San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Since BfA ended, I figured race megathread activity in general would go down some. Especially considering the nature of Shadowlands and that we’re stuck with it for a couple years or so, and that it’ll possibly be awhile before we see new races of any sort.

I still maintain the position that supporting megathreads in general is a good thing and hope to see them continue onward. Granted, it can get a bit hard to find stuff to add to them as time goes on, I will admit. Still, I do try to think of stuff to add to megathreads to inspire ideas and stuff.

I’m also still in the process of finding other avenues to show off support for the races I want playable, in addition to the megathreads of course. And for San’layn specifically, I still have things to add to the megathread, though a lot of it I need to do when my creativity flourishes. A bit hard to do that with college work and getting my career started, sadly. x- x;

Anyway, I’ll keep showing support as best as I can. :bat:


Heh I ended up getting lucky and once more getting a Blood Prince when in Castle Nathria.
^ Seems like a very suspicious raid team though…
^ The Ripper was originally dropped from a San’layn, so this is super fitting :smiley:

I hope we get more instrument mogs too sometime, I love them. It would also be cool to have floating instrument enchanting pets, or something!

Also, something interesting to note, the Blood Prince models do not have a dance animation. They do have a /eat though. So I don’t think they use either the Thalassian Model or the Night Elf male model–it’s a variation of the night elf model with some blood elf animations, I believe, but nothing solid, it’s unique, since no dance. Interesting note even if it doesn’t mean much!


Very likely, but we don’t specifically have to get races from this expansion. Heck that could be a questline nibbles later on, talking to a soul of someone from a possible allied race and then going and helping their still living family or whatever against the scourge or whatever they’re up against.


Looks like 9.0.5 is going to be pretty empty. I guess I should have expected as much. But maybe this time I’ll be able to get a phoenix mount in the form of the mystery promotional mount.


it’s always empty…


And like I said before I should have expected it.

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I am thinking bard is the next class so we may see new instrument weapons and hopefully some returning. The harps from ardenwield/bastion are a nice hint. I just have to wonder what type of lore would be used to explain them for next expansion. I am sort of hoping blizzcon shows us news of future customization options. That is probably the fastest route I see for getting Darkfallen ingame. As I think the expansion may not have an allied race but just old races we wanted as customization for current races. I think the best way to add them is to allow for new bodytypes as I have said before. So players can unlock them on their mains and still have reason to race change. Mixing some already samish races as bodytype customization for example (fusing the humans, gnomes, dwarves , tauren, orcs etc and allowing for stuff like undead night elves on both sides?) We got 10 days to find out, hoping for more expansion layout. 9.1, 9.2 hints.

With 9.0.5 bringing back a wotlk currency, I think San’layn would be nice to come back when the lich king is relevant again. Who knows if he is good or bad without the helm of domination. Would the San’layn help Arthas if he was good?

Since Anduin is looking to be a lichking version 2 sorta thing, and Kael’thas and Kelthuzad coming back. It makes the San’layn open to have the potential to be somehow involved in the story. It would be nice to see them helping us and joining us. As they tried to join the horde in BFA. 10 days for blizzcon online!

In previous posts we mentioned a battle for silvermoon warfront. Maybe that can be a thing since the Jailer is interested in the light. Alleria said she would reclaim silvermoon one day. If the Jailer gets free and starts attacking Azeroth what would he attack first? Would the San’layn help defend Silvermoon? Would Anduin be mindcontrolled and come back to us and act like nothing happen and help to attack Silvermoon again? That would be interesting.


Wait there’s a mystery promo mount that could be a promo? leans forward curiously

Edit: Which makes me think, a cool San’layn mount would be a blood phoenix, could you imagine? Very unique for sure.

Edit 2: Also got some more vampyr art ^^ Going to be working on my channel soon for youtube so this will be my icon. Likely talking about WoW stuff, RP, niche and all that. Kinda like that video on the thread above!

(reminder that a maw full of sharp teeth for San’layn would BE AWESOME)


We’re probably going to reforge it.


WoWhead has schedule for WoW related stuff at Blizzconline (times listed are in Pacific Standard Time):

Noticed there was a QnA section, though where they’ll take questions from remains to be seen at the moment.

Hoping for the best, of course. :bat:


Apparently, they’ll be taking questions on the 19th to ask on the 20th. If I forget, could one of you ask one or both of my questions, please?


Sure! I have to come up with a good one of my own. I have a few in mind:

  1. Will we be returning to Northrend for an experience like 8.3 with Vale and Uldum being relevant in current content, for example, fighting the out of control scourge in depth more?
  2. Any chance of revisiting providing lore for added customization, in a Night-Warrior-like questline or similar tidbits, for things like Wildhammer Dwarves & Sand trolls, with mind to future customization as well?
  3. How much does the community impact the addition of Allied Races and customization; should the forums be the go-to, or the in game suggestion box, or something like Twitter?
  4. Any word on player housing?
  5. Will blood elves get anything even remotely more interesting than terrible jewelry? (This one is a joke, not to be asked or taken seriously)
  6. When should we expect, roughly, more Allied Race news?
  7. Do older races have a chance to be playable still, or is the focus on getting players newly added races when it comes to allied races, and does the community have an impact on this?

Keep the army posted if we can push these questions through


I hope Blizzard remembers you with respect to the San’layn. :crossed_fingers: :pray:


Likely to get ignored, but I’d like to see answers to questions such as:

Were there any San’layn with Blood Prince Dreven that are still alive?

Were there other groups of San’layn aside from Dreven’s group that were seeking assistance from the Horde?

Is the Horde offer for San’layn joining still open for any San’layn?

Since San’layn were formerly Blood Elves, how are they coping with regaining free will after the death of Arthas and finding their predicament?

As I said, likely questions that would get ignored and unanswered, but I’ll think on it more to see if I can come up with anything.


Personally, I am not a fan of Venthyr and wish Blizz would have gone a different route with the denizens of Revendreth. San’layn are much cooler than Venthyr. San’layn are iconic and unique to WoW. Venthyr are cliché and generic and are a blatant ripoff of the Bram Stoker’s Dracula vampire concept. I wish there was more of a storyline of how San’layn came to be tied in to the Revendreth story.


My questions:

Will we reforge/repair the helm of domination?

Some of the most requested customization options were skipped over during the first round. Will popular requests, Dark Ranger/San’layn customization for example, be added in the future?

Will we get an update on the Scourge Apocalypse currently in progress across Azeroth?

Will the Scourge storyline be continued and dealt with in a satisfying and meaningful manner?

What happened to the Dark Ranger questline?

Bolded questions are the ones I want answered most.


Good questions. The scourge storyline needs to be continued because it was never resolved. It escalated until we opened the portal to the Shadowlands to pursue the threat. I think Blizz needs to get us more spread out in the entire world of Azeroth with relevant content.


You hit the nail on the head, this is my sentiment exactly, to the T. I fell in love with lore written for the San’layn and the vampyr curse in Wrath. I was delighted to see it expanded upon in Legion, with the vampirates and link to the Vry’kul. It’s so disappointing to see no sign of it, at all, but these new cliche things. I see them getting tons of praise because they are really not aesthetically pleasing, and there’s this crusade against races that are generally nice-looking. Which is kinda ridiculous… as the vampyr curse could be added to and expanded to non-elves, like orcs, goblins, trolls, and the like, but instead they bring these things which, to me, look like really ugly (personal opinion) floating elves. People haven’t given me one good reason why their lore is ‘better’ than San’layn aside from ‘oh but they’re not elves and we hate elves because we are on this bandwagon of sorts’. It’s so grating.

Really hope this one is a yes, ugh. I’m not interested in the Shadowlands stuff, especially now. I want to see how our home is doing and save it from the scourge. I REALLY want to see a return to Northrend, where content there is relevant. So badly.

Speaking of really just…yuck Shadowlands lore, I started the Night Fae. I loved it… up until the Tyrande nonsense. Gods, I seriously hated her before, but I REALLY hate her now. She has to be among the most obnoxious characters in WoW. I won’t ever hate her as much as Calia (which is nearly impossible), but boy is it getting close. She is so useless, she did abandon her people, and is fixed on this stupid revenge nonsense when she needs to be helping save souls of Night Elves from the maw, or sending other people to do it, and going back to Azeroth and helping her living people heal. She needs to be there for them. Instead? Just like Saurfang (who is also a MASSIVE failure for sitting there in that cell doing NOTHING until he got released by the ALLIANCE of all things), she abandons her people and just… yeah. I could go on and on and on.

But the other thing that bugs me is this. She’s all pissed that my character is the ‘Horde hero’ and I’m so tired of this narrative that Blizzard pushes. My characters hated Teldrassil and went out of their way to save night elves from it. They completely rebelled against Sylvanas and the Horde in general. Even if I didn’t like Baine or Saurfang, I’d pick them over the others. And yet, that is the illusion of choice. My characters would have had absolutely nothing to do with the burning of the tree, yet we didn’t get that choice. Every single Horde race just has to be lumped in as ‘oh guess now we’re evil despite everything’. Why do I have to work with Tyrande as Horde? Why am I blamed for nonsense I did not stand with to begin with, at all? Gods, I wish there was a neutral faction that wouldn’t have been involved in any of the BfA nonsense, and could have just focused on saving the planet. You know, what my characters would actually do.

This storytelling is just downright terrible. Night Fae I want to love, and I do love. But not the stupid night elf/Tyrande focus. If you’re going to make me work with night elves, let me help them heal from the damages that the evil people did, and don’t blame me for something I did not support.

I joined the Horde because it was a faction of outcasts and ‘undesirables’ that could work together to help Azeroth. The Alliance’s attitudes do not appeal to me, but the rough nature of the Horde and fighting for freedoms, and the right to live, and despite the world being against us, was great. Now it just seems like it’s all being shattered in favor of painting us as villains. Baine, Thrall? Too little, too late, and I see them as entirely weak and pointless. BfA is just leaking into Shadowlands and making it miserable for someone who did care about lore.

I will try to ignore that nonsense when going through Night Fae, and hope the focus shifts to nature more. You know, the stuff that actually matters beyond Tyrande’s ridiculous tantrum.

Edit: I do love Bwonsamdi though.


Well, I wouldn’t put too much into the Tyrande story. She is being consumed by the spirit of Elune. Look at the storyline as if you aren’t really helping her, your helping Ysera. I agree though, it seems like Blizzard is totally lost.