San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I agree with you, though I doubt the sincerity of the recent spat of “Alliance San’layn” posters. They all include rhetoric I’ve seen echoed in less than honest circles.

That said you’re right. They are 100% welcome to their opinions.


Just reiterating my support for playable Horde San’layn, either as customization for Blood Elves, Customization for Forsaken if they can use the Thalassian model, or ideally as their own allied race. Give sexy vampire elves to the Horde plox!


Damn, girl! That is quite the post, lol. Didn’t know about the Felblood. Sign me up for those.

And #5 does exist but they are called Blight Elves. :laughing: That’s a joke for anyone that doesn’t know.

EDIT: I want Horde Eredar/Manari.


Right? :stuck_out_tongue: If only I could turn things like that into an actual useable skill for a career. Well, I could. But my desire to do it only works for things I’m passionate about, and I guess that landed on ‘bloody (emphasis on bloody) fantasy elves’.

I’m a big goth (NOT A THEME) nerd.

What’s the joke from? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah I did read your edit to previous post and yeah, all the points you brought up make sense about not having fun anymore. It just…yeah. >< Didn’t want you to feel ignored there! I just kinda dove right into the 'nope’s.


That was an elaborate and magnificent post, great way to break everything down.

One thing I would like to see personally however for Blood Elves would be the ability to have glowing tattoos and possibly hands and hair like the Nightborne. While gold could be included as more of a nod towards the Sunwell and their solar theme as a people, they could also do red for representing Blood magic, which the Sin’dorei are known to dabble in, as well as green for Fel which they have also have dabbled in.


Yeah I can see that, tattoos in general that could actually match their eye color to indicate what magic they use, something that could be ever changing. Like blue eyes = blue glow tattoos, golden eyes = golden glow tattoos, red eyes = red glow tattoos. They wouldn’t be a perma-change in that case (Stuck to one color) but lorewise something that would be just like the eyes.

I swear elves are like the eevees of the Warcraft universe considering how much a huge surge of magic or ritual will alter them perma (evolving)…


I saw a chart of Warcrafts Elves on the WoW Cosmology Chart that was pretty funny.

I used to push the idea of Rune Tattoos with a selection that matches the eye color before I gave up posting list.

  • Magical Rune Tattoos like the Burning Crusade Box Art and Magister Rommath.
    The Runes can potentially have the option to glow in Green/Gold/Blue/Red to show Fel/Light/Arcane/Blood magics, in a similar fashion as Blood Elf Eye Colors.

I think it would be a good to add some variety to Blood Elves.

Especially if they added more jewelry types and colors and extended it to males so the feature was is not a bust like it is now.


I already know. You can tell by your videos. :bat::wine_glass:

It was just my rant more then anything. Seriously tired of the crap Blizz keeps dishing out and expecting us to take. I’ll quote what I said in another post:

WoW was my drug of choice but I’ve now seen that it has changed over the years into a completely different drug that I don’t enjoy. I am now going to go to rehab and kick the old habit. If Blizz ever decides to make WoW an enjoyable fantasy MMO again I would at the very least think about going on a bender again but as of right now it is just better to kick the habit and wash my hands then it is to stick with the new mutation.

BTW, how is FFXIV? I am seeing a crap ton of posts about it lately and was thinking of giving it another try. Right now I’m kind of into ESO but I haven’t delved to deeply into it yet. My WoW sub is up Tuesday night so will be spending more time in another MMO and it’s between ESO or FFXIV right now.

I take it you have contact with Somand? Please say hi for me. Thanks.


Yeah that’s a good way to put it, to be honest. Personally, I did really enjoy Legion–yes, I know it had its flaws, particularly in the RNG legendary system. My unpopular opinion is that I loved the artifact weapon and really think it should have carried on. Maybe with more flexibility, but like… earning appearances for it and stuff and having something like that to work for was a lot of fun. I also enjoy all of the QoL stuff. And I play to collect & roleplay–so if the story is terrible (like personally I feel it is in Shadowlands, just a personal thing) I am not going to enjoy it.

It seems like they’ve just focused on hardcore players and ignored requests for anyone other than those who spam mythic raids/dungeons. It’s what got me to leave, and I have several months left on my time but I don’t play anymore and am just on here in the forums.

I’d love the option of neutral factions (again, just option), FAR more customization, player housing, a RP mode for dungeons (no mobs, more players allowed in, just for the atmosphere), et cetra. These requests will never be acknowledged though, Blizzard has made it clear that they don’t care about the RP or collector community. It’s a bunch of lazy mount reskins with RIDICLOUS RNG lately, a rare spawn + rare drop, or something like the stupid reputation caches. Pass. With practically every mount locked behind that, and many of which are STUPIDLY covenant restricted (I HATE IT SO MUCH), being a collector is pointless too. I’m just finished and tired of it.

Yeah it seems like the forums are flooded with stuff on FFXIV. I’ll give you the perspective of it from a new player swapping from WoW to FFXIV. Now, FFXIV does win out as appealing to me due to the amount of stuff for character customization & its amazing story. But here’s some info:

-The story, to me personally, is amazing. HOWEVER, I did buy the “A Realm Reborn” skip and just watched some youtube videos relating to the story for it. A lot of people recommend not to do that. However, it is very slow, including the combat system. I’ll mention this more in cons.
-The amount of character customization completely blows WoW out of the water. They also have height sliders, which I learned is actually both wonderful and a disadvantage in some areas.
-The community seems more understanding/kind to new players, but this is just my personal experience.
-They actually listen to their community, which to me personally blows blizzard out of the water. It just doesn’t seem like Blizzard is listening.
-Player housing - not the best system, but still really great and EONS ahead of WoW. There is competition for player housing I’m aware they are working on. But I am soooo excited to work toward getting a house and designing it for my character :heart_eyes:
-VERY extensive professions, far more goes into professions for FFXIV than WoW.
-You can learn all classes (jobs in FFXIV) on one character, including crafting/gathering.
-Spell effects can be really pretty. I dunno, I like them and think they’re neat.
-Very different questing style. Much more cinematic/story oriented which I did like. Later in the expansions, it gets more interactive, as well.
-Very neat armor designs.
-It feels more relaxed than WoW, in terms of far less of a ‘GOGOGOGOGOOGOG’ mentality. But I have not hit end game yet, so.
-They have earnable emotes which is so awesome and I love it. As a roleplayer who likes customization, yes please.
-Their music is bloody amazing.
-There is a ‘gpose’ system in FFXIV that allows for posing and amazing screenshots :slight_smile:

-FFXIV is very alt unfriendly. Incredibly so. You don’t share your collections at all. Much of the shop stuff applies to a single character. You can’t mail to an alt, you have to trade through a trusted friend. However, if your reason for having many alts is to try different classes, this is entirely negated as you can have all classes on one character. You can also apply glamor plates (transmog) to your class sets.
-Combat is very slow in the start of the game - which was miserable when I tried it the first time. This IMMENSELY improves over time, however.
-A realm reborn is very boring when it comes to story and a bit long, but they’ve cut down on it, at least.
-Very little race variety. That got me down a tad at first, but I’m an elf player. I like humanoid races. While I like seeing more monsters/different takes… it wasn’t the end all be all for me like it would be for some. The reason why they don’t add as many races is the height sliders! They’d have to adjust every single piece of gear for every point of health and…yah, when it was put into perspective for me there, oof. A lot. But! I personally do like the races they offer while wishing they had more. They have so many neat contenders for races that I’d love to see as playable. Perhaps not giving them height sliders would allow them to be released, but some might feel that’s unfair. It’s a shame and a pretty large con for some, which is entirely understandable.
-The glamor system is limited with number of gear pieces you can have (unlike WoW where collection is permanent). Not really a big deal though because there’s a ton of room at least.
-It might feel a bit strange going from WoW to FFXIV due to the different ‘feeling’ of fantasy in both. FFXIV has less orcs v. humans and more, well, I suppose eastern-style mythology. It was jarring at first but I grew to really like it. I do encourage people to ignore the ‘BUT EW ANIME’ toxic take that comes up every time FFXIV does.
-PvP really isn’t a thing. I mean, I know it exists, but my love says ‘it’s a joke’ in FFXIV.

Little Tidbits I enjoy
-You have your own chocobo companion (looks waaaaaay cooler than hawkstriders) that you can name and change the feather color of by feeding it some fruit in order. You also can get chocobo ‘barding’! There’s a variety of options for it. It’s basically a little customizable mount that I really find special. Oh and the chocobo can fight alongside you, you level him up and add skills to him!
-There’s a modern-fantasy/urban fantasy vibe to it that I enjoy personally. I don’t like old-timey stuff and do actually enjoy tech + fantasy. It felt a tad overboard with the Empire stuff (which was only a feeling for me in the very beginning) buuuut I got over that and it just is really cool, mixing magic and tech.
-I like the villains and how they have a lot of nuance.

And now I bring some screenshots
This is my bard, Fa’llynn! On the chocobo I mentioned–the chocobo’s name is Excalibur. I know it’s meme’d to death “OH NO CAT GIRLS” but I don’t care, I love my kitty. I’ve always liked neko (and kitsune but they don’t have those).
This is Elias, he was one of my Blood Princes in WoW. I turned him into an Au Ra (Xaela) here. I LOVE XAELA LORE! And am just as obsessed with them as I am with San’layn, I will admit.
Here he is with his little Poroggo, a frog friend. I’m getting art of this fella done very soon, and will share if people want. But yeah!

In summary, I’m really enjoying myself. The game does have its flaws. But I tried to give the objective ‘this is how it feels to a prior WoW roleplayer’ explanation here. Definitely isn’t for everyone and will appeal to people differently. However, I’m happy with it now and that much is clear since I’ve decided to commission art of these characters :stuck_out_tongue:


Saw this and had to affirm Somand is the best :sob:

EDIT: I know you didn’t ask me but I shared it in chat and tagged somand and said EVERYONE LOVE SOMAND cause its true


I grew up on FF7 and loved the story behind the original. First time ever that I just hated a villain in a game and the story takes you for a loop. I love a good story in games it just tends to hook me even more then one without it. Loved the chocobos and the gun blades were different for me at that time. One of the FF games, can’t remember which, let you breed chocobos for racing and I loved that part of the game also. Seeing your chocobo brings me back.

I hear that ARR is the worse part of the entire game and that is the original/vanilla/classic version so new players have to normally slog through that and I can understand why it would turn a lot of new players off. I wasn’t in to it when I tried the free version but I think I’m going to give it another try. Tera was my WoW killer back around 2012 but the first time I played it I didn’t like it but went back later and it just blew my mind so FFXIV might do the same. Never know.

The mostly human type, non-monster races did kind of put me off also. The only races that appealed to me were that demon type and the rabbit girl. The cat people are O.K…

Thanks. :heart:

One thing I like about ESO is that it has a couple of the WoW voice actors in it like Illidan, Sylvanas and Lor’themar. Plus, it has a voice actor from SWTOR and a Harry Potter actor. One of the best voice actors is John Cleese as a crazy character, lol, which fits. Even has Kate Beckinsale from Underworld, Bill Nighy from Pirates of the Caribbean and Malcolm McDowell from Clockwork Orange. The list goes on and on.

EDIT #2:
Found a vampire guild in ESO but haven’t tried to contact them since they RP and I don’t. :frowning:
[Crescent Pact | ESO Vampire Roleplay Guild, NA-PC](

EDIT #3:
I’m wondering if Elune was the Eternal One in charge of Korthia. Watched a video on her and it appears she has both light and void powers. She also appears to have abandoned her roll as Eternal One which could explain why it is the city of secrets. Maybe she hid it or elements in it when she left so others couldn’t misuse it. I think it would be cool to see her come back to foil the Jailors plans. Just something I was thinking about but am probably wrong on, lol.

EDIT #4: Subs up this afternoon and the earliest I could possibly resub is 10.0. Game is broken and Blizz isn’t fixing it. Classes are the main problem imo and I refuse to play the garbage they are handing out. Playable San’layn can not cover up the dumpster fire classes at this point in time. I’ve enjoyed the San’layn community and wish you all well. Take care. :wine_glass::bat:


Will back all of this up, also Muscle SLIDERS for the Roes!

Moogles are indeed awesome.

My only real complaint is how quiet everything is, the music is awesome, but there’s no voices except in certain cut scenes so there’s a very quiet feel to the game. Don’t even know if that’s a complaint for me, just something different that I haven’t settled on yet.

There’s a lot it does awesomely but there’s still a lot WoW does awesomely too so I’m not gonna declare one better than the other, but I do recommend trying the other out if you’re burned out or approaching that point, it’s quite refreshing.


The cinematics do get a lot of voice acting in later expansions like Heavensward on so there is that! Granted, outside of those, yeah they’re not voiced. It’s weird, that’s one thing I just never noticed myself, I played WoW with my sound off most of the time :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I might be heading out for good, growing very attached to the game I mentioned and am having a very good time. I wish you well! Thanks for being kind, always. You also did help teach me a little with art which I greatly appreciate :slight_smile: Even if I don’t practice enough!

As for me, I think my posting habits are going to decrease significantly if not vanish entirely. The game, in truth, is just not for me anymore. It appeals to another type of player, which is just fine. It just, to me, is no longer fun. I had a good time while it lasted, and I can say I tried very hard to get San’layn added. I tried to add in creative ideas, and those that made sense.

More than that, though, I really am tired of the drama and slander behind my back. Certain members of the community here (not specifically this thread) decided to spread lies about me. I thought they were my friend and was there to talk and support their art, but in the end, things went very sideways due to certain behaviors.

I’m almost certain they will continue a certain rhetoric about me, so I’ll clear things up about me before I go:
-I am very bullheaded with my opinions, this is true. I have a right to share whether I like or dislike ideas on the forums.
-I do not attack people. I will say if I find an idea ‘trash’ or ‘stupid’. People have seen me say this before, it is nothing new. I’m sassy and I’m not going to deny that one either.
-I will never demand someone to shut up and not share their opinions either. If someone dislikes my ideas or thinks they are trash, by all means, that’s fine, but do not attack me as a person or the quality of my writing.
-I wish those that disagree with me in a mature fashion the best, and perhaps you will get what you want fixed/added someday as well.

Aside from that, this has impacted my mental health, and I need to step away. I’m not going to hide that fact. I’m unsure why someone would find the need to pull that for something as simple as wanting additions to the game and disagreeing with others, but here we are.

I’m sorry that I have to fade significantly on these terms, but it is what it is. I’ve been made extremely uncomfortable about the situation.

I wish everyone the best of luck in their endeavors, and to the party involved that is attacking my character, I’m not willing to talk about it and seek to be left alone, I am very offput by this behavior.


Also, I would appreciate if certain communities would stop bringing their drama into this thread. It’s clear that there’s arguments that hold very little sense being made (and I’m allowed to have this opinion). Then, when someone speaks up and says ‘that doesn’t make sense’, it’s: “I’m dogpiled, I’m the victim, no one agrees with me they must all be in an echo chamber”.

People are allowed to have other opinions, and people are allowed to point out how much said opinions make no sense.

It gets tiresome when the ideas shared here are now being used to push an agenda unrelated with petty arguments on top of that, but here we are.

I’ve even said it myself that I don’t care what other elves get. I only care that Horde get San’layn through customization or AR. I don’t even care if the customization goes to void elves either, but exclusively, no. Not at all. If we have to deal with high elf stuff now on blood elves AND void elves, people do NOT get to reserve San’layn, which tried to join the HORDE and fit way more in the HORDE, for the Alliance.

I mean, you can argue that all you want. But don’t throw a temper tantrum when people reasonably disagree with the arguments that really do not hold water and are made out of petty bitterness.


I admire you and the community you’ve built so much :sparkling_heart: you’ve always done what was right on things whether people supported San’layn or not, being a good person comes first for you and it shows.


:frowning: cuddles


Do what you have to do for your own sake.

I will miss the passion you put into these and other threads. But it’s not worth it to torture yourself.

This thread is literally the only Allied Race/Customization thread I can stand anymore. So it will be sad to see its major contributor go.

But as you said, WoW is changing, and not for the better. Why drain yourself for a game you don’t enjoy anymore? Maybe it will get better, maybe it won’t. But it’s not your job (or anyone’s) to stick it out or give it your full time if you don’t want to.

Also, those rude people can suck a lemon.


I always considered you one of the more moderate and reasonable posters.

Alas, I am sorry you’re going through this and understand where you’re coming from. Going on hiatus every so often or even indefinitely helps. The games also in a sorry state right now so it’d definitely not worth the stress.

I wish you the best and appreciate everything you’ve done for the community.

Also wishing the best to Warsnarl, as I’ve enjoyed your posts in the thread and you’ve also been quite pleasant :blush:


I’ve posted my thoughts a few posts up regarding how I feel about hassling others because of disagreements on wanting particular races to become playable. All I can really say regarding it is I’m disappointed that it seems to have elevated in such way that has caused unneeded stress in a very disrespectful way.

That said, I completely respect the decision to just get away from the forums. Especially if you have found something else that gives you fun and happiness. I think a hiatus, whether it is temporary or indefinite, is a good idea for various reasons currently.

As for the state of the game…well, we’ve all grumbled about it and will likely continue to grumble about it at least while Shadowlands is the main expansion. It’s unclear what direction the game will go afterwards. I feel that it’s better to just take a break for now and see what happens. If said break refreshes your passion in an organic way, then it can be very helpful to take a break for as long as it is needed. If not, then a break can help you develop new passions and find other things that you enjoy.

As for San’layn, I’ll continue to promote this megathread with some others via in-game monthly feedback as long as I continue to play the game (which remains to be seen how long that will be). I’ll also still happily support San’layn as a playable Horde race, and maybe I’ll continue to casually post some things in here on occasions. I don’t know if I can post more than three times in a row in a thread I didn’t create or if they changed it, but I’ll do what I can as the mood strikes me.

That said, I again want to thank you both for your support and also for being one of a few forumers who inspired me to create my Saurok and Stonemaul Ogre megathreads. You’ve also inspired me to get my creative side going with writings, screenshot artwork, and other similar types of work. I don’t think I would have ever gotten into any of that stuff if I never came to the forums.

I hope you have a great break from the game and wish you the best. If you ever come back, I’ll happily stand behind you in support of playable Horde San’layn. I’ll always dream of seeing San’layn players running around Orgrimmar. Hopefully, that dream will become a reality someday. :wine_glass::bat:


Just putting in a quick reminder that many still want this.

San’layn for the Horde! :wine_glass::bat:


Alliance San’layn is a valid request as Blood Elves are connected to the Sunwell, and Void Elves are the “goth” elf that are attuned to void and shadow, and would actually work with their kit aesthetically more, alongside them actually having the tools and resources to help them in the lore; especially as they’re now a “race” on the verge of dying out. Minimal population to minimal population with similar aesthetics. Void Elves existing allow some of the more outlier groups a chance to sneak into the Alliance, actually helping with the lack of aesthetic variety in general.

People complain about keeping the faction lines divided because void elves are stealing the “high elf look”, when this could actually be a clear cut way to keep particular aesthetics on each faction. Note, a lot of people I know want San’layn as a replacement to high elves; we would not get the base high elf customization in favor of expanding the “monstrous” niche that void elves bring. (And note, none of these groups post on GD because of what I’m about to get into.)

People also do not respectfully disagree; it’s usually people asking for stuff on Alliance that get bullied, swarmed by groups who derail threads and concepts without ever once discussing how it could work, even if there’s proof. Just to shut it down. I return the exact same attitude that has been given because I have every right to at this point after over 6 years of more than just elvish requests being literally brigaded. It very obvious there’s a bias in the community, and trying to shake things up while keeping aesthetics inline to appease certain requests just flat out is not allowed. People can put as much evidence as they can towards the cause and just have it shut down because people are spiteful towards a faction for simply wanting something, and again, it makes sense. People just don’t want it to because they want them attached to Blood Elves.

If the Alliance got something - even as a subrace - that was actually requested, and not made up on the spot like Void Elves were, while the Horde double downs on having the actual High Elves, the Helf requests on Alliance would likely slow down because they actually got something the playerbase wanted, and something that would likely spur transfers. It’d also enhance - not even lore wise - the classical fantasy aesthetics of the faction, while the Horde tends to have more of a “twist” to them.

But nobody wants to talk about this, or, at least anybody still around. I’ve been having deep discussions about this on other forms of social media. But, when we can’t have a discussion about how it could work, people stop bothering. It’s obnoxious, and it gets exhausting being told “you’re wrong” over something that actually does not exist or belong anywhere right now. It’d be better if both sides could explain how it would work, and then build into either or, than just people continually crapping on one side in cliques.

Dark Irons and Worgen exist and are playable on Alliance, and Zandalari and Blood Elves are both playable on Horde despite being antagonistic to the factions in the past.
However, Dreven’s lot turned on the Forsaken while they were trying to join. If any word of that ever got out somehow, they would never be able to join the Horde again, because they did it while actively trying to join. They only have one group of kin they could potentially run to if they’re on the verge of dying out who could potentially aid them, and likely have some immunity to some of their abilities should they pull the same thing Dreven tried, and that’s the void elves. It’s as simple as that for story. Blizzard has done a lot worse lately.

San’layn as a subrace for Void Elves; they have a home in the shadows.