San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’ve been thinking about it a bit as well. My sister and I both bought it when it was new and had a sub, we played a bit and then quit, saw info about the sub being dropped and figured we’d play again. I’ve been getting back into Skyrim lately so ESO is kinda on my mind as well.
Thing with Skyrim is it has so much more freedom due to the mods and such.
Been doing some co-op with the siblings on it on occasion, that’s been pretty fun although a tad buggy, which is expected.

I’ve also got Guild Wars 2 that I’ve hardly played after getting it. Should give that more of a go at some point, but there’s only so much time sadly.

Hopefully no more faction war garbage :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve played ESO. Only a bit, I think I’m level 4 or so. It’s fun from what I’ve played so far though. More fun than I thought it’d be.


ESO is one of the few MMO’s currently out that particularly interests me. Mostly because they do have a playable Lizardmen race and Necromancer as a class. Granted, the playable race selection is not as diverse as I’d like, but it has a few neat race choices.

They also carry the ability to become a vampire from the single player games:

If I did check it out, it wouldn’t be to replace WoW, but to be something I dabble with alongside WoW and a backup if the next expansion goes in a direction I don’t care for like with Shadowlands.

Of course, if a certain vampiric race and a certain lizard race happens to become playable on a certain faction that likes to tout Zug Zug, along with a certain big and dumb race to go with them, I wouldn’t necessarily need to look at other MMO’s. :wink:

Ah well, I’ll still keep hope for that.:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: :wine_glass::bat:


They also have Khajiit, which’re kinda like Saberon. That’s cool too.

In ESO, you can use any weapon as any class. So lets say you wanna be an archer. Ok, pick any class and play it with a bow equipped. It’s great.


Yeah, other than argonians and khajiit, everything else are basically different colored humans.

I’d kinda forgot they had added the necromancer class…hrm.

I keep being plagued (hehe it’s an unintended pun) with the idea of making a Death Knight style character on Skyrim to play as. Plenty of mods to make it possible.


This is one of the reasons why I like WoW: It has potential to have a diverse playable race selection.

The only other game that really came close to this was Everquest 2, with Everquest 1 coming behind it. Sure, you had a bunch of Human and Elf races, but you also had Ogres, Trolls, Gnomes, Halflings, and several animal races (Iksar, Frogloks, Kerrans, Ratonga, etc). It was really diverse and had a lot of flavor in the game.

It’s something that would be awesome to see in WoW with several races people have been requesting for awhile. There are great possibilities for both Horde and Alliance to get some really interesting races with cool culture and storyline opportunities. It’s a reason I support a lot of races to become playable.

And the thing is that adding a lot of these races would add to the theme of the Horde and Alliance as a whole evolving. Something that should naturally happen over time. It’s like how the Horde end cinematic for BfA has Thrall mention how the Horde has grown from Orcs seeking a new life to banding together with others to survive in the world. It’s a pretty neat thing to see in the grand scheme of things to see the Horde and Alliance continue to gain new members while maintaining different philosophies as a whole for the culture of both of them.

It’s one of the many reasons I hope we continue to see new playable races get added to the game. Not to mention that different races would make a lot of people happy and fill in some niches that would add a lot to the game. I could go on, but I’d be writing endless paragraphs on the subject, I’m sure. :smiley:


Now that I have a San’layn model that is more similar to what a player character could look like, I retook a few screenshots in Ghostlands along with a few new ones with the new model:

At the middle of Tranquillien.

Running through the Ghostlands.

At Deatholme, which is one of the biggest contenders for a San’layn starting area for me.

In front of the banner, which is a Scourge symbol. Would obviously be replaced with a San’layn banner if this became their home base.

Doing a salute. Was starting to run out of time here and tried to find a few more screenshots to take.

And finally, in the middle of a dance. I guess in this case, you can pretend that the San’layn is practicing trying to be more spooky or something I guess.

Something that is interesting to note is that there are Necromancers in Deatholme. Several of them are around Dar’khan. If Blizzard ever wanted to bring him back, all that would need to be done is for some of the Necromancers to have gone into hiding, somehow stolen his body parts from Silvermoon, and when the Scourge problem happens during Shadowlands, the Necromancers take control of them, reraise Dar’khan, and then you have a cool storyline where the San’layn can come in, assist Silvermoon, and set up shop at Deatholme afterwards.

Obviously needs more fleshing out, but I wanted to float that idea out. :wine_glass::bat:


All of this talk about San’layn is good and all to brainstorm with suggestion tossing… but what about the now? ARE the San’layn in the Horde -now-? Were they let in? Did the Horde Embassy allow it after Sylvanas abandoned the Horde? Does her rule and say have any weight?

Blood Death Knights aren’t San’layn, and if a San’layn is seen, they’re generally killed on sight with no questions asked. Even the Ebon Blade would pursue without a second thought. So what gives?

Yeaaaah, gonna need some receipts for this.

We invite them over for potluck and blackjack night while the papers are being processed.

They use San’layn powers, it’s in their writeup.


There are no answers to these questions, sadly this was left entirely open ended. The answer technically speaking is implied to be ‘no’, but other people will say ‘yes’ because there just… was no conclusion. We haven’t seen where Dreven came from, whether or not there were more in Nazmir, whether or not there were more on that ship (there were cating San’layn on the ship that weren’t dead, and it’s not like drowning will kill them), we don’t know if Nathanos’s ship went back to save the remainder of them (again implied no, but not a definite.)

I guess so, but at this point, we’re working with a literal vampire faction in the Shadowlands, gaining reputation with them, and all of that. I figure if we’re fine with working with vampires in the afterlife (Which while I do NOT consider them vampires, most people do), then they should be 100% perfectly fine and no longer kill on sight in a roleplay setting so long as they behave. I mean… think about it:

  1. We have Death Knights, who need to cause pain in order to not go insane, walking the streets and interacting with people.
  2. We have sentient flesheating zombies also intermingling with people on the Horde.
  3. We have Demon Hunters, who might as well be demons themselves (and…are, since they have demon souls now) widely accepted.

It’s not that much of a stretch to say that a San’layn would therefore no longer be kill on sight, especially since they expressed interest in joining the Horde in Battle for Azeroth (though there’s unanswered questions and nothing seemed to come of it.) If I was still roleplaying in game (which… I’m not, I don’t like shadowlands), I would no longer have my San’layn hide themselves with illusions for that reason. The moment we began working with Revendreth was the moment the ‘kill on sight’ thing became extremely ridiculous.

You would think, but after also seeing them work with a LICH… I don’t think working with San’layn is such a stretch either, especially since they have free will.

All that being said? We have no lore or answers for any of that. At all. It’s what’s so frustrating, and what I personally would love to see answered at some point.

Sadly, since it’s doubtful we will be touching on any Azeroth subject anytime soon, we won’t know for a couple years or more, IF they ever touch it again.

Though they have been seen in Legion (Vampyr vampirates & Tha’lena) and Battle for Azeroth (the big subject of your question). Dreven came out of the blue, we don’t know his origin. Will we get our answers? I’m hoping so, some day. Since we’ve seen them in those instances, we know, at least, they aren’t entirely forgotten about.


I half expected the OP to return to this thread after 7800+ posts, but this information is finally helpful from an San’layn expert. Expert? Idunno, you sound like one. (Compliment)

And yeah, it IS increasingly frustrating. From all the sources I’ve tried to search, it’s either an open end or dead end. I’ve seen people RolePlay them in places like Orgrimmar and Silvermoon, and it brings up uncertainty. "How do I react to them?

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The OP is pretty odd, if I’m gonna be honest!

:stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, that’s some very good questions, and sadly there really is no easy answer at all. As someone who did roleplay them, my vampyr always hid their nature under illusions, that demon hunters & Spellbreakers could see through. If that happened, the San’layn I played would exit the premise hurriedly to not make a scene since prior to Battle for Azeroth, they were kill on sight.

Now… well. We don’t know. I use the logic: “We’re working with soul-drinking ‘vampires’ in the afterlife as heroes, and it’s not like that’s some big secret, so I feel like working with open San’layn isn’t that much of a stretch.”

I would say, maybe, they would be treated with a lot of wariness and even deep hatred, especially those afflicted by the scourge. They did show that there was at least a group of them wanting to finally have a home and fight for the horde (like Death Knights, and in Bfa), and we know they’re intelligent/have free will, so could make such decisions. I played my 'layn a lot like the mentality of Death Knights. I have an entire post on the headcanon I use for it since a lot is open ended.

All in all, I wish I did have a better answer for you. I guess I would say have your toon react as they would toward an ex-scourge, like if someone played a lich outwardly (which we do see in the ebon blade so would be viable). Probably not all too happy about them being there, but also likely not trying to butcher them flat out in the city AS LONG AS they are behaving well. In my personal opinion, if someone is playing a San’layn openly in the city, they’d better be behaving and very well, otherwise ICly you’d think they’d get slain by the guards.

I feel like in Silvermoon & Org, you could get away with more dastardly things on a Horde race that’s officially joined, but you have to be on your BEST behavior as something like a San’layn if that makes sense. This is due to likely being on such thin ice, but at the same time, we work with worse at this point, so would be permitted to at least be there an interact on good behavior.

Edit: I also roleplayed San’layn for YEARS and have a ridiculous number of vampyr characters. I still play them, granted, just in discord & with my guild. I was always someone to be super careful in cities, and I did play in them. My toons were hidden & on their best behavior. Nowadays it makes sense that San’layn would be more open, after all that’s happened, but they need to be super careful from my personal perspective. (This subject might be a good one to make a video on, I’m actually back to making videos again so who knows.)


Yesssss, a San’layn starter guide video or soemthing would be really cool


Yeah I plan on doing that and one for the headcanon blog post I did a while back, I think it’d be nice in a video format. I have this whole setup now and just returned, so I’ll add that ot my list of ideas :slight_smile: One of my ideas is “Top 5 things to avoid in roleplay” for things like “metagaming” or “Godmodding” (not ever telling people what to roleplay, I’m the last person who would do that. In fact “RP policing” might be on that list.)


Yes it is all good.

Don’t ruin it.

Sure why not?

They were on probation, and we have no hard evidence to say that they were not allowed to continue to serve. (of those who may or may not have survived).

Why not if they still serve the Horde?

Not really no.

Sure. Maybe.

Unlikely if they allowed some in.

Thats just you assuming.

Citation needed.

People want the race added.

How would your character react?

Not all members of the Horde may feel the same way. That said if a San’layn has pledged themselves to the Horde I imagine they’d be allowed to be… if not with a few warry looks.



Also tangent, but since Dragons like to appear as elves usually (NO ONE [EXPLETIVE] WARNED ME ABOUT DADDY ELF AZUREGOS) is there anything stopping them from having a San’layn Dragon?


Hah! I had to look that up. As for that, dragons can take on any form I believe, so a San’layn form sounds perfectly reasonable. One of my infinite drakes does that, as a matter of fact! And since this toon, Fallynn, actually rescues and adopts dragon whelps, as they grow to drakes, some want to be ‘just like her’ so take the form of San’layn for their elf forms.


Dawwwww, little bb San’layn elves who are whelps (reminds me of MoP Wrathion. Throws tantrum, then turns into tiny whelp and flutters away).

And an Infinite, neat.


Cower before the lord of the legendaries, fools!


I imagine lore-wise they’d be treated no different to Death Knights, who even in Orgrimmar (a city full of Forsaken) were treated with suspicion and outright hostility in the lead up to SLs.

People forget a lot of the time that Death Knights are still maligned and hated by the vast majority of their people.