San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

San’layn could be a valid request for Alliance…but not for any of those reasons.

The Void Elves have no reason to reach out to them and the San’layn have no reason to be interested in them.

Its much more likely that the San’layn will choose the Horde… like they already have. Its also more likely that they’ll find the Forsaken far better understand them than anyone else would.

Probably why, when the leader of the Forsaken became Warchief the San’layn decided to try to join the Horde.

There isn’t a reason they’d pick the Alliance now. Especially since we ruthlessly hunted down one of their leaders and killed them.


Save for a few who have come in here with very ridiculous requests mostly just to stick it to someone else have ever said that they wanted the San’layn because they didn’t get High Elves.

San’layn fans are San’layn fans.

Almost all of which that I have ever seen support them going Horde.

So as it was in the other thread you’re only here out of spite and saltiness.

I wanted Void Elves… They literally brought me back to the game.

While I’m on the topic, I love my DID, LFD, Mechagnomes and my Kul’tirans.

I’m also very grateful to Blizzard for giving us the natural skintones on Void Elves. I think thats great for people who want to RP such things.

Regardless of all that. No one race will change anything with the population. Thats not why there is a population imbalance. That happened in MoP due to some overtuned racials and just never corrected… because the correction would only reverse it in the other direction… not equal out anything.

You think this is helping?

You’re just piling on and you’re either just as complicit or blind.

Despite my disagreements with the Pro-Helf and Pro-Belf sides of the argument you reference here, I have perfectly find conversations with them about their desires and my own without having to resort to this pettiness.

Sure, but thats a rather limited view.

Easy enough for the other potential San’layn out there to just say he was acting on his own and decry his actions as heinous. They’d work from a harder point but they’d still be perfectly viable.

The Alliance ain’t taking in undead. Even Calia left to join the Forsaken.

I’ll grant feelings on them Alliance side have calmed some, but its clearly still very much not the common view that Undead are ok.

I also don’t really see why the Void Elves would be immune to their abilities at all?

Ultimately I just don’t see the connection there that you do. The Void and Undeath are enemies.

San’layn should be Horde.


I’d really like to debate with anybody outside the dismissal clique in these threads for once, but it seems your lot drove anybody who wants to actually think off to other social media.

You don’t know much about me. Since you showed up you’ve assumed what I am.

In both of these threads. I disagree with you.

Mostly the part where you literally say you’re doing this because you want to stick it to that “dismissal clique”.

Gonna be a little nitpicky here and point out that they tried to reunite families and Sylvanas shot them all dead. IIRC there was a group of blood elves in SMC who wanted to return to the Alliance. Even Varian was in talks with Lor’themar about it before Jaina ruined it. Things change and we might’ve almost ended up with actual HE on ally side.

There are so many in outland that stood with us. Faction lines get blurred and people change sides. We’ve always worked together when it was convenient and there’s been chatter about potentially letting ally/horde play together. We did away with the San’layn in BFA that popped up, so it could go either way. While I don’t see them becoming a playable race, it would be neat to have them tossed into the mix as underdogs if there are ever neutral forces. Calia went “horde” to make peace and lead her people.


If that is how you feel about Alliance San’layn, then I shall respect that opinion.

Though I disagree, it would be hypocritical of me to put someone down for what they believe in or for something they particularly want. I wouldn’t like it if people completely tore down the work I did and yelled at me for it, so I have no interest in doing that to others. If you believe that San’layn could go Alliance and can provide proof to support that claim, more power to you.

Whatever happens with the San’layn happens. As such, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. :wine_glass::bat:


As to you, sir.

If they do show up, I’ll be playing it on either faction. It’d just be a super alt if it goes Horde, unless they loosen faction restrictions. I already play mine on Alliance and the reception has always been delight, but I wouldn’t mind having one sneaking around Murder Row biting people again just to be annoying like the old days but… actually.

Like I said, that was mostly Anduin and Calia trying… They had to convince many of those people to go in the first place. Its not a common Alliance viewpoint.

Its a valid thing to bring up to be sure though.

This is given a little more ommph than it deserves.

They were in talks but even Lor’themar had misgivings about it if you listen to his dialogue. Hes clearly not happy about it and without Garrosh it would never have come up.

And after the Purge its off the table.

Its far more likely for the same reasons they showed up in BfA that they’d go Horde.

And my issue is less the general idea of them going possibly Alliance. you’re right thats technically up in the air.

The issue is that Uwuwu is only interested in sticking it to other players out of spite.

He also judges people to one side or another in debates based on if they agree with him on tertiary issues or not… Not on their arguments.

While I personally don’t think Neutral forces will ever be a thing. yes it would.

Calia went Horde because a dev thought it’d be cool despite her having no understanding of her people and being an entirely different kind of undead. No way that should end well for her.

See now if you’d introduced your viewpoint with this tone rather than the one you brought in the other thread and here, AND you didn’t literally say you were doing this for spite, we’d never have had a problem.

Don’t you mean Kate Beckinsale and Bill Nighy from Underworld? :stuck_out_tongue:
Fun thing is all three of those have played vampires, Malcolm included.

Yup, people suck =[

Disappointing to read all of that =[

Meh. Dreven did what he had to to try to survive. He was working for Sylvanas at the time too, so she’d have been just fine with what he did, and even those working for her wouldn’t have been surprised.
The troll guy, name escapes me at the moment, needs to reach out and act as diplomat to have the San’layn brought into the horde.

I mostly play Alliance, and I can’t see the San’layn being anything but horde.



And that “went” got axed hard inbetween the PTR of Shadowlands and release, she went from a representative of the Forsaken to just there to search for her brother more or less.

Turns out Forsaken players don’t really like the shiny new replacement with no attachment to them that breaks undead logic and who got introduced to replace a beloved leader who had been in the game since it’s inception.

Aka Calia got pushed hard as the new Forsaken Leader by Blizz and the community pushed back harder.

They’re gonna need to be open to some sort of reform/advancement since the undead have been pretty gutted.
They got quite the beatdown along with the Night Elves.

nods we shall see.

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So 9.1 is coming tomorrow, and I will reaffirm that I’ll keep an eye out for anything of San’layn interest, even if the chances might be low. I did see a particular quote from a cutscene in 9.1 by a certain Dreadlord that was interesting:

“The Legion, the Scourge, Argus…all pawns in a game beyond your grasp. One that now nears its end.”

Specifically the part about the Scourge being pawns in a game orchestrated by the Dreadlords.

Why is this interesting? Well, San’layn were risen as part of the Scourge. Nothing like having your life being taken, being risen into being slaves to an evil power, a vampyr curse being places on you, and all of this as part of a greater evil’s plan of…something likely very rude. Seems to me that San’layn would have a stake in this, since the Dreadlords are a reason the Darkfallen became was they are.

As I mentioned before, I don’t see why San’layn in general wouldn’t regain their previous personalities after the fall of Arthas. Other undead seemed to get out of it, and some like the Forsaken broke free from it beforehand and were able to regain their free will for the most part. I don’t see why San’layn would be different here.

It remains to be seen what direction the story of Shadowlands is going. I mention San’layn stuff since there is a bit of a link, though it isn’t guaranteed that we’d see them involved. Regardless, if I do see anything of interest, I’ll be sure to report it here.

But if they do end up involved and would help out against the Jailer’s Forces and these Dreadlords, I’m sure they would have plenty to say about them…and would love a chance for revenge against them. :wine_glass::bat:


If only blizzard was tying all of these things together in some way and bringing those things to the forefront rather than just paying minor lip service to them.

heres hoping though.


Well seeing as how there’s You-Know-What’s in the You-Know-Where, that’s something.

As I’ve said multiple times, referencing/using the San’layn/Vampyr these past 3 expansions is leading to something… but to what???

< me being optimistic over practical: I hope the next expansion is a Rebuild of Azeroth after it mutates from all the Azerite seepage and we end up recruiting/working with the San’layn for real. After the Death Expansion where people have made their peace with Death/Undeath would make for a nice segue into the next and allying with more undead (remember, we got Nightborne after Legion, so early San’layn AR for a preorder/Prepatch bonus would be printing money), especially if it’s also a “Light is Evil” expansion like what’s been hinted.


Also I still want a San’layn staffed Blood Drive micro holiday.


Hope all are well. Just stopping in to say I hope we’ll see San’layn added to the game someday. Either through Allied Race (Horde or Neutral), Blood Elf Customization (can apply to void elf I guess. But I will be very annoyed if they alone get it. As for giving it as well, though, I don’t care. I know many would prefer Blood Elves to only get it. I would agree with them, but I don’t like the factions), or a Forsaken Toggle (not something we have seen before, different models under a toggle, but never know I suppose).

I still do wish to see lore for vampyr. Really was excited to see the Vampirates in Legion. I haven’t looked into 9.1 at all and will not be. Might keep my eyes open for 9.2, but we’re not getting anything most likely with the ‘no more customization’ thing.

As for art, I only got some of my character from a different game. Will hide because off topic technically. Wherever your gaming brings you, I hope you have fun.

Art of my character

He is a Xaela Au Ra. Credit to!

He was my Blood Prince from WoW, seen here (by

It’s fun to bring characters over from different universes. From WoW to FFXIV.

(Returning to vanishing again most likely. Still very tired of certain drama, but I figured I might as well drop in since I posted elsewhere <3 )


I made a brisket.


How is this still not a thing? Why does Blizzard hate money?


Less about money and more about thinking they know what the players want more then them.

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Void elves get to look like blood elves and void elves so blood elves should be able to look like blood elves and san’layn. Seems only fair.

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