That makes sense as those are the same ones that you’re unable to use in the Maw during the little quests sending you there before picking your permanent covenant choice.
I think I discovered that by hovering your mouse over the date in the top right corner of a post, it shows that post’s creation date and time. If I interpret it correctly, this megathread’s creation date was September 22nd, 2018.
Which if I interpreted it correctly, means that this September will be the 3 year anniversary of this megathread!
It’s pretty neat to see race megathreads lasting for so long. Mine are coming across a two year (Saurok, June 2nd) and a one year (Stonemaul Ogre, Oct. 9th) anniversary while a few other megathreads are still going strong.
A lot of passion and work go into making these megathreads, and to see some of them still up and running makes me feel happy. With luck, our work will lead to our requests becoming true someday, as I’d love to see more race megathreads get to celebrate their support races finally becoming playable.
I’ll of course continue to help keep the playable Horde San’layn dream alive!
Yeah! Three years? That means that the true megathread has been here for a bit longer, let me look it up in the discord!
This is what I’d said in the announcements in 2019!
DISCLAIMER: It was named that way in the midst of heavy high elf discussion, I branched off of that and named the thread that way because I thought they were going to be an AR, and figured I’d mention San’layn as a counterpart. I’ve since separated from that community for many years. Just not my thing, sorry! We became our own thing, and while I regret being tied to someone else, we did just eventually turn into our own which is important.
The megathread on the new forums though indeed will be 3 years old. Quite crazy to think about, huh? Fun fact: I started the original a month before we knew anything about San’layn being in BfA.
The screenshot there by the way has a thread not accessible because those forums are since gone in favor of these here new ones!
San’layn in BfA!
Where does the time go?
That got me so excited but then my hopes where crushed.
Time passing is weird to think about with megathreads. On one hand, it feels like not a lot of time has passed. On the other hand, looking at it closely, it seems odd to think that time has gone by really quickly. It’s really hard to explain.
So many years of ideas, fan works, support, and such. Hopefully it’ll lead to some rainbows after the current storm WoW is caught up in.
And hey, we’re still going despite several bumps in the road. The going can get rough, but sometimes you have to hold your head high and also take a break every now and then.
I hope it does.
The San’layn are a great AR idea.
Along with so many others.
I ran across a ghost that I believe to be a Saurok in the Shadowlands. It kind of took me for a loop cause I’m not into them but thought it rather odd to see a ghostly version. I was not expecting that but it was fun to run across. I think the one I found was in Maldraxxus at the Blood Bank (?) which was slightly north of the western most edge of the map
Ogres . . . I’d give every AR for a playable Ogre.
Most people have likely heard this by now, but there is going to be no Blizzcon this year, in-person or online from the sound of it:
Not too surprising about no in-person Blizzcon, though it is worrying to see no Blizzconline or some kind of online presentation this year. We still don’t know when the next patch is going to be, and the longer it goes, the more I feel like it’ll be the only patch we get this year. This causes a lot more worries about the state of the game to me. I do have to wonder if we might see a new expansion announcement next year also.
Seems like a good time to just take a break from the game for awhile. I can still find some stuff to do for fun in WoW, though whatever free time I have I’ve been working some on my gaming backlog. Otherwise, I have a lot of yard work to do for my parents, hopefully getting what I can done before the summer heat arrives and doing what I can before my next class starts.
Still want to hope for a better direction for the game in the future, but the longer things go on, the harder it gets to keep said hope.
Indeed! I actually covered that ghost here for those interested in more information:
Makes me feel pretty happy that Saurok have been getting a bit more love in a way.
Ogres and Saurok are my dream Horde races and would really make my day to see them both become playable Horde races. San’layn as well of course, and a few other races as icing on the cake as well.
I still feel like new races are a possibility in future expansions, and as I said before, I hope we see several new races people have been requesting for awhile now.
Kinda what I expected. If they were to do an online one, I’d expect it next year similar to the one that already happened this year.
It’s weird seeing people in other threads expecting an expansion announcement when we’ve not even yet gotten 9.1. I’d have been really surprised if that had happened.
I would guess that would come with the general disdain of Shadowlands and, given all the time that has passed since it launched, people are possibly expecting it to be like WoD where it gets quickly swept under the rug to move on.
I honestly don’t know what to expect, other than 9.1 coming out some time in the near future. At the rate things are going, I’d be surprised to see 9.2 out this year also, but if it did, we could see 9.3 and the next expansion announced at Blizzconline or whatever Blizzard plans to do next year. Granted, it’s hard for me to imagine there being much past 9.2 for Shadowlands.
As I said before, the next expansion is going to be a “make or break it” for a lot of people, and it will paint a better picture of the direction the game is going. I’m not invested in the current expansion specifically because of the setting for reasons I’ve typed out many times, so my interest is more in what is coming afterwards and not what is coming next within the current setting.
I’ll also be clear and state that said interest is not because of a “Oh I hope I finally get the races I want playable!” Though that and seeing others get races they want playable would add a lot to my interest in the long run. Rather, I’m mostly wanting to see what the setting is. Preferably in the living world and not exploring the cosmos…the latter of which would be alright if it was just an area in a patch, like with Argus, as opposed to being themed around the entire expansion.
As I said, I hope the direction of the game in general gets better. I still like it, still can have fun with it, but the current stuff just isn’t doing it for me. It’s a pretty rough storm out there currently, but you can’t have rainbows without rain in my opinion.
Haven’t they already said that won’t be the case?
I figure a lot of the delay was due to covid, so it’s not like anything else wouldn’t be just as delayed.
The content drought just makes me think of the end of Wrath. Nice thing about that one though was it was the end of the expansion instead of the beginning.
Maybe they’ll announce something at an online blizzcon next at the end of Feb, or maybe they’ll skip that and go for a live one later in there year. I could see an announcement making much more sense then.
Skipping the end of WoD was a crappy move in my opinion. I’d have liked seeing the other zone they had planned and what that could have been.
Finishing out this expansion would also give them more time to polish up the next one and that’s likely something they really need to do. It’d also be nice if they listened more to what players wanted instead of just doing what they think players will enjoy.
I think Argus and the Old God stuff from 8.3 would have been much cooler if it could have been developed more over the course of a whole expansion, but seeing more of our own world would be pretty cool, I just wonder if they way they have the story going now, if it really supports it.
I’ve enjoyed exploring the new areas in Shadowlands, but there’s been other aspects that could have been done better. I still think it’s stupid we didn’t get a necromancer in the expansion where it’d have made the most sense. We see them all over but can’t be one.
Torghast needs work. Unless you’re into the Mythic stuff, you hit a wall where you basically can’t progress in your gear anymore. I just go to an alt at that point, which is where more races, classes, and customizations would have been very welcome.
It certainly could, but it’s annoying when we say what we’re interested in and they give us a wee bit then say they’re happy with it and the reception, and then give no more for years. How does that make any sense?
Evidently it’s unclear to some people as to why we want playable San’layn, so I suppose I should post a reminder here just to clarify a few points. Because despite having gods know how many ideas here, and reasoning why, we apparently have to reiterate it to some parties. ahem
As a reminder, these clear up a few points post-BFA that people continue to bring up. I would like to remind everyone here that there are many loose ends in lore that are tied up, and people saying that they are DEFINITIVE are incorrect. Not ONCE was it said anyone involved in BfA “were the last San’layn” or “the last commander”, not once, so it’s all a bunch of hogwash rumors.
Now, for why I would like playable San’layn.
- I adore the story of Death Knights & forsaken, surviving against odds, and being depicted as monsters, BUT with free will and the ability for fight for good.
- I would like this concept applied to the San’layn I fell in love with in Wrath of the Lich King, I enjoy their lore specifically, and I love vampires. I have gone over COUNTLESS TIMES why I dislike Venthyr, and that is linked in the first thread for those curious. But this is about why I would like San’layn.
- I like the idea of a ‘beautiful monster’ and I’m so tired of having to defend myself for that. I like races that are aesthetically pleasing, and guess what? That is subjective. I like monstrous elves, with jet-black eyes or red, fangs, claws, what have you. I’m sorry my idea of ‘monster’ does not line up with everyone, but it is what it is, and I am allowed to have my tastes.
- No, San’layn are ‘not just another elf race’. I will flat out say I have zero interest in void elf lore, and in fact hate it. Same goes for high elves, and same goes for Sin’dorei now. They used to have nuance, now many are trying to lightforge them or some other stuff that I personally do not enjoy myself. Good for them, I suppose, but I liked the darker side of elves shown prior to this whole golden eyes stuff. Now, especially emphasized by the jewelry, it seems like they’ve been made to be just…not war-like or dark at all. San’layn and Dark rangers would appeal to that end wholeheartedly.
- Now, onto San’layn lore. The tragic story of elves who followed their prince by helping out an ally, Illidan, and fighting for the dedication of their city after so much tragedy. All this, only to be cut down and risen as bloodthirsty monsters. If Death knights can have a redemption story, and demon hunters, and forsaken? San’layn can too. I like the idea of tragedy, aggression, but rising to the occasion. Lana’thel’s story fascinates me as well.
So, to recap: I like aesthetically pleasing vampires coupled with I like their lore, which is another key and important point. NOT TO MENTION San’layn are actually very war-like and battle-heavy like Death Knights, unlike certain comparisons that sit around all day being useless at parties. Just because San’layn look nice does not mean they’re not deadly tacticians that can rip someone to shreds in a heartbeat.
Guess what also wins points for me from another game? Au Ra Xaela from FFXIV and, given this community & how much I’ve come to resent it (not you folks. Just GD in general.), I’m growing more and more glad that I’ve left this game behind.
I just wish I could leave the idea of San’layn behind, but after giving ideas and hoping for 3 years now, dealing with ridiculous questions and lore claims, I’m so Bloody tired. Not to mention how utterly toxic this community is (again, not people here that have been kind and sharing their ideas.)
The San’layn are a good option for an AR.
Its a shame blizzard didn’t go all out with several of the story threads in BfA, but I still support and want to see the San’layn playable one day.
One of the big reasons I want San’layn is the potential they have as a playable Horde race for storylines and world building.
They fit the Horde perfectly with the world viewing them as monsters and wanting to eradicate them when they were turned into the Lich King’s slaves, all in the name of duty and fighting for what they believed to be for the Blood Elves to survive.
Having them join the Horde and reconnecting with Silvermoon has a lot of great world-building/quest potential, as well as a lot of potential customization options as they would be the first vampiric race to become playable in the game.
I could go on, but the important thing is that I’ll always continue to support playable Horde San’layn as best as I can.
i hope San’layn can be added playably, cheers to keeping the hope going.
Yes please! I would play them!
I personally think Shadowlands is the perfect expansion to introduce both San’layn and a new Necromancer class or spec for Warlock. First we are dealing with the realm of death and so both fit. And second, it’s the return of the Lich King.
Could introduce a story where Bolvar finds some information/book/notes that Arthas had kept hidden. It talks about keeping some San’layn force hidden away as a contingency plan or something (I personally prefer them to be fighting the Nerubians underground and that’s why we haven’t seen them). And we find out that they had learned Necromancy after the fall of Arthas. It was an attempt at reanimating their fallen brethren but it didn’t work as intended and instead resulted in them just reanimating their bodies.
So much potential with Shadowlands but so far I am underwhelmed. I’ve been playing around with my alts and trying to find a class/spec I like but when I get to the covenants it just falls apart. I theme my toons but when I do that now they end up with the worst covenant skills and or soulbinds. I have to choose between a themed look, a functional soulbind, a skill or interacting with a past NPC like Draka that I like and it sucks.
I personally would’ve liked the soulbinds to be shared across the covenants and the conduits be covenant specific. A lot less hassle and less covenant power issues that way imo. That WoW hiatus I’m taking in about two weeks is looking better and better.
EDIT: Well, ESO is on sale on Steam so I think I’ll pick it up.
- I’ve wanted to try ESO since it released but I won’t do a game with subs ever again. Only reason I am playing WoW is because I can buy sub with gold. The current version of WoW is not worth real money imo.
- They have vampires in game so I can somewhat create a vampire elf if I wanted to. Might actually try it at least once so why not.
- They have my favorite race to play in games which is orcs but they also have Argonians which are lizard people and those cat people Khajat (?). Win, win.
I’d started leveling my horde demon hunter, planning to go Venthyr with him, but was thinking about taking my alliance one as Maldraxxi…well while story leveling your main demon hunter ability from the maldraxxus covenant does absolutely nothing. A little forum searching seems it only works once you’re level 60…that’s a bit of a weird thing to have still happening.
I tried a bit of ESO when it was brand new and a sub game… it was decent, but my sis and i didn’t stick it out. Had been thinking to give it another go now that it’s not a sub, maybe at some point I will.
I’d restarted Skyrim not too long ago and play that a bit now and then. We tried playing it a bit multiplayer…it was alright, but a bit buggy. Kinda expected since the game isn’t made for it, but maybe the modders will get it worked out better at some point.
Really wish Co-op would always be in the base games. Was one of the reasons we were eager to try ESO, then it felt so different but a little of the same.
Definitely agreed that this would have been a great time to introduce San’layn and/or the necromancer class. I suppose there is hope for 9.2 or 9.3. I’ll give it a ‘never know’.
Those who enjoy vampires, by the way, I do recommend Castlevania on Netflix. I ADORED the final season, especially the ending. I’m not going to spoil it here. However, there were vampire powers shown like dissolving into a cloud of bats & having large bat-like wings as well. I still think these powers would be super neat for a San’layn, to be honest. That would be the downside of not having an AR–the lack of powers like that. And I still think a ‘cloud of bats’ or ‘red mist’ racial of sorts, like travel, would be super sweet. Even if slow like the monk’s cloud.
Note to the squeamish: There is a heavy amount of gore though as a content warning!
That is weird and probably explains why I always get the exact abilities/skills I’ve already had once I hit 60. Just thought it was a WoW bug because I check if those level 60 versions did anything extra and in the text it is exactly the same. Just thought “Why am I getting the abilities/skills I’ve already had been using while leveling?”. It made no sense.
I was a little reluctant to try ESO but for what it’s going for right now and WoW not at all fun for me I decided to give it a try. I remember hearing things about ESO that made second guess even trying it. I believe I was told that you couldn’t see players of opposite factions unless you were PvPing or something along those lines.
And I always hear about Skyrim but never played it. I had played Oblivion, and still own it, and had multiple characters, since I love alts and trying out different builds/playstyles, and played the crap out of that game. One of my toons was a vampire which was really cool imo. The exploration in the game was great too. But like you, I wish it had co-op in the base game because that would’ve been insanely fun playing with at least one other player.
“Never know” but I’ve pretty much given up hope. They keep breaking classes and I’m seriously just tired of having to relearn/abandon a class that use to be fun.
Thanks for spoiling it. I thought it was going to run FOREVER, lol.
I never did start watching that. I’ll have to try to remember to catch it when I’m bored. Maybe I’ll watch it backwards. Start with the last episode first and the first episode last.
If it doesn’t have blood in it then it is dated and probably made for children.
Nothing wrong with shows made for children btw. Though I still love cartoons they just aren’t like the old ones I grew up on. These new cartoons just suck and aren’t really funny. Nothing beats the classics.