give more stuff to the Belf model, period.

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I have been advocating for that stuff for a while too. I just get that’s it’s not going to be anytime soon. There post said they are working right now on Nightborne and Lightforged. Then Highmountain Tauren. So we already know that’s going to be awhile. I suggest things that can be added soon, it doesn’t mean I don’t want more for blood elves later.

I think they could benefit from a subrace system if you scroll up. That would take an expansion to recode the ui for the races. Blood elves could get some need dark ranger and San’layn stuff. High elf assets could be shared subrace assets shared. While the blood elves can get fel elf, dark ranger, san’layn horde exclusive stuff. Them and the nightborne seem like a close enough culture that they would start sharing hairstyles. Of course we could get unique blood elf hairstyles. I am a fan of blood elves getting more magic eye colors like red, orange, silver, grey, dark blue and all the fel colors for the fel artifacts. Blood elves have been needing tattoos since forever, those could be of the different schools of magic they use. I would also like magically imbued hair or changing magic hair colors for blood elves. Arcane tips/highlights in there hair, which I think nightborne could use too.

That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be happy to get the void purple hair colors and moustaches on my blood elves. Or the quiffs. The flowy wavy curly hairs. They could also add eyeshadow colors for both void elves and blood elves. I would like to use the dark brown hair and the new black hair the blood elves got on my void elves too.

Well dude, then you need to look around yourself, cause I bet you: the resources aren´t infinite, and the customization pass will end at one point.

We already have posters saying Belves “got more than enough stuff” (W T F, are fem exclusive jewerly nobody uses cause it´s impractical AF “good enough”? Especially in comparison to Nelf, Human and Orc customizations?!? I COULD LITERALLY CUSTOMIZE WAAAY MORE MY DARKSPEAR TROLLS AFTER THE PASS OMG!!!), you think this people won´t jump to point how “other races need love too?”

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Want to make it clear that San’layn, point blank period, should be for the Horde. Neutral would be fine, but they should NOT exclusively go to the alliance, no way. I would swear off this game forever if that were the case, as I know many would.

Alliance got their high elves, they should not get San’layn, Dark Rangers, or Felblood elves. At all.


As long as you are willing to keep playing the game and support it and say we want customization. There is a demand and blizzard could be willing to fill it. If you look at the amount of customization they give in ff14 you would laugh at people fighting over like 5 hair colors and sharing hairstyles that are easy to share on the same model of a race.

Now on the technical side idk what that entails. But wow seems to crank out alot of armor sets as customization options. For some reason they do way less base set stuff idk why, but I would wager it’s the same type of resources that armor designers get. I think customization should be prioritized rewards just as much as new armor sets, new mounts, new pets. It is something they can constantly be adding and even added to rewards people want. A lot of people loved doing the night warrior for the customization we should be expecting easier ways to get base customization with how they changed the barbershop already. Which is why my suggested allied race system would encourage more customization through various methods. I believe in ff14 you can unlock customizations too by doing quests and stuff for the barbershop. I am not sure what exactly limits the amount of customization besides the engine coding process and the memory that pcs can handle and they expect that there customers have. I am confident customization should be added continually. Before shadowlands the last time we got new customization was in warlords. Then in Legion we got subraces. In BFA they added more customization, in SLs more continued customization they are increasing customization addition steadily as the time passes. Overwatch has skins people love those. Increasing the customization each race gives them more value. If you said my dwarf could have unlocked dark iron in BFA and change back whenever she wanted that would be like a cool new transmog. If they add a questline to unlock frost dwarf stuff that would be cool. Metal dwarves? cool. Sand dwarves? Cool. New voicelines for wildhammers? Cool. That sort of stuff can be added steadily in game and be evergreen content for newplayers to enjoy and collect.

Say there is a light expansion and we unlocked glowing bright eyes if you align with the light, that sort of customization can be accountwide and used for any race. They don’t have to be race specific to be appreciated.

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