San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Very good point, yeah. And I do like Ysera. Also I do like night elves and want to help them–I’m not big on the whole faction war thing (weird coming from a DK but if you think about it, it makes sense–I want to help Azeroth. That’s the purpose of my character now. Not fight some petty alli v. horde war.) But yeah, Ysera is my favorite dragon, so I’m happy she is back ^^ I want to save more loa.


I agree. It’s fairly played out at this point, and with much larger world ending threats constantly attacking us, it makes no sense to be at each other’s throats time and again. I’d be perfectly fine if there was no more division.
I do like how the main purposes of the Death Knights now is to defend Azeroth.


Yeah, the faction war just doesn’t make sense anymore. The writers have our leaders holding hands and they are always having us putting our differences aside and working toward a common goal. Every xpac lately has us all in some santuary together. At this point, they should make it so we could gain or lose reputation with the two factions and choose to be either or neutral


I want to be a general in the Scourge. (Partly Joking.) Or a high-ranking member of a neutral faction of undead.


Me upon seeing people complaining about the Venthyr appearance and wanting to ‘pretty them up’:

I suppose lore that’s existed since Wrath and has slowly been expanded upon is chopped liver, but you do you I guess. (AKA: points to the San’layn in an annoyed fashion)


Edit: Also for the love of gods people need to stop equating non-ugly vampires to “Twilight”, it got old a while ago.


So I discovered that the Necrolords carry blood oranges:

Not really much to them. Just kinda surprised to see these there. If they have actual blood in them, then I can see San’layn putting a straw in them to enjoy a tasty treat while adventuring. :bat:


Did somebody complain about San’layn again? The San’layn being “attractive” doesn’t make them less vampiric or deadly. There’s an advantage to being a visually appealing vampire where prey is concerned. We as humans instinctually tend to see beautiful people or animals as harmless or at the very least posing minimal danger. Their appeal lures us into a sense of security around them, dropping our guard and making us ill-prepared for whatever they plan to inflict upon us.

Let’s face it humanity is shallow. We see “ugly” frightening appearances, large sharp canines, and claws as traits of a dangerous predator. We automatically are made wary and alert. The most successful predators are those that are unseen and unpredicted.


Yeah I agree. And plus someone can look nice with claws, fangs, and bat-like ears. Venthyr just… to me, anyway, aren’t aesthetically pleasing at all (AGAIN PERSONAL OPINION), but I also dislike their lore and basically everything else about them too.

In this instance, it was the opposite–they were complaining about the venthyr being ugly, and then said that they could be ‘prettied up’ and I’m sitting here like “Uh… so are we chopped liver? We have vampires that generally speaking look pleasing.”

It just frustrates me so much that people latch onto the new ‘pretty’ vampire from a certain game while in the same exact breath put us down for wanting nice-looking vampires. Like these same people will scream about ‘oh no twilight is the only instance where vampires don’t look aesthetically unpleasing’ while in the same breath just obsessing over that vampire lady.

I agree. She looks awesome and while I don’t play the game, super neat character.

But stop putting us down in the same breath then, people.


I think Venthyr look “ugly” as in “dumb” :laughing:


You aren’t alone in that opinion. I think the aesthetic of Revendreth looks great and I like some of the clothing the venthyr wear but not the venthyr themselves.


Yeah, and I won’t put people down for liking them. That’s fine, and there’s plenty who like them better than San’layn. I don’t see eye-to-eye with them–I sincerely do not like them, and am disappointed that the lore I love seems to be shoved aside for… this. They’re fine to express their thoughts, and I am on mine. Someone hates elves? Fine, just don’t be rude about it. Plus, it goes beyond elves. I was hoping the vampyr curse in general would be expanded upon. I adored it when they did so in Legion, even just a tiny bit.

There is hope, though. That tome that’s been found talking about how Denathrius might have ended up creating the Dreadlords, or something (we talked about that a while ago). I still think that the vampyr curse might originate within Revendreth, and some future lore could explore it. Blizzard could have just brought up San’layn again in BfA to abandon the idea. But it’s a little strange that Kael’thas has returned, and they were strong followers of his, in a vampire zone of all places. Also weird that they were even in BfA in the first place. They seem very out of place, especially with that pointless and open-ended outcome.

So… who knows. Future lore might bring things to fruition. I certainly hope so.


Yeah, there’s no point insulting people for what they do or do not like and I don’t mind other people expressing their opinions either. I just wish they wouldn’t take how I feel about venthyr personal.


Yeah exactly. People can like and dislike things, it’s alright. People don’t agree with my love for elves all the time, and vampires, and I just shrug. But then suddenly it gets to the insults. And they get offended when my opinion on the matter is expressed, as if I’m offending them personally. It just… that’s not how this works. I wish people could express like/dislike without jumping to insults on the person themselves. Which just seems to be the thing nowadays.


I’m never going to denigrate someone for what they like in this game. Personally, I love the Venthyr. The society, aesthetics, the Venthyr themselves all appeal to me. Theotar is one of the best characters they’ve introduced in SL, imo.

But that doesn’t mean I want them as an allied race. Nope. I’m firmly on team San’layn here.


Yeah this is something I can’t disagree with, he’s the one character I do enjoy quite a bit from the Venthyr. And Occuleth (they’re different and similar at the same time, I can’t figure out why…) for the Nightborne.

And yeah exactly! We all like what we like in the game, and that’s alright. I won’t even fault lightforged undead people, though I personally just hate the concept.

Then there’s some races that I personally wouldn’t play but don’t mind and would be cool to see playable, like ogres.


Probably because they’re both goofy :laughing:


Hope everyone has a good day being a neckromancer. :stuck_out_tongue:


You want to know what I’m curious about? Why Bolvar features prominently on the launcher, the forum art, box art and Blizzconline key art but has yet to do anything truly significant besides getting his fiery nips twisted by Sylvanas? I want more Scourge. I want to fix that swanky helm. Stop teasing me with stupid sexy Mr. Chippenfail and make him DO something even something as little allow me to cook ribs over his abs.


He is hilarious, so campy, makes me laugh. Would love his character to get more love!


Yeah, I was pretty happy there was at least one character that reminded me of the Count from Sesame street.