San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I have to wonder how far the San’layn working with the Horde news went. It’s possible Sylvanas kept working with Dreven mostly a secret, and that Rokkhan knew because he was stationed at the outpost in Nazmir. Talanji knew because she was there as well. I don’t know if anyone other members of the Horde knew unless Rokkhan or any of the grunts at the outpost mentioned it to others.

The thing to note with this is that this was done from the point of view from the Alliance, so of course the San’layn appear mean, bad, and scary. We don’t really have much to go on of how Dreven’s coven was personality-wise outside of what we see. Yes, he did munch on some Forsaken, but we don’t know if that was out of desperation, whether the Forsaken there were Sylvanas loyalists, or whatnot. It’s possible he was a power-hungry jerk that just didn’t care, but it’s hard to see all of the San’layn with a similar personality, especially since they’re technically freed from Arthas, so you’d think they would have some semblance of their previous personalities back. It’s unclear if any of the events were recorded there also, since it isn’t mentioned at all from the Horde questlione.

Even if Dreven was low on moral fiber, if San’layn in general were trying to join the Horde and reconnect with Silvermoon, I don’t see why Thrall or Lor’themar would turn them away. Surely, some of the Horde would know that they were similar to the Forsaken and then got their free will. Even Rokkhan seemed cool with it if Dreven’s coven was willing to work with the Horde.

Sure, some of the Horde may be dubious. Talanji would need to see the true meaning of Winter Veil especially, but that could tie into the reintroduction of the San’layn. Put them in a storyline and give a reason that the Horde needs their help with the San’layn wanting to both join the Horde and survive in a world that is against them. Make them united with the Horde when their allied race unlock scenario comes up, and there is a lot to work with there.

The only thing I can really think of in terms of current San’layn acting the way they do still might be something related to the vampyr curse. If such a thing is possible, then hey, we got another storyline to work with to free the San’layn and have them join the Horde that way.

The thing is that there is a lot of potential with what you can work with in making San’layn a playable race. I honestly see no reason why they wouldn’t be given a chance like with the Forsaken. There are likely a lot of San’layn around still, not sure what to do, and we don’t know the extent of what Sylvanas did to work with San’layn. let alone how many San’layn she worked with.

And besides, with Sylvanas out of the Horde and likely not coming back anytime soon, I feel like San’layn would get treated much better without her being there. She likely was just going to use them for her own gains.

Anyway, as myself and others have talked about, San’layn are much more than just mooks that are scary and mean just for the sake of it. If we’re letting Undead Humans and Death Knights into the Horde ranks, I really don’t see why San’layn would be such an impossibility.

I’m sure I could write more, but that’s all I can think of currently. As such, I’ll continue to give my support for them as a playable Horde race. :wine_glass::bat:


I remembered the Nightborne unlock scenario and remembered that Lor’themar would not deny any denizens of Silvermoon, aside from Void Elves, a pilgrimage to the Sunwell. I’m curious if that would apply to the San’layn as well, since if they regained their free will, some would likely want to see the Sunwell again.

This, of course, would be assuming that the Horde works with San’layn who are trying to join and have proven themselves. In such a scenario, I don’t see why they would get denied being able to visit it. Granted, I don’t know if it would have any ill effects om the San’layn to begin with, but it was a thought that came to me when I looked at the allied race unlock scenarios.

As I said, the San’layn would likely have to prove themselves to the Horde’s cause first, but still something to think about. :wine_glass::bat:


In the worst case scenario they can deploy more magical booms to sweep up all the ashes.

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I can see the blood elves being weary about letting undead near the Sunwell.


I’ve been there like 3 times.


I’d make a joke about you being more fab than my Dark Ranger butt, but my mog still won’t load.


Yeah I think for the time being it’d be best to keep vampires away from any magical sun-anything.


Here’s some content.

I’m dressed up as a vampire kinda (ish) here, and it’s relevant to San’layn roleplay, and I mention San’layn, so yeah. It also could help those looking to get into roleplay, be it with San’layn or not.

I’ll be making videos on how I roleplay San’layn specifically (I might give some of my own character examples) and of course a video on my headcanon (based on the blog post I made). I might also do a San’layn art discussion, where I point out what I adore about some art pieces featuring San’layn (not a critique, just ‘oh wow I love this and here’s why!’). I’d need to get permission of the artists for the pieces I select, though, and I’m also picky with art, so we’ll see.


Dawww yay!

Will watch when I wake up… I’m supposed to be sleeping right now >_>



There is a stronger word for how foolish I feel than ‘I am a derp’, but long story short, the first one had horrible sound. I fixed the sound and re-uploaded. I’m new to all of this (actually you know, having a good editing program and setup) so… yeeeeeah. Should be good now.

Edit: Been a few months since I’ve done art. Here’s a recent piece.

(For those who are new here, I am very much a beginner.)

This is Soul, one of my San’layn. As you can see, I drew his ear bat-like as opposed to normal, since yeeah


It’s cool to see you doing videos again. Makes me wish I was able to make videos, though lacking the skills, time, and privacy to do so would make it challenging even though I have a few ideas of what I could make videos on.

Look forward to seeing more from you! :wine_glass::bat:


Makes sense! I might make a video exploring the megathreads currently active, with permission of the OP of course, to show how the forums do have some rich ideas if you know where to look ^^ My plans right now include San’layn in roleplay (how I do it), and my headcanon.

Edit: I could do skit work for “top [xyz] types of roleplayers” too :rofl:Granted, there’s many videos of people making fun of roleplaying, but I plan on making a combination of videos, informative & fun. So people can deal.


If you do one for Dark Rangers, feel free to mention my crummy Alliance workaround one.

Speaking of, forum maintenance came and went and I’m still not updated. Seriously?


I also give you permission to use any of my mediocre mockups when talking about… well, anything, if you’re so inclined.


Cool! I’ll bring it up in the discord with you folks when the time comes :slight_smile: it’ll keep the spirit going I’m sure. A dark rangers video sounds like a glorious idea. If Balesong wants, I’d love to do that for them. And credit the ideas to them.


Just what the game needs, MORE ELVES!

Exactly. I’m glad you agree.


I would be honored if you wanted to cover my Saurok and Stonemaul Ogre megathreads. I do gradually update them, adding to them and revamping sections, but hopefully they’d be in a state to make them interesting to look at. :meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

Would you also make a video going over your own megathread too? On a similar note, I think I’ve asked before, but I was curious if you might consider making an up-to-date video of San’layn lore, important NPC’s and items, and such as well. I feel that would be a great thing to have, since it can be easier to digest information with videos and images shown during it for some people. You could also post it in your megathread to get more exposure and possibly raise the interest in playable Horde San’layn as well. :wine_glass::bat:


Sure! You can do that for me. :slight_smile: I’d really appreciate at it.