I’m hoping they give belves sanlyan or at least DR skins via a quest line in revendreth by the end of the expansion. Similar to black nelf eyes.
This would be great and wonderful, hopefully with lore as well. Even if just a couple of quests. Yeah exactly that! A Night warrior questline. It’s so utterly simple too, just a few tidbits of lore and customization, yet they’re digging their heels in frustratingly enough.
Jet black/crimson eyes, claws, & fangs would be really neat. Kind of like Lana’thel, but Lana’s do have a greenish tinge.
Exactly like that. It only makes sense after velves got pure skins. We need balance! If velves get pure skins then belves need their own “corrupted” skins.
I agree with you like 1 billion/10 I would say. Seriously, you took the words/frustration right out of my mouth there. I really wish we had the darker side of blood elves, it seems they’ve been going in the direct opposite direction, which is destroying my love for them ><
Yeah I would not be happy if their corrupted skins ended up being some lightforged shenanigans.
I don’t pay much attention to the WoW story, but I can never forget the San’layn, not after hearing this speech so many times:
Foolish mortals. You thought us defeated so easily? The San’layn are the Lich King’s immortal soldiers! Now you shall face their might combined!
But the horsy finally dropped and I don’t have to go back there any more.
I think it’s a good time to take a break from the game. Especially since development seems to be going at the pace of a dead turtle…on its back. While I don’t know the reasoning for this, I will say that the radio silence is more deafening and worrying than usual.
Furthermore, we don’t really know what to expect going forward, as well as whatever the next expansion will be. As I’ve mentioned before, what comes after Shadowlands will likely be a “make or break it” for many people. Shadowlands has already killed a lot of interest for me, especially with the breaking of the “more customizations during Shadowlands” promise. The next two expansions will likely determine whether I continue to stay subbed or not…and making covenant races playable will likely get me to consider quitting for quite awhile.
It’s funny that I still enjoy the game, whether it’s with old content, taking screenshots, or even dabbling in Classic. In fact, Classic in particular has me feeling more connected to the game because it takes place in the living world and I look at all the text for lore information and it feels like Warcraft to me. It’s specifically Shadowlands’ setting that I’m not fond of that really kills a lot of my interest in the game. It’s also why one of my main hopes for the next expansion is that it takes place in a reasonable location, back in the living world and maybe back on Azeroth, as opposed to something like the afterlife that should both never have been specifically defined or something I should be able to skip around whenever I jolly well feel like it.
And it’s not fun to grumble like this. My complaints aren’t meant out of malice or as an ultimatum. I do like the game for the most part, even if it can be far from perfect. However, it has been the worst I’ve felt about the game since WoD. If I weren’t running my two megathreads, this is another expansion where I would likely take a hiatus until the next expansion gets announced. I’d rather have fun and be positive, but both seem to be hard to achieve lately.
Call me insane, but at the moment, I do plan to continue with the game. Though a lot is really going to depend on what is forthcoming. I suppose if all else fails, maybe I’ll give ESO a try and, if I like it, maybe I’ll lead an Argonian only guild towards Lizardmen world domination or something. I dunno. I’d prefer to stick with this game, not out of a sunk cost fallacy, but because I still enjoy it to an extent.
Hopefully, the game will go in a better direction, but I feel like that can only have potential to happen once we’re out of Shadowlands. We’ll see, but expectations will be tempered.
I talked about this in my Stonemaul Ogre megathread some and thought I would ask this here:
Let’s say for argument’s sake that BfA gave us races we all wanted. We’re all happy, celebrating, and made our new characters. Then Shadowlands happens as is. Would you be more likely to stay with the game?
What I typed before was that I would be more likely to stick with the game. I would detest Shadowlands in general still, but I would still find fun with the game in other ways. My characters are very important to me, and being able to make a few dream characters of mine would go a long way in keeping me interested in staying subbed to the game. Granted, if the game still went in a horrible direction, it would still get me to consider quitting, but otherwise I’d still be content for the most part doing my thing.
Of course, I should be clear in saying that keeping my interest in the game isn’t so much as banking on “new races all the time!” It’s moreso seeing a few specific races I want and seeing some that I know people have been wanting for a long time. Something about WoW seems really exciting when new races get added to the game, though it depends on what races do get added, and it seems to open up a lot of fun things for a player like myself to do. Not to mention seeing the storylines, customization options, and so on that get made with the new races.
I think I’m done grumbling for now. As I said, I’m still continuing with the game for now, and hopefully the game will go in a better direction that will allow me to continue having fun of some kind. Preferably one with a few specific new races on that character creation screen.
Agreed. I’m doing the DK Legion questline, and I like how the Shadowlands is the mysterious realm of the dead there, instead of, well, how it is now.
Well, I got skin and eyes on velves that were a pretty big leap in the direction of high elves, and I’ve been sticking to it. Sure I’m taking a break, but I’ll almost definitely be back for 9.1. I want that quiver! Ironically I’m maining my blood elf in Shadowlands, who was originally made as a forum gimmick.
My sub expires in ~1 hour.
I was there from the end of Jan to about a week ago. I wouldn’t even be subbed now if not for my nephews asking me ALL these questions about WoW because they are back into it. They freakin got me all hyped up and now I regret subbing.
Current WoW = not fun
I agree. I was looking forward to Shadowlands before it launched but almost as soon as I played it I didn’t like it.
And I REALLY hate what they did to a lot of specs. They were far more fun in BFA then what we have now. Tired of classes getting gutted almost every Xpac only to have to relearn or abandon a class I loved in the Xpac before.
If you are enjoying FFXIV then I am SO happy for you. Games are suppose to be fun IMO. Any game you enjoy is doing something right. Nothing better then playing a game you enjoy.
I thought about playing FFXIV or ESO but I’m just waiting on the newer MMO’s to release over the next year or two so will be taking a break and come back fresh for those. They appear to be more fun then WoW at this point in time. Really need a fun MMO right about now.
I was thinking this exact same thing a day or two ago. I was thinking “How many times have I suggested something that could fix what they broke and they don’t.”.
I understand they can’t listen to every yahoo but I’m telling them what they broke and how I think they could fix it. Mostly by telling them to revert back to a former state since it was find before that usually. Other times I give them multiple possibilities on how to fix it and still it stays broken like they like it that way or something.
Yea, I gave Blizz this last Xpac to fix classes and make them fun again but wouldn’t you know it, they made them worse and even less fun if that was even possible.
Only time I’ve enjoyed a class in SL’s is running in Torghast cause I get all these cool skills and have a little control over how I want to build him. I actually feel a little OP in there which is AWESOME IMO. But I’ve only taken my BM Hunter there so not sure how the other class/specs feel.
I get the feeling that WoW is on the way out this time because I’ve seen a lot of players talking about walking away, the game isn’t fun and WoW is going in the wrong direction. I feel like WoW is more for the E-sports/hardcore gamer then a casual player that wants to have fun playing an MMO. Very sad.
Would be cool options, but I’m more interested in some cool racials and the race heading.
Like you, I’ve got a blood elf death knight, so I’m doubting that I’d get to use red eyes or something like that if he was a San’layn Death Knight.
Dreven kinda had blue eyes anyway.
I’ve kinda been thinking about a Rogue though, be neat to have the options on them.
Started leveling up my demon hunter from 50.
That and the world quests are about all I’ve been doing lately. Kinda taken a break on the raid, but probably should do it some more on my druid or the DH once he’s high enough. Get some transmog.
I’d actually been playing a fair bit of Doom/Doom Eternal. That was a blast, it was also surprising how much story they’d worked into it. I was even laughing at a few spots where it made me think of WoW. Started to notice a few story elements that were similar.
Wish there was another one to play already, sounds like it’s planned though.
Also binged Castlevania S04. That was pretty fun. Enjoyed how it turned out. Still kinda wishing there was more though. Might have to rewatch with my brother.
Still really wishing there was a dedicated team to customizations, races, classes etc. Just focused on fun and new stuff to keep characters fresh. Plus it’d help this content drought.
I’m still a bit annoyed we didn’t get Necromancers in a death themed expansion, and then on top of that, they don’t even deliver the customizations they advertised.
All of this.
Just… All of it.
They stopped working on classes a long time ago, they keep trying to make new ones.
At least that’s how it feels.
Huge congrats on the cool horse though! That’s always so exciting. One of the really unique and great mounts in the game, I would say. And yeah, that quote is definitely iconic to me. I love it ^^ I also know it by heart from farming it so much as well If THAT can’t kill my love of San’layn, nothing can.
Yeah it’s what’s frustrate me so much, I will admit. Also likely a source for my rant up there. Well… one of them. The customization thing though was the ‘see ya’ moment for me. It told me that blizzard has no intention of caring about anyone but the hardcore community.
Yeah, Classic is probably better at this point, but I think someone would have to start ripping out my teeth before I’d ever touch it myself. I’m just not that kind of gamer, and it really sucks, because it feels like Blizzard is just emphasizing and trying to push people to it. I am about progress in story and collecting. I don’t care about nostalgia in an MMORPG. So for people like me, who have 0 interest in any Classic ever (evenn if they add Wrath), because it has 0 benefit to me after all the time I put into retail… it sucks.
Gods I hope so, even space travel on the living plane for a patch (so like Argus) is better than the nonsense we’re dealing with now. It’s just so disconnected.
Nah that’s understandable! We all have our likes, dislikes, and ‘straws that break the camel’s back’. I would never put anyone down for continuing the game, I will just voice my personal distaste and reasons why I left/might leave for good.
In this case, yes, I would likely be sticking with the game. Nowadays technically I could build my own story if I wished, but in my case, I can’t have the characters I really enjoy. I already deal with the bullying nonsense from the RP community simply because I have the GALL to enjoy roleplaying vampyr. That has reached a boiling point where, quite frankly, I’m tired of it. And withoout any lore for San’layn or sign of them being playable, it just gives the toxic crowd (which is numerous) more ammo to put people like me down. I’ve come to seriously resent the story community and RP community because of it.
Sorry for liking the idea of vampyr with a story like Death Knights, and sorry for playing characters that have more to their personality than a deadbeat ‘I live to kill’ nonsense ideology. People want to push this cookie-cutter nonsense on my characters, well at least if we had playable San’layn, I would be able to play my characters openly in the city and anyone that tries to use ‘lore’ against me would be shut down so fast their head would spin.
Other San’layn lovers would also likely remain, leading to the community staying and blossoming more, I bet. Even if I didn’t like the story of Shadowlands, at least I wouldn’t have the worry of being pushed aside and forgotten forever for something new implanted into my brain like it is now. It seems like that’s the course.
But yeah… that’s my answer pretty much. San’layn, player housing, & neutral guild options would bring me back to the game now. Nothing less. I do hope the other Azeroth/Outland race communities get their wishes too though. Even if I just…don’t see vampyr happening (AZEROTH vampyr, NOT the venthyr -.- unfortunately), I do hope the best for those that have worked so hard for this over the years & giving ideas.
And yeah, I’m not a high elf fan (sorry friends here who love them, I just find them boring D: and that’s now happening with blood elves, they’ve majorly lost their luster for me, another reason why I don’t feel like playing. I don’t get along with other blood elf players much either, from what I’ve noticed. I lean more toward ‘beautiful monster’ ideas) so when they added the blue eyes, I was like ‘eh ok’. I WILL SAY I find it nonsense how we didn’t at least get red eyes on Blood Elves though, like come on… void elves have 2 themes, and blood elves now are stuck with pretty much ‘prim and perfect’ nonsense that makes me bored with them.
Yeah same here, for sure. My vitriol against Revendreth had existed since I found out they had nothing to do with San’layn though that is for sure. As for specs, I remember tanking and just HATING how they work in M+. Having to run from mobs, really? I also hate the emphasis on M+. I miss the days when in PvE one could go from normal dungeon > heroic dungeon > Normal raid > Heroic raid > et cetra. This timed stuff is utter nonsense and I’m not here for it at all. It seems like Blizzard is just pushing it harder lately too.
I am! I was iffy at first. There are major cons to it I had to get over. The HEAVY alt unfriendliness makes me sad, as someone who likes to roleplay several characters. How slow the game starts off is another thing (which turns a lot of people away, and which is why I just caved and bought the skip). Housing exists, but getting one on a heavy populated server is nearly impossible. They have dyes, but the ‘transmog system’ isn’t as good as WoW, because again your collections are only on one character as opposed to shared. Very different questing style, heavy heavy on cinematics (Something I do not mind personally).
The story, though, being the primary reason why I play games now (aside from collecting, but I’ve decided to retire that gameplay for myself in FFXIV due to the alt unfriendliness) so that I can make my own and roleplay, is astounding and just too good. It’s what ended up hooking me.
My FAVORITE race has to be the Au Ra: Xaela. Yes, I know, they’re just ‘pretty guys/gals with lizard features’, but delving into their lore, they are SUPER AMAZING. I think I might be nearly as obsessed with them as I am of San’layn (shocking, I know). WERDLY, their lore reminds me of orcs! But minus the ‘uncontrolled beserking’ and more of a ‘emphasis on the life of battle!’ aspect.
Anyway, I won’t talk people’s ears off with this stuff, but yeah it’s just weird since I started off being extremely disdainful toward FFXIV because all of my friends were leaving WoW for it.
Yeah exactly, like I see so many good ideas that just go ignored and it is unreal. They listen to only one part of the community nowadays, the stupid esports nonsense, and I’m so tired of it.
Yeah I’m one of those weirdos who enjoyed Torghast too! The HUGE problem for me, though, was the lack of meaningful rewards. I could not care less about soul ash. If I could run it for cosmetics, like Island Expeditions, I would be in heaven. Sadly, despite how many recolors of mounts/pets/armor they have unused, they never utilized it. So one of my fav new features ended up being completely pointless to run.
Also, they are adding a timer in 9.1, entirely ruining it. I absolutely hate those changes. Not that what I say matters to them anymore though.
SO MUCH THIS AND AGREED. It is so frustrating. You put the perfect words to it.
Yeah that’s true, I much prefer that over anything. Sadly I’m just like ‘I’ll settle for some lore and customization, please x.x’ at this point. Since it feels like they just do not care.
Nice! I hope you get your wish
I will be binging that this weekend with any luck, I heard it was amazing. Also seems like they’re bringing the ‘bite back to vampires’ (one of my sayings >:D ) which is exciting. Hopefully they will be taken seriously again.
Ugh, I wish. Did you know in FFXIV you can EARN EMOTES?! AND HAIRSTYLES! I’m sitting here like ‘so we can’t have this in WoW???’. It would get people to play the game more & intro more customization. Argh I am just so frustrated. Oh, and WoW’s team is also far bigger than Enix, yet they can’t even add in some more hair styles and listen to the community other than the toxic esports bros? Give me a break.
I noticed that since I came back this month, because I was tricked by my nephews lol, that I really don’t like SL because I can’t use all my powers anywhere but in the SL unless I’m mistaken. At least with AZ powers I could use all of them on Azeroth but some SL powers appear to be only for SL which is the worst kind of rented powers ever.
Death Xpac = cool on paper but not to play.
I remembered the other day that I DID play FFXIV on the free trial but it was kind of slow and I wasn’t feeling it. I had an Au Ra warrior I believe.
I also made a LALAFELL cause I was going to make a machinist (?) for the guns and I like little races that use guns. Otherwise I normally don’t make little races and stick to the big, burly, destroyer type races. I would’ve probably played the Viera race though if I had bought it since it isn’t included in the trial.
Yea, the reason I didn’t do Torghast a lot when Sl first launched because of no rewards like the Mage Tower. Plus, at the time I just wasn’t feeling the content.
A freakin timer? Are you serious? I thought they removed that crap before SL launched because a lot of players didn’t like that. I’m out. Another instance of “fun detected” now it needs to be removed. So tired of this crap. I hate timers and I hate jumping puzzles.
Whomever is making the decisions at ActivBlizz please FIRE THEM! I am seriously upset now. The ONE thing, ONE THING, I found somewhat enjoyable in SL and they are going to screw it up. Smh, F*@^, S*%, M*@#%^@&#^!@, A$$^#*!@.
Unless something has changed, from the videos I caught on it, you can do it one of two ways…try to be fast and beat the timer and such, OR be more of a completionist. I’m certainly not interested in a timer. Think it was Bellular that was saying you’re still supposed to be able to do everything and find everything and get the top rating.
I’ve not messed with it too much for the same reason.
No real rewards, and I gave Twisted Corridors a try…layer 1. Smoked everything until the end and got curb stomped. That felt really bad. Haven’t bothered with it again. I’ve been thinking I should give it a try and run protection, but even reading up on it some…you’re ability to complete is basically luck of the draw on what bosses you get. Sounds like the tuning is pretty bad if that’s the case.
That was something they were originally planned but people, rightfully, complained.
I just hearthed back to my garrison to make sure. I was able to use both of my powers.
I was under the impression you couldn’t use some of the covenant abilities but I guess that was before it launched or shortly there after. Thanks for the info.
Somand wanted me to relay:
“It’s that the temporary versions of the Covenant abilities you get in the Main Story Quest can’t be used outside their respective zones, including being completely non functional outside the Shadowlands. All permanent Covenant abilities work on Azeroth, including the ones you get if you level through Threads of Fate. You can even pair them with Azerite traits if you’re still using your Heart of Azeroth, like on a level 50 alt for example.”
In the grand scheme of things, I’d prefer to have WoW become better and stick with it. However, in the off chance I do look elsewhere, I have been toying with some backup plans.
The only upcoming MMO I have any particular interest in is Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. I don’t really know what to expect with it, and seeing as it has been in development for a long time, I’ll want to see what the final product is like before I consider giving it a try.
As for MMO’s currently out, there aren’t many out there I have any particular interest in. ESO kinda does, granted there are some things about it that don’t really interest me, like the combat. If it weren’t for Argonians, I likely wouldn’t be too interested in it. Maybe next time they do a free trial, I might give it a try.
One of the biggest problems with FFXIV is the alt unfriendliness, where I like making multiple characters. If it wasn’t so alt unfriendly, I’d be more open to trying it. As I mentioned before, for a game that wants you to focus on just one character, none of the current playable races particularly interest me at all. It also seems like they just want to add in human races with different animal features stapled onto them as well, which just strikes me as boring.
If they ever had playable Bangaa, a lizard race already in the game, I’d consider giving it a try. It’s funny that I’ve seen some conversations, including having one with someone else, who think that there won’t be any more new races since it allegedly takes a lot of resources to make them. Makes me wonder why that is, considering Square-Enix isn’t an indie company, especially with FFXIV making record profits, and that they would have different teams working on different things. You mean to tell me they can bring back a MMO that flopped hard from the ashes and create all sorts of amazing aspects of the game but they can’t put armor on a lizard race and make them ride things? I highly doubt that, myself.
Ultimately, if they make Bangaa playable, I’ll consider trying out FFXIV. It does seem like they’re still considering adding new races to that game, despite what some players might say, so who knows what’ll happen?
As I said, I would prefer WoW to get better and add in things people want to see. Hopefully, it’ll be a better direction than where the game is heading currently.
I ran across one today that I’ve given them feedback on for years now. It is in High Mountain during the Legion Invasion and it’s called “Class Dismissed”.
The mobs in there are not synced to your level. Unless you are near pre-Shadowlands max level, i.e. 50, you will get destroyed. I went in there today with a level 40 and they are level 46 so had to run away especially since there are no players even doing those.
When max level was 120 I reported this and I think even before that. The sync is off on those mobs and it is frustrating for a lower level toon running solo and wanting that extra XP boost from those invasion quests.
Years now and no level sync in that one spot. Seriously?
And with a Death Xpac we didn’t get San’layn or Necromancers that would’ve fit really well with it. I am so confused about what Blizz’s idea for the future of WoW is. Just leaves me deflated and not even the least bit interested.
Only upside to 9.1 is I heard they are finally adding in the ability to tmog one shoulder so I can finally make this toon look like Grom. Something they were suppose to do around the time customizations update but never did if I remember correctly. I won’t be around to enjoy it though since I am taking a break when this sub is up and not letting my nephews talk me back into playing this game till there is something fun injected into it.
Fun > everything else in games.
To each their own.