San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Still marching in support of playable Horde San’layn. Preferably as their own race. Just my personal preference, of course. :vampire:

I was thinking some about Deatholme and the San’layn, thinking that attacking it would make for a fun in-game event that could lead into playable Horde San’layn. This would occur after San’layn are introduced and working with the Horde, of course.

In fact, it got me to remember when there were some in-game events during WotLK leading into Cataclysm of the Gnomes getting Gnomeregan back and the Darkspear Trolls reclaiming Echo Isles. They were really cool events that tied into something more permanent, including introducing Troll Druids.

If you want to see the events in question, here are some videos:


Darkspear Trolls:

With a swarm of undead across the area and necromancers around, there is likely trouble a-brewing in the Ghostlands. Dar’Khan could also be resurrected to act as a boss if need be, seeing as he has cheated death multiple times and could potentially come back thanks to the Shadowlands opening up. Such an event would likely be going from Silvermoon to Deatholme, likely in the scar area, to attack it and stop the undead threat once and for all. Then San’layn could settle in Deatholme and the scar could be purified thanks to Blood Elf Priests/Paladins and plants can grow thanks to Horde Druids.

As I’ve mentioned several times before, the San’layn helping to defend Silvermoon, their former home, would be a good way to gain favor (after doing other things to help gain favor with the Horde also), and if Deatholme became the place were playable San’layn start, it would really be fitting to have an event as I’ve mentioned to top their journey for Horde membership off. It’d be pretty memorable and excting!

It has been awhile since I written something for this mega thread, so maybe I could write a scenario for it sometime. I wrote a little speech from Lor’themar thinking on the San’layn and…well, I guess opening his heart to them to support them for Horde membership, which would go along with it.

Anyway, it’s a fun idea I wanted to share. I’ll likely elaborate on it in a future post sometime. Preferably when my brain isn’t on the fritz thanks to college work. :wine_glass::bat:


So I unlocked Shadowlands flying awhile ago, which has made leveling alts really refreshing. I thought I would take a quick screenshot of a San’layn flying in Revendreth.

I’ll likely fly around the area to take more screenshots when I get more time. Taking San’layn screenshots in Revendreth is something I wanted to do for awhile. With flying unlocked, I’ll be able to scout out places to take screenshots more easily, as well as get to them faster while maintaining the Glyph of Disguise illusion.

Gotta help keep up the playable Horde San’layn support somehow! :wine_glass::bat:


Been awhile.

San’layn for the Horde!



I’ve been getting into Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition lately, and through my various readings, I was reading about Strahd von Zarovich, who is a rather infamous vampire. In particular, he is known for taking all the mirrors in his residence and placing it in a room that is behind his organ. In relation to this, I came across an interesting quote:

“Unfortunate, the curse of a Vampire. My only comfort is in incapability to see what I have become…”

I’ve read that there are versions where he can still see his reflection in mirrors and some where he can’t, which is a trait of vampires in general. It did get me thinking about San’layn and mirrors.

If San’layn can’t see their reflection in mirrors, I feel like it adds to their character. Not only did you die horribly and were risen, forced to serve the being that killed you, and had a curse placed upon you, you wouldn’t be able to see what you have become that people would consider you a monster. Sure, other San’layn can see each other, but each San’layn wouldn’t be able to see themselves and what they have personally become.

For some, I can see it adding to the frustration of their predicament in not being able to see how they look or what they personally have become. For others, if we consider vanity, I can see some frustrations in not being able to enjoy some pleasures they use to enjoy while alive that involved mirrors. Both of these frustrations, while different, still gives some personality to San’layn in my opinion.

On the other hand, not being able to see what they’ve become does tie a bit into the quote I linked above. Maybe some don’t want to see what they’ve become, instead more focused on dealing with their predicament. Even if they could see themselves as San’layn, it would be a bit of a shock since some may not really connect with their new form. Perhaps some would be disgusted with what they are. Or maybe it would just be a harsh reminder of what fate has forced them to become.

In this line of thinking, there is quite a bit you can do with it. San’layn in general would likely have different views on what they’ve become. Some would be depressed, some would accept it and stand proud, and much more. It’s a reason I like the concept of playable San’layn. They can be more than a one-note villain race, complete with a very touching backstory and storylines involving their plight. Looking at different features of vampires in other forms of media helps to showcase this.

This was just a thought I had recently that I wanted to share for playable San’layn idea inspiration. As always, I’ll still hope for playable Horde San’layn someday! :wine_glass::bat:


I’m sorry you are not having fun anymore. It sucks because this Expansion could have been so much more than what we got.

I hope Blizzard finally makes the San’layn playable someday and I also hope we get a better expansion with good story, content, and etc. Shadowlands right now is kind of disappointing and meh.


Glad you are enjoying the ff mmo! I grew up playing the jrpgs single players love them . Part of why I played wow, I just wish we had elemental weapons. I loved elemental swords in those games. Too bad shammies can’t use swords: /

San’layn for the Horde!

:wine_glass: :bat:


Awhile ago, I posted screenshots of the ghost hawkstrider Kael’thas rides when you mount up in Revendreth with him. With flying unlocked, I wanted to see what they did for his flying mount and took a screenshot of it.

You might be able to see me on a mount behind him. I wasn’t really able to get a good position otherwise, so I tried to take it at as good of an angle as I could. Here is the screenshot:

I assume this mount has some significance to him, as I don’t really recognize what animal it is. Maybe someone more familiar with Blood Elf stuff and Kael’thas specifically could pinpoint it better than I could.

Anyway, I figured it was something worth sharing just for those who might have been wondering what type of flying mount he rides. Not quite anything San’layn related, but still something interesting I would think.

I’ll continue to keep an eye out for anything else of San’layn interest. :wine_glass::bat:


That is a Pheonix my friend.

Kael’thas and his family are kinda known for them and they’re the animal depicted on the Blood Elf flag.

Also see Ashes of Al’ar I think its called?


Al’ar was the Phoenix God on the Elemental plane and was indeed Kael’thas’s pet. He was the first boss I believe, in Tempest Keep and could likely be canonically dead, as interestingly enough Kael’thas’s Phoenix appears to be Spectral, ie a ghost, so maybe that’s Al’ar?

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The mount is supposed to be the “phoenix god” Al’ar. But Al’ar isn’t really a god he’s just one of the oldest and more powerful ones. The whole phoenix thing is mainly just symbolism, nation that basically got entirely wiped out rising from the ashes and all that.


So THIS is the only thing that will bring me back to wow at this point lmao.


With today’s new 9.1 campaign quests, it looks like the quest involving all those souls in an area in Torghast (Including Blood-Queen Lana’thel’s) is now available. If I understand correctly, this is the quest involving it and, according to Wowhead, requires Renown 56:

I don’t know if there is much to the area the souls are in (The Ossuary of the Banished), and I assume you can’t interact with the souls there (other than the one you need for the quest), but I figured I would mention it for anyone interested.

I will check it out when I can and also keep an eye out for anything else of San’layn interest. :wine_glass::bat:


So I did the part of the quest I linked above to explore the area all the souls are in and wanted to post my findings…well, what little there is.

The quest involves you going through a 3-floor Torghast, which isn’t particularly hard if you’re careful and have decent gear. On the third floor, you have to beat up the boss in order to open a portal that will let the souls show up in two separate sections. It looks like this:

There wasn’t much else remarkable about the room from what I saw, but both sections look similar to that above. The yellow glowing soul is the one you need, with Lana’thel’s soul to the top right of it:

Uther’s soul fragment is the only one you can interact with. You can mouseover the souls to see what the titles are, but you can wave your mouse and click with the fury of a thousand chipmunks, but you can’t do anything to any of the other souls there. You can’t even target them. And no, I can’t just take another soul instead of Uther’s. The game doesn’t allow it, much as I’d love to just ditch Uther and work with someone else instead.

Speaking of, the whole point of coming here is to get a fragment of Uther’s soul. Apparently, when someone is killed with the killer wielding Frostmourne and rage (as opposed to mild irritation), it shatters the soul into fragments. I haven’t gotten far in the questline, but I assume I get to play Tetris with Uther’s soul to make him feel better or something like that.

I assume the other souls there might be in a similar boat…though I don’t really know why I can’t collect them. The less souls the Jailer has, the better, and not all of them are bad people. Surely the Venthyr can do something with the bad souls, with a talking down to followed by a pep talk or something. But no, they just get to float there and…maybe get read some bedtime stories by the Jailer or paraded in some fancy fashion show with pink bow-ties and tea parties or something, Your guess is as good as mine here.

With regards to Lana’thel, it would’ve been interesting to be able to take her soul (actually I don’t know if this is her whole soul here or just a fragment of it) with you since Kael’thas is in Revendreth. She was, at one point, part of the group he took with him and was a follower of his. Granted, it’s likely she and others didn’t know he would betray the Blood Elves in the future, but it would’ve been an interesting opportunity to see how she was before she was turn into a San’layn, since there would be more to her than when she was being controlled by the Scourge, and also seeing her interactions with Kael’thas (which could’ve tied into his redemption storyline). Maybe it could’ve lead to San’layn from the living world having a more active role in helping out the situation. Who knows? It just feels like another missed opportunity I can toss onto the massive pile of disappointment.

Maybe when it comes to saving souls, I want to give a bit of heart to go with it, but that’s just me:

Anyway, there wasn’t much else of interest I saw involving that questline. I still need to go turn in that quest and see what all the campaign questline involves. I assume I just jam it back into Uther to make him whole again. That’s how it works, right?..maybe it’s a good thing I’m a Hunter and not a Priest.

As always, I’ll keep an eye out for anything else of San’layn interest to post here. :wine_glass::bat:


As most people likely have heard by now, Blizzard has changed their mind on the whole “no more customizations during Shadowlands” decision from Blizzconline:

There is a mention that more will be coming in the future.

I figured I’d mention this here since it seems like Blizzard might be getting more open about fan suggestions and requests. Granted, it’s hard to know what will happen in the future, but there is a part of me that has some hope still.

For San’layn, there have been a lot of good ideas and potential, with support spanning several years that I wanted to still continue to support them becoming a playable Horde race. I still would prefer them as a full race as opposed to just a customization race, where they would likely get more love and care as opposed to being slapped onto Blood Elves.

As I said, it’s hard to know what’ll happen in the future, and I will admit it is a bit of wishful thinking, but it is something I wanted to mention here. We’ll see what happens, though.

In the meantime, I’ll still march in support for playable Horde San’layn! :wine_glass::bat:


Me, seeing this thread still exists after all this time:


Never let it die.


Don’t stop believin’

Hold on to that feeling

:bat: :+1:


I’ve been silent for over a month, and haven’t logged in to really play. Haven’t truly played since February 2021. However, I am seeing recent changes that might indicate the devs could be listening to the community.

I’m therefore going to bring this up again, for those that might be listening:

That said, I’m enjoying FFXIV and I love housing. It’d take a lot to get me to play again. I also want to see proof of company wide changes addressing the allegations and issues that are company wide, and as a female gamer who lurks on these forums, it’s clear to me that this community is absolutely atrocious. It’s in fact one of the many reasons why I left in the first place.

But, perhaps, if Blizzard actually listens to the members of the community who do provide good feedback, are actually respectful and decent people (unlike MANY here on the forums currently, though this isn’t referring to anyone in this thread), and have good ideas for the game, I might return. As well as and especially if they, like I said, acknowledge the wrongdoing and real change starts to occur. Though it is an issue throughout the entire industry, not exclusive to Blizzard, I personally would like to see changes in the right direction.

That, along with listening to the community. Being someone who started bringing up San’layn to the forefront and sharing my ideas on the regular, encouraging others to do so, I figured it would be a good time to speak up now, seeing all of this new news for potential hope of them listening to us, and hopefully those in-company speaking out.

Seeing that void elves are getting stuff that the high elf community have been begging for, now I’m hoping Blizzard listens to those of us who want the darker side of Thalassian elves on the Horde, particularly with San’layn. Whether that’s through customization or ARs, who knows, but I will say what blood elves got was a disappointment and I’m not happy with it, they should have gotten something far, far better (scarring, tattoos, more hair STYLES, red eyes, etc)

Edit: Also halloween is coming soon so… you know


Hopefully they get some major changes.

Though the Avtivision side just turned all their studios into COD production machines and Crash and Spyro are effectively dead…