San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Another thing to think about is how those souls were shut away, as well. If Lana’thel was to be a minion bent to will, you’d think we’d see her working for the Mawsworn right now. That very much isn’t the case. I know in Hearthstone, Lana’thel, I think, betrays Arthas in some fashion. Or, when you use her against Arthas, he says something like “I knew you were traitorous” or something, hinting at behind-the-scenes activity.

Which could lead into how she’s potentially a rebellious soul, and while important, needs to be locked away because she simply will not bend. Hopefully they expand upon whatever that is.


I mean, if you were killed by a hated enemy, raised into undeath, and given a curse of a vampyr nature while being forced to serve said enemy, I would think maintaining an obsequious posture to such a being would be rather low on your list of fun, happy, and healthy activities.

I guess as the Lich King, you kinda have to realize that not everyone is going to eagerly sign up for your job positions and be loyal to the cause, even with the “health” benefits given. :wine_glass::bat:


That’s actually a realization Arthas has in his novel, he originally tried being a father to his men, and adored how loyal the undead were… and then he realized it was all forced due to their nature of being undead under his will and not actual loyalty.


I’ve submitted my monthly in-game feedback of races I want playable, along with referencing their megathreads. San’layn are included in that group, of course. :vampire:

While it may not be a guaranteed way to get races playable, I figure it wouldn’t hurt to promote our ideas and such that way. At the very least, the feedback could get looked at in some fashion, especially if multiple people submit similar feedback. You never know if it could lead to something.

Will continue to keep hope for playable Horde San’layn! :wine_glass::bat:


People are still making art of the glorious queen :slight_smile:,h_1280,q_80,strp/blood_queen_lana_thel__fanart__by_ariesera_dejaggp-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI4MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzU5YzUwYmUxLTUwNGEtNGI0MS05ZmIzLTNlMGYyMDFjZDUxYlwvZGVqYWdncC03MTIzMGE2Ny02Nzc0LTQ3Y2UtYTQyYi1mNGEzMjEyMjU5YmUucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.04a_6ZPcQUJPP9wU5GhtKCrgQYr5phYqmt8rgPsISlw


Been looking into Dungeons & Dragons stuff lately and came across a wiki listing features of vampires in it (traits, feats, and such). I thought I would link to the wiki to potentially inspire some playable San’layn ideas, like racials and such.

You can see all sorts of info on Vampires in D&D 5e here:

I don’t know how useful it’ll be, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to share it. You never know if it could inspire some neat playable San’layn ideas. :wine_glass::bat:


Looks like there’s popularity of a certain character from Resident Evil 8. Wish the vampire craze would allow San’layn to be playable someday. I don’t log on anymore, but drop into forums sometimes while I still have the subscription.

Also the last season of Castlevania on Netflix dropped, too. Which is exciting. I’ll be watching it soon myself. I’m a big fan of Alucard.

Made a skit video on vampire tropes if anyone is interested! Figured it’s relevant, so I’d share it here. Would be fun to see some vampire tropes in San’layn characters, perhaps. Would give them quite a bit more personality. At least we have “hyper violent”…


Blizzard exec: tall vampire mommy is super popular right now sigh if only we had a tall vampire mommy.

Blizzard Dev: we LITERALLY have tall vampire mommy(s), we even had her first.


Thanks to some insomnia, I had some inspiration for a screenshot:

A San’layn walks up to the entrance of Silvermoon. He has not seen the city in such a long time.

So many years lost being a slave to the Lich King and the vampyr curse. The sacrifices made, the torment of existence, the harsh challenges of survival. All of it to fight for this city and its citizens. And finally, the San’layn were welcomed back. Regarded as heroes for who they once were and for what they have done as they are now in the name of Silvermoon and the Horde.

Finally. The San’layn are home. It was a dream worth fighting for.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to do this screenshot again with an actual San’layn character someday. :wine_glass::bat:


Took some time to think on this, and I would say that vampires in general are fairly popular. As such, I do think San’layn would be decently well received, and not just because I particularly want them.

They’re definitely a niche that would add in some great flavor to the game. Not a lot of MMO’s have done vampires for the most part, other than Everquest 2 having a vampire race and ESO having a vampiric status off the top of my head, so it would be a fairly unique addition. And with San’layn in particular, you have some pretty great storyline opportunities to work with them as well. I mean, the door pretty much opened for them in BfA. It’s just a manner of having them stride through it in style.

And yes, there will be people who complain about it. Then again, people will complain about any race becoming playable for whatever reason. There isn’t one race that could become playable that will please everybody. Regardless, I see San’layn being decently popular. I mean, people were cheering for them in that one Blizzard Twitch stream and speculation about them in BfA seemed fairly positive from what I saw.

As I said before, WoW has a pretty good opportunity to offer several different types of races to fill in many niches that would be welcome additions for those a fan of a certain race. Vampires for San’layn, Saurok and Sethrak for reptilian races, Ogres for big brutes, Kelfin and Ankoan/Jinyu for aquatic races, Saberon for a feline race, Arakkoa for an avian race, and so on. Lots of potential variety that would work well for marketing buzz. As well as attracting fans of those niches.

And vampires in particular are still going very strong. Give them great backstory and storyline, and I think many will warm up to them. Not to mention that releasing playable San’layn at a point where vampires are getting hype in general would likely be a popular announcement. Again, with some people grumbling, but what else is new?

If it would be that much of a worry, then put them in a group of playable races like with BfA’s announcement. They’d likely be even more popular in a group with other requested races. It would be pretty hype to see people’s dreams come true at once with several races becoming playable.

We’ll have to see what happens in the future, whenever we’re done with the Shadowlands. Hopefully, it’ll involve some popularly requested new members of the Horde and Alliance joining. Not a guarantee, but I’ll always keep hope of some kind. A lot will really depend on what direction the next couple of expansions take us.

I feel like I rambled quite a bit, but hopefully I conveyed my opinion decently. :wine_glass::bat:


I happened to check out your art on DeviantArt around the time I stopped playing and didn’t realize how far you’ve come. I’ve never seen your early art pieces.

You should been proud because I think you’ve come a long way in such a short time. Nice job! I do like your shading and I think since you started darkening your shadows it has improved. :clap:

EDIT: Been away from WoW for awhile but has anything happened with Xal’atath? Didn’t she say she’d see us again? Blizz blunder?


Ah yes I track for a reason, thank you thank you! Yeah I see a lot of artists posting “This is where I started x3” and they have the bloody Mona Lisa practically, and I’m sitting here like “Well I’m completely dead in the water”… But! I’ve learned to compare myself to myself as opposed to anything else. I figured my progress might also help other aspiring artists too. Because yes–my old art is BAD BAD BAD. I have a LONG way to go with my current art. But the important thing is the progress, and that I’m making it/not giving up. I’m so glad you see good progress! That means a lot, and it’s why I keep going. It’ll be years until I’m at a really great point, but I started from nothing and 0 knowledge of…well, any anatomy or basic concepts at all, as well as no art classes, so it’ll always be an uphill battle. Especially since I can’t afford a formal art class.

Yeah thanks so much! I did swap to cell shading recently as you can see, which I think works better for my style. Someday I will try again with what I did before, but the problem was indeed I made it too light. The texture and detail was there–but I should save that for lineless or colored lines, as well as learn how to make it darker. For now, shading and the shape of shading (and where I struggle at the moment, aka highlights) will be the goal to get down. I’m getting better at anatomy which is also a good goal.

Haven’t heard much on that end myself, to be honest. I stopped playing around February but I get all of my knowledge from WoWhead news or if someone brings it up here. On that end, I haven’t seen anyone bring it up at all.


You have improved a massive amount. Keep up the good work.


Speaking of which, I designed a new character today ^^ He’s going to be a villain in the novel I’m currently writing. His name is Jolt. Never wrote or depicted him before today, so it was fun to go through a design!


Toon shading looks nice. :slight_smile:

I would suggest that you add a little shadow under the nose, near the hair line and if that hair hanging down is over his face then have it leave a shadow on that side of his face. Just my 2 cents that’s all.

I haven’t really drawn since Jan. which is about the time I left WoW. One of my nephews talked me into coming back to WoW, which will only be for the month since I still don’t enjoy it. But he let me know he really likes Illidan so I am thinking of doing an Illidan piece for him. Not sure if it will be a portrait or an action scene. Going to have to reference Illidan and hopefully get some creative thoughts from skimming other peoples work.

On a San’layn note, at least I think it is, I was looking through my old physical copy of WotLK and in the manual there appeared to be what looked like a San’layn but it was a bald, pointy eared humanoid in what looked like a high neck, vampire cloak. Probably a concept piece.



Trust level 3 powers, activate!



LMAO! When I read that I thought of this. Too funny.

Ridiculous Wondertwin powers - YouTube


While going through my toy box, I saw that I had this bobber toy in the shape of a bat:

It drops from this guy in Revendreth:

Wanted to share it as it could be kinda fitting for San’layn characters who want to fish in style. Hope people get some use out of it!

Still keeping hope for the playable Horde San’layn dream to come true! :wine_glass::bat:


My sub runs out tomorrow and I might be taking a break until 9.1. Just thought I’d give everyone a heads up on why I’ll suddenly stop posting.


Makes sense! I have a while before my sub runs out. I won’t be returning for 9.1 myself when it does, there’s nothing at all appealing to me. Nor in the game itself. I’ve moved onto FFXIV, which I find to be far more fun, with far better story. It’s also nice how the devs seem to care about someone other than the toxic elitist dungeon/raid community in that game.

Admittedly, I am very tired of feedback from people who aren’t hardcore being entirely ignored. “No more customization” was the nail in the coffin after blood elves and their utter trash jewelry (to me). And when I’ve been giving feedback for years at this point, only for them to just… push it all aside, ignore lore I love, and introduce the same thematic on a different and highly unsavory (to me) thing (the venthyr), I’m going to be very frustrated.

Glad to have moved on. Perhaps if they add San’layn properly and with lore, I will return, but unless the new expansion looks remotely interesting, this break might be permanent. Haven’t played the game since February and use the forums more than touching the game if that gives any insight.

Sorry to be very negative, but I used to love this game. Now… well.