San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Happy for those who are excited for it, though I do wish there was a hair style exchange with void and blood elves. Personally, nothing of interest to me there, so I hope they keep going for sure.


I’m glad, personally, that no hair styles were exchanged. Enough is enough.

Yea blood elves should have gotten void elf hair colors imo. Looks like void elves dont’ get any brown hair options : / makes me sad.

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Have to disagree with you there. Void elves keep getting a ton of stuff, and they have some hair styles I really wish were on blood elves. Blood elves have gotten nothing at all from any of this, which is starting to grate on me.

Hair colors I couldn’t care less about, it’s the styles I want.

Just feels kind of bland for blood elves. Got shoved jewelry no one asked for. The darker themes from them have been ripped away, now people are begging to ‘lightforge’ them and make them even more just… bland and boring (again, my personal opinion on this. Some hate my ideas too, as evident above. Which is fine. I’m also sharing my opinion, though). No hair styles from any of this, or tattoos, or scarring.

As someone who was interested in the darker part of elves, and who really doesn’t like nor wants to play on the Alliance… it’s just… yeah. :confused:


I agree that blood elves have been woefully ignored, but the solution isn’t swapping more assets from one another. The solution should be new, unique options that are tied to the future of blood elves, not the past that the void elf/high elf fanbase can poach from.

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People are arguing the future of blood elves is ‘lightforging’ (which would be sapping from LFD of course, but no one cares about that end I guess). I feel like Blizzard is inevitably going to cave to that group, leaving those who like darker themes on the Horde, like vampyr or dark ranger, completely out of luck.

It’s not a good feeling, but I hope I’m wrong.


Yeah I am a huge supporter of San’layn and dark ranger aesthetics. I fight tooth and nail over it. I could largely ignore the void elf additions if these needs were met.


Refresh my memory - was anything about this San’layn connection to the Horde presented to Horde players during the story? Or were they antagonists for the Alliance, solely?

They are just assets. From two races that share a freaking heritage. In ff14 they got like 25 hairstyles for each race, 2 subrace categories for each race. And like 100s of colors to choose from. Them sharing hair colors or hair styles isn’t a big deal.

Maybe a solution for gothic/punkish styles would be a swap with some other horde races, like forsaken, if we’re ever granted Dark Rangers/San’layn/Felbloods in the future. Who knows! One could only hope. Or of course, like you said, creating new punkish/gothic styles as well. I could make many suggestions here for it, not gonna lie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Male night elves got one of the hair styles I have for my OCs and I’m still like “Argh”.

Horde saw nothing about San’layn on their side of the story in BfA. There was one instance where you could go onto the ship as a Horde character, and the San’layn units would be green, or friendly. But you’d need to go out of your way to actually see that.


You don’t seem to understand my request. I want something new added to the Blood Elves that cement the future of their race, preferably dark ranger or San’layn features. The current way of doing things, which is sharing assets, causes friction and demands from one side to the other. This could alleviate that altogether by removing the access from the other.

That way, void elves can keep their uniqueness and blood elves have something new that they can’t take.


I think this is fair, and while I really do want some styles from void elves, can also see why you wouldn’t in that case. I would really hope that someone on the team is working on new hair styles in that regard if we get such options.


They posted a thread about the new customizations coming.

Now would be a good time to shoot some suggestions/ideas.

Especially simple and easily implemented ideas like Hair/Eye/Skin/Jewelry colors or NPC options.

The worst that can happen is that they see people want them.


I mean I wouldn’t mind that, light tattoos since we got a holy part of the sunwell. That would be good for the holy users. Blood elves delve into many magic schools so magic tattoos of every magic should be there thing. In lore blood elves were said to have runic tattoos. We never got that customization. Highelves too had tattoos.

Demonhunter tattoos for example are used for magic protection. Blood elves have botanists which were mages that studied life magic. We got warlocks that studied fel and shadow. Shadow priest studying void, a sect of them being void elves. I wouldn’t mind the 6 school forces being some customization options for the future of the void. Those sorts of lightforged customization could also be class specific stuff like we see demonhunters and death knights get.


Here’s context:

(Had to hunt that down)


That was my recollection, and reservation. Firstly, let me just say that I’m always going to be a proponent of more options for customization - I’m not knocking the concept at all. And the association with the Horde is present. As someone who might consider themselves a Horde “traditionalist,” however… the addition of San’layn would paint us as evil, outright. Granted, I also said the same for Undead and Blood Elves.

But I suppose the writers themselves see us as evil as they made each and every one of us complicit in genocide, so that might be a point in favour of San’layn.


While I don´t like the undead theme as a Belf thing -not related lorewise speaking, should go to Forsaken-, you know I´m ok with venues that can open the chance to get similar customizations for both undead and alive elves on Horde.

But yes, witness the Helfer crowd demanding Lightforged Belves… ofc just to poach them after as some “Helfer RP thing” or something.


That’s the thing, I’ve presented lore ideas about San’layn not being evil. I’m not wanting evil San’layn at all - far from it. I hate playing evil characters. It’s why the biggest hurdle to San’layn being playable is the lore, and the responsibility of the writers to actually write a good story for the first time in a while.

San’layn are undead with free-will; they are not just one, coagulated unit, a hive mind, and such like that. I hate the idea of ‘every member of this race is evil’. That’s why I like Horde Orcs & Forsaken–traditionally, they are seen as ‘evil’, but Blizzard turned that on its head.

Same with Death Knights, a story I really enjoy.

Therefore, in reality, I’m really hoping they don’t go with any sort of ‘evil’ plotline. I want a story like Death Knights for the San’layn. I thought they were presenting it as such in BfA with Dreven and them needing a home, but that wasn’t the case, clearly.

Since the undead with free will are not a hive mind, I’m really hoping for a hidden faction of them who want to help the Horde and rejoin their people.

To be honest, I want them as an Allied Race above all, but a forsaken toggle would be alright too if they start adding toggles. But yeah… the lightforged thing people are pushing grinds my gears so much.


Not really since void elves and blood are essentially right now a form of neutral races. We have now both sides getting high elf customization. Void elf stuff exclusively on alliance, blood elves have stuff on horde that aliance don’t get (right now its demonhunter customization, fel elves via demonhunters, paladin stuff (holy eyes)). If you have seen my numerous posts I support San’layn stuff and dark ranger stuff for horde for a good while now.

But the hairstyles themselves could be sharable assets. Blood elves would get the non-void versions. Blood elf males are lacking facial hair options. The void elves have some attractive short hair options that blood elves could use. Right now the 5 natural hair colors that are being given to high elves are mostly limited, they should give them all the blood elf hair colors imo. Give blood elves void hair colors and hairstyles (without the voidy bits). The hair colors are blonds and reds. No browns or blacks which the void elves could use imo. I have black hair irl, I love brown hair, those won’t be options for void elves why?

My void elves have brown skin, the dark brown hair would have been appreciated. These hair colors they added won’t really work well with those colors. I just think them sharing assets would make blood elves better too. Love the purples and blues the void elves get. The dark stormy colors. The facial hair options for males. The wavy hair on females.

And I feel void elves are like the second iteration of nuetral races. We see pandaren sharing all assets. They have a ton of options, ton of faces, tons of eye colors and they are on both sides, share 100% customization. When they planned to add them they wanted faction differences which they never added. They did add faction differences for nightborne and void elves though.

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I see no problem with having some Void Elf hairstyles given to Blood Elves so they can have more of a ‘goth’ styled Blood Elf character.

Hairstyling is not something that needs to be so faction locked save for a few examples.

Blood Elves got VE beards and a Kul’tarin hairstyle in the first pass and that didn’t break anything. Though they edited them a bit to make them more “Blood Elfy”.