San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

This is too true. I feared that BfA would end up that way, since Cataclysm had a similar “change the world” scope, and ended up squandering so much potential.

Agreed. It would be a real bummer if they made that whole “the San’layn are in talks to join the Horde” questline, exclusively for it to be tanked by the Alliance with no plans of ever revisiting the issue.


More vampire art, this time GASP A human! This is one of my OCs ^^ his name is Robert Smoke. By the lovely of course.

Should also have more soon, though I’m slowing down now since I’m saving up. I just adore getting art of my characters. It’s kinda where my spending money goes… oops

ANYWAY support artists!

Also, I love how the screenshot Lance posted has him making the gesture like “Hey 'sup” :stuck_out_tongue: That’s glorious.

Don’t have much to add aside from “Woo new art let’s celebrate vampires!” and “those screenshots look amazing” ^^


I was doing some thinking regarding my own San’layn character and a thought occurred to me:

Since the Blood Elves can be a bit proud, and given that tragedy would still play a part to San’layn in general to an extent, would San’layn be the type to take what the Scourge made them into, claim that as their own when they regain their senses, and use it for for their uses like turning it back on the Scourge?

I’ll try to explain as best as I can. The San’layn character I had in mind was going to have his backstory of not rejecting who he once was, but accepting that he can’t really return back to his previous life. Instead of sitting around and moping, he decides to assume the persona given to him by the Scourge, mostly with the name. In such a way, he’d be sticking it to the Scourge for taking one of their “creations” and concepts and both turning it back on them and also to do some good in the world, which would be the opposite of what the Scourge was wanting to accomplish.

Theres something about this line of thinking that seems fitting for Blood Elves having turned into San’layn. Yes, tragedy is there and yeah, it sucks to have been slain and become an undead minion, but to have regained free will, surviving, and standing proud of what they are now seems like something the Blood Elves would potentially do.

It’s a bit of a reason I felt that the San’layn taking residence in Deatholme was fitting. The Scourge attempted to take down Silvermoon and they failed multiple times. Silvermoon still stands, and Deathholme would be in posession of the San’layn. To them, the Scourge failed, and to take their own buildings and such away from them and using it against them seems a bit fitting to me. Sure, the Scourge mostly wouldn’t be sentient enough to kinda grasp this concept, but it’d be something of a victory that the San’layn would feel accomplished at. Something they broke free from and turned on its head. It has meaning and adds quite a bit of depth to San’layn, in my opinion.

I hope I explained it well enough to make some sense. Speaking of characters, I was contemplating a female San’layn character as well. I have very few character slots left over, however…really wish I could get more character slots per account. x- x

Anyway, just an interesting thought I had I wanted to share. :wine_glass::bat:


I think it was stated somewhere (maybe Chronicle) that Arthas wanted to use the Scourge to protect Azeroth from the Voidlords or the Legion or something, which is technically good, but I get your point. :stuck_out_tongue:


Funny you mention that, since Void Lords have been a rumored expansion theme for awhile, including among the rumors for the next one.

Sounds like the San’layn could be very useful to help take them on and gives more reason for them to become a playable Horde race to me! :wine_glass::bat:


It’s also the role of the Death Knights now. Defense of Azeroth.

I think Arthas wanted to unite the world in undeath as that would remove all the infighting as they would be subjects under his sole control.


This is correct.

He had a somewhat similar goal to Sargeras in that regard.

Arthas wanted to kill and raise all life on Azeroth into the Undead to make them into the ultimate defenders of the world.

Sargeras wanted to convert or extinguish all life in the cosmos to prevent the Void Lords from gaining a foothold into the universe.


Regardless of his goals, the lich king forced horrible torture, made the undead murder their own families, and abandoned the DK as tools.

All in all, horribly evil in my book and irredeemable. Even if his goals were to kill everyone to “save them”, he forced unnecessary and horrible torture upon so many souls. motions to flesh giants as an example

Not to mention butchering everyone alive is still horrible no matter the end goal or intention!

Sarg wanted to purge and start anew due to the void issue, which would open the door for the universe to develop without the void lords. This would also be mass extinction so he had “good” goals yet horrible solutions.


Oh, absolutely. Both Arthas and Sargeras were completely wrong and irredeemably evil.

Still, they had similar progressions in that both started out with noble goals, became obsessed with a misguided solution, and became irredeemable monsters.

Also, as I recall Sargeras wasn’t really trying to start the universe anew, he was fine with it being a burnt out, desiccated husk as long as the Void Lords didn’t gain a foothold in it.


Where have I heard that before?

It’s like Blizzard is stuck in a loop of repeating itself.


Yeah they were well made villains which we seem to be lacking this day and age >.>

And yeah true, super bad news. Irony is that the void lords need to exist for balance. I just wish there was more nuance to them like the naaru. There’s evil and control freaky light dieties but benevolent ones too. I like the mixture and think it should apply to everywhere. Thus far we have yet to meet a benevolent void lords however we really haven’t met many so there’s that.


Given the lore, I’m not entirely sure it’s physically possible to meet one. Then again, they keep changing it, so.


Don’t write Xalatath off yet now. :stuck_out_tongue:


Back with my continued support and love. <3


I still say the next time they overhaul the Darkmoon Faire they should have her show up.


9.1 should be on the PTR in about two weeks:

Looks like we may be able to start getting info on the next patch then. Will keep an eye out for Kael’thas stuff and anything else of interest. :wine_glass::bat:


Yeah I’ll be skipping the patch myself. Not going to bother to log in to do anything, none of it looks even remotely interesting. I wish those who look for San’layn stuff luck though. But when it’s miserable to even be logged in, I know I need a break for a long time. I’m on forums more than the game. The patch, to me, just looks abysmal and has nothing I care about. Likely the case for the entire expansion sadly.


Rumer has it we are getting more Dreadlord lore in 9.1. So that means vampirism in WoW could finally be explained.



I’ve only logged in when my friends call upon me to assist them. Lol


My plans for the next patch primarily involve just working towards unlocking flying. Aside from looking for anything Saurok/Ogre/San’layn/Kelfin related, I’m likely going to sit out the next patches of Shadowlands.

Despite really not liking Shadowlands, I still enjoy the game. I’ve currently gone back to Nazjatar to work on some achievements and get some mounts from there, and I’ve been having more fun than I ever had in Shadowlands. I really miss being back on Azeroth, and going back to do old content just has me more interested than a brief disconnecting stint in the afterlife. It really says a lot when a new patch for Shadowlands comes and my excitement comes mostly from checking on the Unshackled in Durotar to see if they’re up to anything new.

I honestly don’t see there being much more to Shadowlands past one more patch after the next one, assuming no world-ending threat suddenly pops up as the big bad after we smack the Jailer senseless. Hopefully, that means we’ll see the next expansion announced in the near future, which as I mentioned before will likely make-or-break the game for a lot of people.

I personally don’t think I’d ever completely quit WoW. If anything I’d take a hiatus like I did when Legion launched and would come back when something particularly interests me with the game. Besides, someone needs to give Ogres and Saurok love.

I have toyed with the idea of checking out ESO (Lizardmen race! Necromancers! Weeee!), since you don’t particularly need a subscription to try out the game. Especially since we’re stuck with Shadowlands for another year or so at this point. Checking out other MMO’s wasn’t really something I really entertained the thought of, but…yeah, this expansion really isn’t doing much for me.

That said, I think it’s a good time to just take a break from the game, try out other stuff, and see what happens in the future. Hopefully, we’ll see the next expansion have a more interesting setting with some neat features. Something that makes the game feel more like Warcraft with more familiar themes and storylines.

I still like the game and can still have some fun, but when I don’t like an expansion, I have to be honest with myself. Here is hoping for a rainbow after the storm that is Shadowlands! :wine_glass::bat: